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Everything posted by applepie

  1. laxatives do some nasty stuff to your system. Try prunes, licorice, grapes (as mentioned), beans and bran. If that stuff doesn't get you going, nothing will!
  2. Do you realise how many guys out there would kill to have a girlfriend who LOVES anal sex? I get so sick of guys trying it with me. I hate it. I say either give her what she wants, or give her to someone who does.
  3. Yes, it's one of the major flaws in the American health system. They don't look after their poor citizens very well. Then again, if you can afford it, you are going to get the best health care in the world. There is something seriously wrong with a society based on that value.
  4. Except that you generally need a credit card to buy things off the internet. Besides, if her parents are anything like mine were they would be hovering over me while I opened the package. I can be embarrassing to buy them. It's best to go at a quiet time of day. Once you get them, that's it. People buy them all the time.
  5. If it bother's you that much, go see a doctor about gaining some weight. I don't mind skinny guys but if you can see ribs and sternum then I think there is a problem. I'm more likely to be attracted to an excessively skinny guy than the opposite though.
  6. Do you have a local CVS, Riteaid or Eckerd? Any of those places will have them. There is no age minimum on buying condoms. If there was, there would be a lot more pregant teenagers running around. Please be careful and don't have sex without a condom again. You know the risks. At your age, this would not be a good thing.
  7. I've been with one guy (my ex) who could last a long time under the right conditions. I've also been with a couple of guys who would cum within 3 seconds. Basically just in and out. Needless to say, this wasn't very satisfying for me. One of those that I'm referring to can't go twice either. Does anyone know what it is that causes some men to cum so quickly? Are they exceptionally turned on? Are they being greedy? Do they have a lack of control? Something else? Is it any indication of his attraction to me?
  8. I love to cuddle with a nice warm boy. I'm always cold. My ex used to get too warm from me cuddling up to him. Then I would put my ice cold feet between his thighs and he would scream! It is possible that she just doesn't like the warmth. Get a portable fan and see what happens. If she still does it, then you know there are deeper issues.
  9. I recently hooked up with someone who was a horrible kisser. Somehow he would open is mouth too wide and try to kiss me with his teeth. Basically his teeth were gyrating against the inside of my lips. I don't even know who to explain it. I ended up with slobber all over my face and and bite marks inside my mouth. He was a really good looking guy but the kissing was bad. I enjoyed his company and we slept togther a couple of times. I don't know anything much about his dating history either. I'm guessing he wasn't all that experienced. I'm not even going to comment on the oral sex...
  10. NEVER for me. The majority of people in my family who have gotten married have also gotten divorced (some particularly nasty). Those that have stayed together are miserable and have cheated endlessly. I don't have any faith in the marriage system for me personally. I would be happy to live in a defacto type relationship, but I have no desire to have the wedding and the marriage certificate. If I were to meet someone who I loved and he desperately wanted to get married, I might consider it if it was unofficial.
  11. Would you ever do it? Ofcourse Have you ever done it? Twice with regular sex, many times with oral sex (possibly 10?) I've had many that would have been ONS's but they turned into friends with benefits. I had one relationship come out of what could have been a ONS (3 years). What would be the circumstances for you to do it? Generally I need to have been drinking. I need to find the person attractive. I need to be horny. That's pretty much it. I have no issues with ONS's.
  12. If you have real acne then you might want to see a doctor. They can prescribe creams or pills to help you out. It's better to do this sooner than later because of scarring. Over the counter acne treatments are generally only good if you have mild pimples. Proper acne is generally hormonal and requires a stronger medication. I know how you feel. Acne can be bad for your self-esteem. I had it and I saw my doctor and she gave me Differin, which has helped tremendously.
  13. This is exactly what I would have said. I think they don't answer "breasts" in fear of sounding typical. Breasts are easily the most sexualized body part, closely followed by butts, legs and bellies. I know everyone has their preferences but I find it hard to believe there are that many people that find feet the sexiest body part. GROSS.
  14. It's good to be cautious but you are fine. Everyone here will tell you that. If you are on the pill and take it regularly, the chances of you becoming pregnant are almost 0. This applies to all times of the pill cycle. The hormones don't "fade". As for the precum, again, there is a very very low chance that you would get pregnant from that. All up, I can say you are pretty safe. If it still plays on your mind (it always does), buy a home pregnancy test and if your period is late, take it. It sounds like your period is due soon anyway.
  15. I'm just a lurker for the most part, so please excuse my intrusion. I just read this about iansmommy and that is incredibly sad. She is so young and seems to be so full of life. I hope to god that she is alright. I also remember her saying her baby was going to be small. At over 9 lbs, THAT IS NOT SMALL!!! Best of luck to the 3 of you.
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