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Everything posted by applepie

  1. I've had f-buddies before and I've always kissed them. Some prefer not to cuddle for whatever reason, but others don't mind. Kissing is usually the start of foreplay, so it's hard to get away with not doing it. The only times I haven't kissed during sex have been with boyfriends, believe it or not. I don't mean all the time, but when it comes down to morning breath...yuuuuck. My f-buddies days are over now. It was fun while it lasted.
  2. Maybe the education system has something to do with the pregnancy rate? Not good.
  3. I just thought I'd add that in the UK pap smears are only recommended once every 3 years. From what I've read, GPs are ecouraged to perform a pap once a woman turns 25, or once she becomes sexually active for more than 3 years. In the US, it's recommended for anyone over 18 anyone who is sexually active. Annual pap smears are recommended. There reason for the difference is a cost/benefit analysis. In the UK, they have a socialized health system and it works out better for the government if they don't have to provide this service every year for every woman. In the US, health insurance is usually private, so they encourage it as much as possible. I'm not sure which system is "better", but according to UK doctors, a pap is only necessary once every three years and any more frequently than that doesn't provide better detection rates. link removed
  4. I understand the frustration. Your particular circumstances sound very desirable and you fit the bill for mature and independent. Maybe it's a first impression based on your age? When you get to know someone, age shouldn't matter but sometimes it's hard to get around it initially. I'm sure you'll eventually meet someone a little older than 17 that will give you a chance. What about the girls you go to college with?
  5. Extreme maturity or independence. I have a hard time relating to people my age or younger.
  6. I know there are a lot of girls who prefer older guys. I'm 20 myself and I haven't dated anyone less than 2.5 years older than me. I wouldn't date someone my age unless they had something extra special to offer. I also used to be the 17 year old going for the 20 year olds. If 17 y/o's aren't what you want, then try looking for someone who looks a bit older. There are plenty out there who will date someone their own age. I don't think many older women will go for it though, but it I could be wrong.
  7. I hate them so much. They make me wish I was a man.
  8. I think it has the potential to be great, but I've never had someone do it to me the way I would like. Despite lots of direction giving, it just hasn't happened. I get particularly upset when they don't shave their faces beforehand. That is truly painful.
  9. Another resurrection of an ancient thread...
  10. I've kissed a girl. She was one of the most attractive girls I've ever seen but she was a horrible kisser. Teeth clashed and everything. Yuck! I much prefer kissing boys.
  11. Anal cancer is rare, but it's most commonly caused by the HPV virus. link removed One of the other problems is that condoms have a significantly higher chance of breakages during anal sex. Because males can't be tested for HPV, this isn't something you want to fool around with...well not me anyway. Good luck and be careful everyone.
  12. I've done it twice and never again. We used condoms, lube, took it slow etc. but it was still the most painful thing to ever have happen to my butt hole. I bled for days. Unless you actually crave it and want to do it, I suggest you give anal a miss. It does carry far more risks than vaginal sex, so that is something you need to be aware of. link removed
  13. Ugh genital piercings make me cringe. One of my friends showed me hers. It was the most disturbing thing I've ever seen. Nipple peircings on men= HOT
  14. I thought about it for a long time, but my memory is so hazey and there was no evidence. I couldn't remember faces, names or any other details. It's now been over 5 years since all that happened and there is zilch I can do about it now.
  15. Mythical Suicide, that's awful. I'm so sorry that happened to you. What an * * * * * * *.
  16. It is possible that the iron tablets contributed to your weight gain. One of the symptoms of iron deficency anemia is a loss of appetite. If you had anemia, then it is possible that you just started eating more without noticing because your appetite had returned. Obviously, it is better to be a little heavier, than to have anemia. I think at 15, as long as you are within the healthy weight range for your height, you shouldn't concern yourself with weight. You are still growing and any damage you do to your body now will affect your health later in life. If you're suffering from an eating disorder, see someone who can help.
  17. The standard healthy weight range for someone who is 5'2 is 101-136 lbs. It really depends on what type of exercise and how vigorously you're doing it. If you're running fast on the treadmill for 3 hours a day, then that's not normal unless you're a pro athlete. You would be needing to eating over 2700 calories a day to sustain health at that level. If you're playing soccer or you're just doing light exercise with some weights, then it's probably fine. Unless you have a specific fitness goal, 2-3 hours on most days is unnecessary. 1 hour a day of vigorous exercise would keep you in good health and in good shape.
  18. You can do all the crunches and sit-ups in the world, but they're not going to get rid of that layer of fat on your stomach. They will tone the muscles under the fat, but to get rid of the fat you need to be doing a combination of cardio and a lower calorie diet. It sounds like you're on the right track with the running. It might help to up your speed a bit if it's getting too easy. If not, then just keep it up. As for the lower calorie diet, you just need to eat about 15-20% less than your current intake. You can still eat your burittos and danishes, just keep the portions small. After doing this you should be able to get your body fat % to a lower level and you can reveal your 6-pack.
  19. If you can't be with the one you want, love the one you're with.
  20. Well..maybe that's why you found it so difficult to find someone. I wouldn't want to meet someone in person before I sussed them out first.
  21. I think it can be for sex hookups, but there are plenty of people who have found their long term significant others on dating websites, including some of the people on ENA. I feel it's important to talk about your dating goals with that person BEFORE you go on a date with them. If they know you are looking for a LTR, they will most likely not go on a date with you if they are looking for a hook up. It's all well and good to have the same hobbies and interests, but if your goals don't match up, it's never going to work. I would also prefer to talk to the person rather extensively online before I commit myself to meeting them in peron. It allows get the jist of who they are. If they brush you off and don't want to talk, then you know it won't work. In my experience, you can tell by the way they approach you and the type of responses they present what they are really after.
  22. I like it, but only when I've given you some indication that I'm interested in you, such as eye contact, smile, small talk etc. If I can see you staring at me and I'm trying not to look at you. CAUTION.
  23. I don't find that surprising at all. There are lots of adopted kids in my family and all of them have turned out really well. I'm all for it. What I do find surprising is the people who adopt children and then mistreat them. Why would you even bother? I guess the same goes for natural parents, but it seems the adoption process would be harder to fool.
  24. I love chest hair, but I don't really like back hair. Either way, shaving can get pretty nasty if your hair's thick. It can get stubbly, ingrowns, shaving rash, pimples. No matter what features you have, there will usually be a market for it out there. As I said, chest hair is sexy.
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