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  1. You forgot a few like; no hate, no greed, no war, no murder, no crime, no poverty, no torture, no starving, etc... And you don't need emotions to create or appreciate most of the items you wrote. Most of you are more concerned with your own happiness and pleasure than you are with the suffering of billions of people. Why do we feel the need to be with other people??? All the pseudo "emotions" that people refer to as Love is simply the genetrically programmed drive to reproduce. We create these mating rituals and call it love, when it's actually not much different than what animals do to attract mating partners. Maybe life wouldn't be as much "fun", which seems to be the main concern of most of you, but at least our civilization would be more productive and billions of people wouldn't have to suffer and would have a chance at a life that most of us in this forum take for granted.
  2. The label human when applied to us is an oxymoron, as a species we have the most inhumane history. Yeah, living in an emotionless dull world would be hell. Would you prefer a world where everyday greed causes the deaths of 30,000 to 50,000 children under the age of 5, because they don't have enough to eat or drink, or don't have medicine that you can easily buy in 1000 stores in your city. Our civilization has evolved not because of emotions but because of logic. It's logical to want to work together to create a better world for everyone. Hatred & greed has hindered our civilization from evolving. Thousands of years of greed, hatred, war, suffering, death...such a waste. I saw the movie Equilibrium, that society was controlled by dictators who did NOT use the emotion inhibiting drug on themselves. Even with my pessimistic views, I still have faith in the future our species. I look up at the stars at night, and I know we are destined to go out there and be a part of something bigger. I just think that emotions will hinder that destiny and emotions will cause the suffering and deaths of countless trillions of people before we can truly call ouselves Humans.
  3. Why do you need to measure it??? Is it worth having emotions when only 10~20% of people are happy and the rest only have fleeting moments of happiness or none at all. Wouldn't it be better for none of us to have emotions and most people not to suffer. If we didn't have emotions, there would be much less suffering, and I wouldn't have started this thread.
  4. You're living in a fantasy, most people in the world are suffering and the cause of most of that suffering can be traced back to greed or hate.
  5. We've made animals suffer a billion times more than animals have made humans suffer. And you don't see animals of the same species kill each other for material possesions. I've heard the phrase "love at first sight" a thousand times, but I never heard the phrase "hate at first sight". Love is more like a new born goose imprinting on the first thing it sees. Love isn't an emotion, it's an absense of negative emotions.
  6. Human emotions is a disease infesting the human race. Human emotions are the root of all evil. Every war in human history was caused by human emotions. Almost every murder was caused by human emotions. Most crimes are committed because of human emotions. Most of the suffering, misery, poverty in the world is because of human emotions. Alot of people are sick because of other peoples greed & hate, aka human emotions. Hate & greed are the most evolved human emotions. Love is more of a mental imprinting than an actual emotion. Billions of people have suffered and died because of human emotions. Human emotions will cause the suffering and death of Trillions of people in the next few millennia. Evolution will eventually get rid of our primitive emotions, but that will take hundreds of thousands if not millions of years. A vaccine to suppress or eliminate emotions would be the best solution. It would prevent most of the murders, crimes, suffering, misery, torment, etc.. As you read this there are billions of people all over the world suffering, because of human emotions. Personally i've seen too many people suffer, emotions are useless and we'd be much better off without them.
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