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Everything posted by applepie

  1. I can't imagine not getting treated. I know there are certain religions that don't believe in vaccines or certain medical treatments but if we have the technology to allow people to live longer, why not take up the opportunity? I think it's best to apply the situation to a family member/friend. If you found out someone you loved had cancer and they didn't want to get treated, would you be upset? Would you want them to do what they can to live?
  2. Watching a TV show can't cause an eating disorder, but for someone that may have eating disorder tendencies it can provoke them. Either way, I agree that you choose how you want to live your life. Everyone should know that TV is for entertainment purposes. I think it's pretty pathetic to think that TV is causing young girls to develop anorexia.
  3. Get some Palmer's body butter. You should be able to get it in Canada (you can in the US). It won't repair the one's you already have but it will help prevent any further stretch marks. 8 years later, I still haven't learned to accept mine. I know how it feels.
  4. What's all this talk about cold sores? They have nothing to do with colds. And no, having a cold won't do anything to his penis.
  5. For me: totally bare For my partner: trimmed short
  6. Here's an article about the extinction of blondes: link removed I'm not sure if it will happen but it makes sense with all the international breeding going on. Not necessarily a bad thing. I just wish the human race would get smarter, not more stupid.
  7. That's scary! Did your doctor give you any blood pressue lowering medications? You don't have to be overweight to have high blood pressure but you can get it if you don't get much exercise. Are you on birth control pills or anything else that can affect your BP? I think most of the time doctor's can't find a cause for HBP and you just need to do things to help lower it- medication, exercise, relaxation techniques. I hope it all goes alright for you
  8. Just think of Kate Moss's boyfriend. You don't wanna be like that. You can do it.
  9. Sorry to barge in here, but quietgrl: You obviously feel very strongly about your virginity but some people don't. You may not have been as mature at 16 as other people were and that's fine, but to say someone who is 18 and has sex with a 16 year old has mental issues is totally unfair. I had my first boyfriend at 16 (I didn't lose my virginity to him) and he was almost 19. We had sex fairly soon after meeting and we were together for 3 years. We were very much in love and I don't see what is so wrong with that. I think that 12 and 28 is wrong, regardless of gender, but 2 years!? Men tend to mature later than women of the same age anyway. It makes no difference. As long as it's legal no one can get in to trouble.
  10. I hated my ex boyfriend's family. In all honesty, they were the reason we used to fight so much. In the end, it didn't work out because of them. They were awful. They increased my stress level 10-fold. I know what I just said it not very constructive, sorry...
  11. For someone who has an alcoholic father- that is the biggest, fattest lie I have ever heard. These are the words I associate with each: drunk: stupid, embarrassing, bloated, hyperactive, nauseus, outgoing, mind-cluttered. high: relaxed, calm, dizzy, carefree, quiet, bad breath, lazy. Ideally, you don't want to do either of them. You are much better off without. BUT both can be enjoyable in small quantities every so often. There is certainly a stigma attached to weed, due to it's illegal nature.
  12. I'm naturally a dark brunette with very pale green eyes. I tend to get no more guys hitting on me than the average girl. About 2 years ago I did the bleach blonde thing. I was hit on CONSTANTLY. I couldn't leave my house without stares, comments or phone number asking. I'm fairly shy and I found this to be way too overwhelming. People started to refer to me as "the blonde one with the big boobs". No guys would remember my name. It was horrible. A couple of months later I went back to dark. I paid the price from the bleach. My hair was in terrible condition. It took 18 months to get back to normal. It's funny because my personality didn't change at all but people's perception of me did. I think much of the time, blondes are still seen as sex objects (as I was) and brunettes get taken more seriously. I haven't tried out being a red head yet, but I don't think it would suit me. Funnily enough, all the men I've had one-night stands/friends w/benefits with have been blonde. The 3 I've had relationships with have been brunettes...I wonder if that's a reflection of them...or me?
  13. Yeah, times have changed. Kids are maturing earlier both mentally and physically. It's hard for some people to believe. The important thing is, we need to accommodate for them, otherwise our 13 year olds are going to end up being 13 year old parents. No one wants to tell their parents they are having sex, regardless of whether they approve (mostly they don't). I would suggest going to one of those planned parenthood places, depending on where you live. Otherwise, get some more condoms and keep using them.
  14. I've been told by doctors that it's safe to do up to 2 months in a row. Generally, you will bleed anyway if you try more than that. I've done it a few times when I've had special events to go to, or over the summer when I swim a lot. I've never had any problems with mood etc. I've read that this is recommended for people who get very heavy periods or those who have anemia. I guess it's a matter of whether the risks outweigh the benefits.
  15. The reason she keeps bleeding is because you keep aggravating the wound. A girl really needs some time to heal after she loses her virginity. It's painful. Give her a a week and she should be fine. If the bleeding and pain continues after then she could have an infection. It's nice that you're as caring as you are. Not all guys are
  16. 15 years old with a 17 year old. My first time was awful but without it I wouldn't have had the wonderful experiences I've had since. I have no issues with not waiting.
  17. Sorry, I didn't mean to accuse. I hope no offence was taken...but did he have to watch 10 of these porn clips? I would think 1 should be enough. Anyway, what I'm really saying is, it's pretty normal behavior for girls these days. I wouldn't get too freaked out.
  18. What people like to watch in porn often has no reflection of what they want to do in real life. Admitedly, I've watched some pretty nasty stuff myself but I don't want to do any of it! I think most girls have watched porn but most are discreet, or are good at hiding it. I think if you are going to go snooping on someone elses computer then you can't get upset about what you find. I wouldn't confront her because that would be very embarrassing for her. If that were me, I'd die if my boyfriend mentioned it to me.
  19. What the hell happened? You sound distraught.
  20. I usually get around 8 (5 veg, 3 fruit). I'm a vegan, so it's kind of hard for me not to. today it was: grapes, grapefuit, kiwi, tomato, potato, spinach, celery, carrot. I also had some orange juice.
  21. haha. I like the "should" part. Very amusing. I can tell you, most women do not enjoy getting poked in the bum. Some do, sure...but for most of us, it feels like taking a reverse dump.
  22. That has happened to so many people I know the first time they have sex. If you used condoms and they didn't break or fall off, then I'm pretty sure it's just stress. When I lost my virginity, my period skipped a month and I thought I was pregnant. I think the stress of the idea that you might be pregnant actually causes it to be late. This is my experience anyway.
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