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Everything posted by Dilly

  1. Don't worry Scout, I don't think there is any correlation with weight gain in the first trimester to overall weight gain. Ive read you want to be careful because the weight gained is not necessarily useful yet, but I suspect that weight loss in early pregnancy might be coupled to larger weight gain in the second trimester. I think a healthy weight gain accross the whole pregnancy is ideal. My doctor said his wife lost 20 pounds during the first trimester and then, promptly gained a net of 60 for a total gain of 80 pounds. So... don't sweat it. We're all different and the important thing is that we don't continue eating lots after the child is born. I can't wait. Wait till the second trimester when your energy climbs again... you will feel immensely better by week 14.
  2. What is she trying to gain by doing no contact now, though? I just want to know her goals. And why does everyone tell you that you are better off? As HazeyAmber and Hope have indicated, I too believe that your child is better off knowing the father and having involvement by that party, whether you have much contact or not.
  3. Again, I say the timing is perfect with tomorrow approaching. A bit cheesy perhaps, but nonetheless, it does cross my mind that Valentine's Day may have something to do with your rising interest in winning her over.
  4. I agree with everything. COngrats on the name change!! I am glad you are going with your own feelings on this! You're right - everything you have before you is no more than you can handle. You are a strong, strong person and I admire your courage!!! You are heroic in many ways, BTR! I know these hormones can trip you up (they are hell to deal with), but keep in mind, it will pass and you will be your normal self again soon, only more enriched and wiser for the wear. I am very, very proud!!!
  5. Gosh Mythical and BTR, that's great about all that weight you lost!!! WOW!!! I hope that's the way it works for me!!!
  6. You're so sweet to be thinking about V-day tomorrow. Maybe you could make her a card or something instead of all the chocolates. I however was quite able to indulge in my favorate pastime (chocolate) all throughout my pregnancy, just not as crazy about it.
  7. I think this might help also! The empty stomach killed me. I usually go for hours on end without eating, but from week 6-15 or so, I had (and still occasionally have) a sense of queeziness. I like the idea of keeping her belly full with anything that she's able to keep down. I did some research on Tums and found that it may cause issues with other electrolytes/ions in the body. i want to say Magnesium. But don't go with my memory, ask the doc.
  8. Gosh, I lost 3-4 kg during the first 9 weeks, gained 17 or so between week 9 and now. I have slowed the weight gain (like Hazey) as I was gaining at a brisk pace and there was no sense in that. I was just eating everything my heart desired. I have an extreme ability to gain and lose weight so I hope to lose it when I deliver. Have fun, Caro - pregnancy is delightful for the most part, even watching your body stretch to its limits.
  9. Not the rule or the exception to the rule. Women, like men, can be shy, cramped, and scared, just like you. But often wishful thinking gets in the way of friendship and when it really is simply friendship, one party may decide to express an interest in the other. With Valentine's Day coming up, it may be an appropriate time to sort of do something a bit more brazen. Maybe ask her out to dinner without being too obvious you're interested in a date. See where it goes. Don't have the highest expectations either.
  10. I agree. Maybe she thought you'd find her "cute" when she throws a fit and that you'd just give into her needs. She could have at least mentioned why she was paying for her own food and not yours. she should have paid - it was Taco freakin' bell man, that doesn't get any cheaper.
  11. Do you feel no contact is a good approach with this child? I mean, I understand if you need it to deal with your feelings of vulnerability. I understand. It's not for everyone, and with a child, sometimes Low-Contact is best. But ... this is your life... lead it the best way you know how. I don't understand the tears - you both sound mature and intelligent. Responsibilities abound and you both have to decide somehow how to take care of this child. If you deem him a fit father, hopefully you can articulate your needs and expectations and have an amicable interaction.
  12. I have not read the entire thread - but would like to say that if you do not stand up to your boyfriend over this, he WILL continue. I have been in this situatin before and it escalated to the point where my ex- pulled a gun on my dog. I became hysterical and that forced me into rethinking the relationship. He eventually began to be a very good daddy to the dogs, but I never fully recovered from the event and my love for this man eventually became so sparse that I left the relationship. I also think that had I not made a big deal of his disciplinary modes, my ex- would have continued being a bad "dad" and now, he is very good at it I gather. I feel that a man who abuses a dog, has unfathomable aggressive tendencies and should not be trusted until he acknowledges his aggressions as bad behavior. Riley deserves better.
  13. BTR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOHOOOO So happy for you!!! I agree with Hope. Time to let the authorities take over. Be consistent and focus all your attention on this little Benjamin!!! Love the name!!!
  14. OK OK OK read your spiel on condoms.. not lecturing but you either use the condoms or be comfortable with the idea of having a pregnant girlfriend. Maybe that's secretly what you both want? To be pregnant?
  15. Ummmm, condoms? What's wrong with them?
  16. I was negative for 2-3 days after the first day of my missed period. Then, on night 3, I was barely positive. Next day, totally positive.
  17. I hate the fact that you put your guard down and feel safe with someone and they bail. It's just scarry. Is he one of those guys that you might have coined a "playboy" before you met? I mean, if he's in his 30's, he really needs to get a grip. Lots of guys in their mid-30's think women will find them hot who are in their early-20's and they go play the field and well (no offense to age-gappers or anything), but sometimes, they get what they deserve. My boyfriend actually played the field for a few days during our breakup and I got to see some of his online rejections where girls (God only knows how young) wrote him and said, "gee, sorry, but I think the age gap is just too great." HA!!! No wonder he came back tail between his legs.
  18. No kidding - what a jerk. The only acceptable answer he might provide is "Gee, I'm sorry you're not feeling well - I hope you get better soon - we really will miss you."
  19. I actually ended up vomitting last night - not sure if I was sick or what - but so many people come to work a mess with fevers and such. I wouldn't doubt it. Your thread crossed my mind this morning and it dawned on me - wow, I am so motivated to save my paid-time-off for maternity that I would consider coming to work if I felt sorta yucky, but didn't have a fever. But I think it's healthy for work mates to know your position on this. Honestly, I had a cubemate once who through his ever-so-suave spanish accent used to tell sick people to go home - how could they come to work sick!!! It was awesome. He's no longer here.
  20. God, the suspense - it is really killing me!!!
  21. And re: Valentine's Day, why don't you both go out on a limb and surprize each other while in NYC?! I would take care of the morning (art/museum, lunch) and let him take care of the evenning (dinner/entertainment).
  22. Rose2Summer ... haven't seen her post here in a long time though.
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