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  1. Well I guess to answer the questions pushed here ... He is located in the UK, I am in the USA. I am not able to meet him due to financial reasons and I have made that clear, and I told him that if he doesn't come, I am starting to put a few dollars when I can away to get to him, but if he finds his way here first then so be it, I can fly the next round. I have not talked to him via webcam, but I have inquired if it would be reasonable, but he still has not looked into that part of our conversations, even if we do have phone conversations all the time. He does say it that he wants to meet me more than life .... I question it everyday since all of this on and off things has happened ... Is he who he says he is?? Can he afford it? Does he only want a realationship here? Is there another one in his life, for that could be the reason he isn't coming over. ... Yes with these type of questions, I guess I'm not sure where I stand in this relationship, so that is why I gave him the ultimatum, either NOW or NEVER. I feel horrible about it, but I NEED to know if I'm worth it, if I am who he wants to be with, I need to know if he is who he says he is, if everything I know is true. Reading all of your replies makes me think ... and I have to thank you all, as it's given me the perspective that I needed, even if I knew it all along ... I actually have to admit I think I tried to deny it. Thank you everyone for you help in this!
  2. I met someone a year ago on an online chat and game. We hit it off from the beginning and since then have been best friends. Well last Nov we finally admitted that we both felt something for eachother, and have made it somewhat official that we are a couple (sounds weird). He and I have never met, but we talk everyday as I'm driving to / from work, during lunch / breaks and at nights when i finally settle into my chair to relax. I spend every spare moment I have to be with him online. He has tried over and over to be here, but it seems like it's getting to be one excuse after another. 1) He was going to come in February, but his sister needed him. 2) He then tried for March but his sister got pregnant. 3) He then tried in April, but he couldn't get a credit card to get out here (mind you he owns his own business) 4) He was then going to come on July 9th, but his best friend wanted to come too so he was going to wait until his friend was done with his business trip. 5) He then was supposed to be here on July 29th, but a friend cancelled his reservations as they were going to come together and his friend had a family emergency and wanted him to wait as he didn't want to travel alone (note to self then why is he doing business traveling) 6) Soon after that he was to arrive on August 14th and the travel agent scammed him out of his money which he is working currently to resolve it with the owner of this agency. Catch to this, was that he put it all on neutral and sat back hoping the flight would just pop up. (he won't let me come to him as I'm caring for my mom who has heart issues) Well recently he got off his butt as I told him that I couldn't handle this "it will happen ... but I don't know when ... " and that by the 24th of September, I will leave him if he's not here (yes I'm selfish and wrong here). So ... this brings me up to date, well somewhat ... well within the last few weeks we have argued almost everyday, and yes most of it is me being selfish, demanding that he do something to get here so we can REALLY start our lives together, as he wants it as much as I do. Well has anyone been so in love with someone they have never met and how do you handle the loneliness, the want for just someone to hold you when you've had bad days, and just the feeling of speaking to someone rather than holding a phone or headset on your ear? Any advice to handling this as we've been witheachother everyday for over a year. Thank you in advance.
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