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Posts posted by JenS

  1. You are right, you can't change him..but you can always leave hints for him. Tell him that you would like flowers sometime next month. You will invariably forget about it and he will "surprise" you. It is at least worth a shot. You could always buy flowers for him and tell him that he could do it for you every once in awhile...hinting is never bad...but teaching him works also.

  2. I don't know if anyone can help me here but maybe someone has been through this before and would be of help.

    My boyfriend and I have lived together for 2 months. We started going out in November of last year and we stopped seeing each other when I decided that I wanted to see someone else back in January (he later found out that I was seeing him and someone else at the same time). I later came to my senses and figured out he was a great guy and after a bit of begging on my part, we got back together in March. He lived in another town up until August and he always had a tough time talking to me on the phone, but when we were together he would talk to me and want to be with me non-stop.

    In August he moved in with me and my children, but it has not been the same. He has increasingly become more distant. He does not want me to touch him..I try to hug and he pushes me away, he doesn't want to have sex (maybe once a week if we are lucky), and he has started to be a bit mean verbally. I have been all over him about talking to me and touching me, but he gives me excuses that I am in a bad mood when I come home or that he is tired and wants to be by himself and not talk.

    I would like this to work, my children love him and I don't want to bring anyone else into their life. I really just don't know what to do.Please respond if you have time.

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