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  1. Haven't heard of any website doing that, but there's always a first time, and it wouldn't surprise me. When I had joined any website, I was always sure to put the site through my own little vetting process to make sure of the authenticity. If I wasn't sure.. I didn't join up. Plain and simple. Just use the principle of don't believe everything you read, especially on the internet machine.
  2. I tried that eharmony full o'crap site. I reached 300 matches and all closed before I gave up on love all together. Life is so much easier alone. Don't bother yourself with a search for love. It either will happen or it won't. Trying to force it doesn't help. At my age, 35, I came to realization that it won't ever happen for me. Plain and simple, so I gave up trying to force the issue. I have reached acceptance after having tried for so many years. In the end, I think I will be happier for it.
  3. I don't agree with you. I just think that love isn't for me, or else I might have had, at the very least, one success in the past two decades of trying. I have worked hard at it. Harder than getting a college degree, harder than anything. Yet I have met with nothing but utter soul crushing failure that would have driven most people to drink or commit suicide. Thats why I have given up on it. If you have seen even one tenth of the soul crushing failures that I have had, you would have given up as well. I was at a charity benefit a couple months ago, where I met a young lady who was running one of the counters for a raffle drawing. I chatted with her over the items on the counter, and made a couple jokes in conversation. I returned a couple of times while trying decide what items were best to put the raffle tickets I had purchased. In what was a baffling move, she had taken it upon herself to ask me out for coffee for the next day or so, "to get to know each other better" as she said. I had to refuse. I couldn't even hazard a guess as to why she asked me. I showed no interest in her, and I wasn't rude. I was just being myself. I just talked the way I talk with everyone in everyday life. Who could know why she asked? I refused because I am not going to even take the chance for another failure. Not one more. I think it would also be overly selfish of me to have accepted a date offer from her. Had I accepted, who's to say that I wouldn't have taken her away from someone that could have been her husband, someone who could have shared a happy life with? After all the failures that I have had, that could never ever be me.
  4. My decision is based on nothing but bad past experiences. If every experience has been bad, why continue with what causes the bad experiences? If you stick your hand in a rat trap and it breaks your finger every single time, why on earth would one want to even approach a rat trap ever again? It may not break your finger this time.. Snap!!! nope.. another broken finger ! Maybe no broken finger this time? SNAP!!!! another broken finger... ouch. Here comes another one.. it won't break my finger this time.. SNAP!! Dang it!! Wait.. here comes another one.. not this time.. it won't happen this time, not this time.. this time its it, its not going to break my finger.... SNAP!!!!!!! SNAP!!!!!!! SNAP!!!!!!! SNAP!!!!!!! Fast forward a number of years.... Whoa!!! Here comes another trap.... not this time. I'm not going near it, not another trap, not ever again. thereforeeee... no broken finger ever again. This is my choice. A choice that I have to live with. I may regret it in about 50 years when Im approaching 90 years old and have had nobody around to have shared a life with. I don't think I will though.
  5. I have just had way too many bad experiences to gamble on the next one being the one that is good. I thought that the next one would be good ten years ago. I don't think that way anymore. Im just going to live my life and make the most of it. I tell my friends that, and they treat it like Im committing some kind of crime because I don't want anyone else in my life. Its not a crime. Its a choice.
  6. I have thought it out seriously. All love has done for me is make me an angry person. I am much happier that I don't have to worry about hurting anyone, or anyone hurting me. I know the downside to that is that someone won't be there to love me, or I won't be there to love someone. Thats the choice I made.
  7. I have so given up on love. All love has done to me is make me not want to make it a part of my life anymore. I have had nothing to roughly two solid decades of soul-crushing failures when it comes to love. Nothing but pure unadulterated failures. I tried and tried and tried, and nothing but failures. I am probably a member of a slim majority that love cannot conquer. My friends have tried to set me up, only to experience failures. They try to express to me the "joys" of being with someone. Their blather is falling on deaf ears. They can't get it through their thick noggins that I HAVE GIVEN UP. I am through tripping over that rock. I will just take a different path free of rocks, or I will move the rocks out of the way. At 37 years old, I think that if it was going to happen.. it would have happened by now. I am so utterly sick of being told "Wait until you have kids" I ask "With my non-existent wife or girlfriend?" These idiotic people blindly and ignorantly think that everyone finds someone. We all don't. I think that some people would have eaten a bullet by now if they had experienced the failures that I have had.
  8. I will have some questions for you tomorrow regarding your guide and maybe some perspectives on the mystery method guides as well.
  9. If I were to call you a jerk, I would do it directly and to the point. I wouldn't sugar coat it, I would hit right between the eyes. The statement about jerks goes back to my experiences with people that you would have to have to see it from my perspective. I apologize if you took it that way.
  10. I think its very frustrating trying to get the advice and straighten out this bag of snakes in my head to try to get some procedure down. Since I barely have the slightest clue how to go about it, its going to take a lot of time, not really on the order of 50 years, at least I don't hope so. Its going to take some practice after reading some more of the advice you guys give me after some trial and much error. Im trying to be patient, but its very difficult to be patient or positive after years upon years upon years upon years of soul crushing failures.
  11. Is this advice or a Tolstoy novel? dang..
  12. Im going to be reading through these emails today.. I have only some hope that it could possibly work if applied correctly.
  13. You have four legs and a tail? Oh.... the other figure in the avatar...
  14. Ok.. will do.. I will be reading and asking soon enough. If.. excuse me.. when I do go out, how do I explain the earplugs in my head to a prospective date? (Question: "Whats with the earplugs?") (Answer: "I like going to clubs but I also would like to have the ability to hear in 15 years?" ) I would like to be prepared for the question should it come up. Maybe the prospective answer I posted isn't good, but it is truthful. The only reason I ask it, is because one of the last times I had gone to a club, I could see the windows quivering from the concussive force from the dance floor speakers. That made me turn around and go home.
  15. Ok.. advice taken. I just got a whole "Here's how to be a cheetah in the tall grass" vibe off the first sentence in the first paragraph. I will take a read on it, and might have some questions for you in a few days. Im assuming you have all the texts of the OAP emails? I just hope my instinct on this topic and line of study is wrong. Im getting the heading down the wrong road kind of feeling from it. If I think I am being asked to be anything but genuine, then this is going to stop.
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