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Everything posted by applepie

  1. I just think it's funny that people have a preference for people's reasons and methods of exercising. If he's a sweet guy and he looks good, why should it matter whether he plays team sports or goes to the gym?
  2. Ugh, Marmite=; Honestly, most Aussies like it spread thick with butter/margarine but I think it would be far too strong for a first timer. You are better off having a small amount first. It's great on toast.
  3. haha, yes the land down under. I've never met anyone who wasn't brought up on vegemite that actually likes it. It's worth a try though. The world's richest known source of vitamin B!!
  4. Tell that to the moderators. I've been banned once. I don't want it to happen again.
  5. I couldn't go for Vince Vaughn. I don't find him attractive at all and that voice cuts my brain up like razor blades.
  6. I'm from Australia too. I'm currently living overseas, but I don't think it's possible for me to talk about cultural differences without this turning nasty.
  7. Either B or C sound good. I find the body builder types tend to care more about looking at themselves in the mirror and kissing their muscles than they care about me. I like tall, skinny guys, but I also like shorter, slightly more built guys. I don't like the overweight or obese body type. I maintain a healthy weight and I would expect the same from a partner.
  8. D'ya think I'm sexy? - Rod Stewart
  9. I whole heartedly agree. Well said Day Walker.
  10. I know someone already said this, but I can't be bothered looking for it. If men are allowed or supposed to have multiple partners, then who are the women that they are sleeping with? If women were supposed to only have one partner and aren't allowed to sleep around whatsoever, then where are these women that they sleep with going to come from? Surely not all of them are going to get attached to him and if they do, then why is it ok for him to sleep around? Isn't that completely unethical?
  11. I don't think you should try and self diagnose. You should probably go and see a psychologist of some sort. There might be some deeper issues that you're not even aware of. You are grossly underweight and it's not good to be gambling with your health like this. I think most girls go through a phase where they lose a bunch of weight or yo-yo diet, but this amount of weight loss sounds serious to me. Ofcourse it's up to you though. Most anorexics are in denial to begin with. Then again, I'm not a doctor of any sort, so I can't say.
  12. I have no problem with movie dates I think it's best to keep the first date casual, such as breakfast or brunch. Eating is a great bonding activity and it allows you to talk to one another. If that goes well, then move on to lunch or dinner. Movie dates are good once you know each other a bit better and you see a movie you actually want to see. I saw star wars on a date once and it totally killed the mood for me. I didn't see him again after that (maybe I'm shallow?). I never really liked outdoor activity dates but maybe that's just me. It's fine once you're in a relationship, but at the beginning it bores me.
  13. I used to have these when I was on anti depressants. My dreams were so vivid and I'd realize I was dreaming, but I'd wake up soon after. I had some seriously life changing dreams. Most of them were incredibly violent and gory. Now I don't remember my dreams at all.
  14. The yoga thing is a great idea. In fact, I just started taking yoga classes myself (I'm female). The other day I went in and there was one guy in the class and about 10 women. I could not take my eyes off him. I thought it was so sexy that he didn't care.
  15. Mine was the same sort of situation and I'd give it the same rating. The only problem is, I didn't really learn anything from it. I slept with more people because I wanted that time to feel less significant and it did. I guess I wouldn't do something like that now, so maybe I did learn something? I have had some 9's and 10's though too.
  16. I'm not a man, but I think most men would be totally flattered, especially if it was a pretty girl who did it. It's still probably not the best idea though. Some guys might take it the wrong way. Where abouts do you live? The sexual harassment laws might be less of an issue where you are. I don't know.
  17. I don't think anyone was saying that it's better than meeting someone physically. It's just another avenue for meeting people. It works for some and doesn't work for others, just like in the real world. It's a great way for people who aren't necessarily interested in singles bar nights to meet people. Some have busy work schedules and don't have time for extracurricular activities. There is definitely still a stigma attached to it but I figure, if you happen to meet your soulmate online, then that's great. You are doing better than most other people.
  18. I'd regret: -being shy -allowing people to take advantage of me -letting my parents spend so much money on me -letting my dad make me feel sorry for him There are so many more that I can't put in to words right now.
  19. My best date ever was one where my ex took me to the most beautiful beach in the world. It was late afternoon in the middle of summer and we were just going to sit in the car and look at the ocean. Instead, he took me for a hike through some serious jungle. We ended up on a cliff in a bit of a cave overlooking the ocean. It was sunset and the sky was glowing orange. We had the most amazing sex up there. The walk back was a little scary though. That has to be one of my most dear memories.
  20. But that's the thing. My body fat is 21.5%, which is in the catagory for lean on a woman(got tested yesterday). I really don't have that much fat anywhere else on my body. I have a bit on my stomach, but that needs toning more than anything else. Anyway, this isn't really about me, but I guess I'll just have to see what happens. At least I'll be getting healthy in the process.
  21. noooo, don't say that. That's exactly what I'm trying to do to REDUCE the size.
  22. I know how you all feel. At my largest, I was a 5'5, 130 lbs and 32F, (same as 32DDDD by US sizing system). That was when I was 18. I looked so ridiculous because I had relatively small body. I decided that I couldn't take it anymore because where I was living they didn't even make bras in my size. I didn't really experience any pain, just discomfort if I had to run or walk anywhere fast. I had to hold them or put my arm under them if I was going down stairs or had to jump off anything. The only thing that worked for me was losing weight. Now I'm 20, I'm 118 lbs and a 32DD with 21.5%body fat. Now it is much more manageble and I can find plenty of attractive bras in my size. I also look less porn star-like and people talk less to my chest (guys and girls). I've just gotten a gym membership and I'm going to start doing more weight training to try and flatten them some more. I know it's going to take effort, but hopefully it will be worth it. gain weight go on birth control pills/patch/injection/ring get implants stop exercising All of those things will work, though not all of them are advisable. You might also be one of those people who just doesn't gain weight in that area. I would just try and be happy with what I've got. You don't know how lucky you are.
  23. I should have added that there is a urine test too. I think it tests for clamydia? Anyway, they can't test for HPV unless they do a pap smear.
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