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Everything posted by applepie

  1. For you it will be a blood test and a pap smear. If you haven't read up on it, just google it. For him it will probably be a blood test and a cotton swab down the pee hole (sorry, I know it's graphic). I don't know about the medical system in Canada, but I'm sure you can just go to your regular doctor. I think Canada has a much more socialized system than the US, so it is probably free. It's great that you are taking care of your health.
  2. I don't have any advice, but I'd just like to make a comment. You are an incredibly beautiful and intelligent person and I can't understand why you are so hard on yourself. It sounds like you have a great boyfriend who loves you very much. If I could have just one of those things, I think I'd die a happy person. I hope that you find peace with yourself sooner rather than later. I can't help but admire you when I read your posts.
  3. Some people take longer to open up than others. Despite what some may say, I don't think sleeping with someone soon after meeting them necessarily makes you easy. I think some people just have different abilities in timing to get to know someone. I often meet someone and within a day, they say they feel like they've known me for years. The feeling is often mutual. This doesn't mean that I would just sleep with anyone who tries to get to know me, but there are just certain people I click with in this way. Consequently, I tend to have sex sooner than most people would. I don't think what you described is abnormal in any way. There are any number of reasons why you feel it takes time. There are plenty of people who are the same. Just don't let anyone force you to do anything.
  4. I'm not sure if this is directed toward females too, but I'll answer anyway. Basically, when I'm on the pill it takes 25-30 minutes and I only feel like doing it once or twice a week. When I'm off the pill it takes under 5 minutes and I want it twice a day. I don't know what it is, but the pill completely kills my sex drive. It also depends on how new the batteries are in my vibrator.
  5. They try to use ways to get you to think differently about particular problems. They can't just fix your problems. You have to be willing to do the work. They can help you through things, give you support etc. Some people find them helpful, others not. I guess it also depends on the actual psychologist too.
  6. You can trust someone all you want, but some people don't get tested regularly and don't know they have anything. People get deceived all the time by people they trust. I'd rather use the defensive tactic.
  7. Not only is that disgusting, it's incredibly dangerous because many diseases can be passed on that way (hepatitis, e-coli, Intestinal parasites, Bacterial infections). I wouldn't want to risk it.
  8. Hey there, I know this is an old thread, but I haven't been on here in a couple of days. What country do you live in? Your English is pretty good by the way. It's better than some people who speak it as a first language. Anyway, I'm in a similar situation to you, but like antilove, I somewhat enjoy the solitude. I moved to where I'm currently living about 10 months ago. Before then I had lots of friends and a boyfriend of 3 years. Once we broke up, I decided to go and live with my parents overseas because I was lonely and depressed. While the healing was setting in, I made a few friends where I was working. We went out and did things, but slowly and surely I stopped hanging out with them outside of work. I ended up quitting my job, and now I'm just taking classes at my local college. This place is notorious for not having any kind of social networking. The past month I have sat around and done practically nothing. I've been seeing a guy, who I am no longer interested in and I am breaking up with him tonight. It's almost like I enjoy the lonliness in some sick way. I would like to have friends again, but I don't feel like going out of my way to make them. In the mean time I'm thinking about working on my physical health. I about to join a health club. At least that will give me something to do and I can get fit at the same time. I just worry that I'll never find another boyfriend. It's hard to do when you don't have the social connections. I'm not particularly outgoing either. I do love being with someone.
  9. Does it really make a difference if you don't go blowing guys left and right? It takes 1 person who has an STD to pass it on. You can get an STD the first time you have sex/oral sex. If there is one dishonest person in a chain of millions, people can get sick. It always frustrates me that people think it's ok, just because you are in a relationship. The only way to know is for both people to get tested. On another note, if I had to wear a condom during oral sex, I just wouldn't have it. Latex tastes disgusting and flavoured condoms are even worse. I just tend to abstain from oral sex all together. It's more risky and less enjoyable (for me) than regular sex.
  10. What about hairy backs on a woman?
  11. I love hairy chests, legs, arms and even butts I don't like hairy backs. Luckily I've never been with a man who has one.
  12. Who cares if he's short? You're short too, so why should it matter? There are plenty of girls who date men who are shorter than them. You won't even have that to worry about. Height it the least of your concern at this point. Meet him and see if you have a connection first.
  13. I'm thinking the same as everyone else. She just wants to get you in the sack. Guys use the "lots in common" to get girls to sleep with them all the time. I guess it's the same thing. I'd just tell her you like her and don't want it to be a one night stand. See what she says. If she says no, then at least you didn't lose any dignity.
  14. No, a skullet is like a mullet on a bald guy. link removed
  15. I find boyshorts to be so uncomfortable. The shape of my butt allows them to ride up my crack for some reason. I mostly wear regular low rise bikini type undies, or a seamless g-string if you can see regular undies through my pants (or if I have a hot date). I don't find G-strings to be uncomfortable, as long as they are made of cotton and aren't too tight.
  16. So, what would happen if you married a JW and converted, then you were abused and decided you wanted a divorce & no longer wanted to be a part of the community?
  17. That would be so boring. I would agree with everything I said all the time. OMG no way. The only benefit I can think of is that I'd know exactly how to get me off every time. Oh wait, I actually read the question now. If I were someone else...maybe. I think I'd have a bit to offer. Always room for improvement though.
  18. I am very wary of anyone who tries to preach and get me to join anything questionable. JW's are among the worst. I avoid them like the plague (respectfully).
  19. This post has kind of touched home for me. I used to be very confident about my body. I was fine with walking around nude or in a bikini. It's only been the past year or 2 that I've had a problem with it and I can attribute much of this to the guys I have been with. I've had 2 different guys comment on my stretch marks. The most recent one was the first time he had seen me naked in daylight. He looked at my boobs and screamed "WHAT IS THAT!!!???" It was really hurtful. Another time was with my ex. I was sitting in the car with a bikini on (we were driving) and I asked him if he could go and get me something to eat. He looked at me, shook his head at said "This is why you have this", as he grabbed a roll from my belly. There have been various other incidents, but those 2 stood out more than the others. I have also had lots of positive things said about my body, but when someone else is disgusted by your most hated features, it just burns. I'm insulin resistant and I carry most of my weight on my abdomen, so weight loss in that area is impossible for me. The stretch marks are never going to go away either. God I hate them.
  20. I'm a 20 year old athiest and I wouldn't be with a guy who was religious. Agnostic would be fine, or a non practicing religious person, but I couldn't deal with being with someone who believes in something that I don't agree with, or believe in. As far as christmas goes, I use it as a time to be with my family and exchange gifts to show them I care. There is never any mention of religion in my family on christmas. It's a fun day and I look forward to it every year.
  21. haha, I thought I was pregnant lots of times. I wasted so much money on EPTs. But yes, I lost weight after going off yasmin. My boobs deflated down to a D-cup and my pants were hanging off me. I've been told that it's probably just water weight, but I looked so much thinner. Now I've gained 3 lbs back on yaz and I'm back up to a DD. I do feel much better at 118 lbs, than at 130 and my acne has cleared up completely. I no longer have the insatiable sex drive, which has its good and bad side.
  22. Lots of men and women are turned on by it. If it works for both parties, why not?
  23. I was on yasmin for 3 years. I was normal prior to going on it, but when I went off it I reacted really badly as my body was overcompensating for the lack of testosterone over the years. I had terrible acne on my face and back, no periods for 9 months (until I went back on the pill), I was uncontrollably horny, I lost 15 lbs and my moods were erratic. My doctor says Yasmin is the worst for the post-pill side effects. Now I'm on Yaz, which is a lower dose than yasmin and I get shorter periods because it's got 24 active pills, instead of 21. I almost wish I had never gone on the pill. I can't handle the side effects of coming off it, so now I have to stay on it. I also worry about cancer.
  24. I can't believe what I just read. How ungrateful can someone possibly be? I would never react that way to a gift, no matter what it was. If a boyfriend reacted that way to mine, I'd kick his to the curb.
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