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  1. ever try salsa dance? Once you acquire the skill for this social dance, all ladies (who can't dance) would envy you. For all ladies who can dance.... you are in luck. Most female salsa dancers I know are very fine ladies, nice and confident! Salsa dancing involve certain degree of body contact (if you don't mind touching the ladies, or touch by them)
  2. I hope this advice is helpful I never have any girlfriend, but i did express my feeling to few ladies before, and didn't work well. What happen after that? I certainly don't hate them, nor I want to insult them..... I acquire new skills, such as picking up new language, social dance to make myself busy, and make new friends, so the sad feeling goes away. I guess the sweet revenge would be make yourself a better person, so that when, your ex meet up with you (it is a small world afterall), he /she would be very regret they break up with you. Forgive them, nice with them and mvoe on your life without them, as you deserve better.
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