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Everything posted by Dilly

  1. jealous prolly isn't the right word. but there are some bills that should simply not be paid based on principle. honestly. such as...a $150 vet bill i didn't pay years ago - my dog was autopsied shortly after his death. i arrived at the vet and asked to see the report. the vet had not compiled the report, but supposedly had done the autopsy. he found no cause other than a "small amt of blood in abdoment." i tell you i was tortured by this. i needed to know and had taken the dog there to the vet the day before he died and they told me he was just dehydrated. anyway, a day passed and i decided to tell my then-fiance to get the carcass and take it to NC State's Rollins Institute. he did. they did a double-autopsy. the second autopsy report clearly defined what happened (gastric torsion) and the vet should have known. I see that some thngs get overlooked and don't hold the vet accountable for the dog's death - unfortunate as it was... but that report was incomplete at best and a dishonest attempt to hide the cause of his death - they even suggested to me the dog may have died from "poisoning", the bastards. I got my measely $150 back and i feel good about that.
  2. God, I am so jealous! I am so mad about what happened and apparently lack the gusto to hold out until they worked it off the bill. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
  3. Warniong - off topic - way distracting and more of a vent!!! I owed like $900 to a hospital that didn't do jack for me when I graduated and had NO MONEY. The stupid jerks kept calling and harassing me and I even wrote the CEO a letter, threatening a lawsuit, since the nurse and fellow (M.D.) were incredibly rude to me in the hospital. OK, OK, I couldn't pee and I had a very good medical reason for it, and I kept telling them to google this condition and they didnt', and kept asking me what illicit drugs I had taken or what mental disorder I had. I was so f-ing pissed off - then, the stupid lousy no good loser of a Emergency Room Chief came in telling me he was going to MRI me. I'm like, hmmmph, interesting. How much $. He said, $1-2 K. I said, whyyyyyyyyy? He said, you might have a nerve issue. I said, how high is that on your differential diagnosis - he said, not very. I said, have you looked into the condition I mentioned? He said, no. I insisted they take that damn catheter out of me immediately and I left. I am still pissed today as you can see. F-ing bunch of authoritative no good worthless money grubbing finger waving assembly line medical health care professionals. IDIOTS! I'm a health care professional and they did not like my backtalk either. I left that place after two hours, three drug test screens, and lots of inquiries about my mental state. I was emotional-yes, I couldn't pee... but I learned three days later after a hands-on neurologic exam by a caring HCP what the dealio was (very personal and physiologic in nature). I hate the staff at Thomas Jefferson Memorial Hospital in Philadelphia. HATE THEM and I don't hate anybody else. Anyway, I called the debt collector back and he only reduced the total to $660. I paid the damn bill and to this day (three years later), regret it. For the record, I don't even do drugs (any illicit meds) and don't usually have physical manifestations of my emotional traumas aside from increased heart rate and weight loss.
  4. Good idea, SB. There are rhyming dictionaries... But if you go through the alphabet, you get one-syllable rhymers like hack, jack, lack, mack, nack, pack, rack, sack, tac, wack, and two-syllable rhymers like kayac, etc.
  5. I am so confused. Can you not go to jail if you don't pay your bills? What will a collections agency do to you? Anything?
  6. You lucky duck! I have to pay like close to $1500 for my healthcare costs (pregnancy and delivery). Ugggh and I thought I had great insurance. How many paid weeks off do you get?
  7. I may dumb, but what is the statute of limitations for a particular credit card? I mean, is it the amount of time that a company can expect you to pay on something? ANd to begin negotiating, do you technically have to be late?
  8. God, I owe like $30K now on CREDIT F-ING CARDS!!! There isn't much I wouldn't do to cut this in half. I am so so so so sick of always thinking I'll dig myself out this year. I think I'm an addicted consumer. GOD! I have never been late for a payment, but with a child on the way, I'm wondering if somehow, I could get out from under this giant burden. I just bought a house, too! And it's going to be VERY VERY TOUGH!!! I thought about selling my 401K but, that sounds really sad.
  9. It's so amazing how fast they grow in the last month!!! SHe's a good healthy size!!! The name (from what I know of it) sounds very sentimental!!!
  10. You're handling this like a mature 30 year old. I can not believe how adult and compassionate you sound. It's admirable. Please be careful in these situations. You are so young and have so much at stake. I wonder if this girl knows what she wants if she's been sleeping around like this. Do you?
  11. Dilly

    weight gain

    So based on the chart you posted, you only gained about 7 extra? That's not that bad, is it? My sis-in-law gained 45 pounds and now, looks like a movie star again! As long as everything else checks out medically, fear not!
  12. Dilly

    weight gain

    SOme people hold a lot more water when they are pregnant and don't worry, you're gaining it fast and you'll lose it fast. COnsider exercising a bit if that's inline with their advice. I think as long as you are monitoring your intake and following their orders, you'll be OK. That baby may have you holding onto more water than usual. Are you eating lots of salt?
  13. I love the reaction at the dinner, BTR!!! Don't worry, R- expects what's coming. He knows you love him and would ALMOST do anything for him, but he is almost positive he won't get what he wants. He will be disappointed. Break it to him gently. Lovingly. Tearfully. Ask him to understand. Just resting the truth on his shoulders is harsh and ... it may help that he knows you did it lovingly and that you are very hurt that he hasn't come through and taht you'd like to give him a chance, but he hasn't made good on them so far. If the conversation takes place with a low tone of voice, sweet exchanges, and a true acknowledgement of what you need without sounding pushy, you might break through that hard terrible layer of tar that protects him from feeling guilt. GOOD LUCK, Sweetie. You might be surprized by his response. You really, truly might. He might understand. IF he freaks for a few hours, just lay quiet and listen and let him, but do NOT let him attack you. Protect yourself, you know he isn't going to hurt you, at least I suspect you don't fear for your life. Tell others where you are and do carry a cell phone in the event things get outta hand. (((((((HUGGGGGS))))))))))))
  14. RODEO RIDER, TOO FUNNY!!!! And SouthernGirl, BIG HUGS OUT TO YOU!!! I am very excited for you and know this will get better before it gets worse. (((HUGS)))
  15. Beec is right! Don't feel guilty. I'd want to second-guess myself too! Let me tell you I used to drive three hours from Wilmington, NC to Robert's to see him when I was on rotation several years ago. I'd do this on work nights, like after 5PM, I'd drive home and be at his place by 8PM and then, get up at 5AM to be back at work by 8AM. It was so nutz!!! I just felt inexhaustable. But the dynamics change when you support and support and support until one day you realize, wow, I'm tapped. Isn't that interesting. It's like you just realize, me first now. And you start doing things for you, not that you exclude them, but if your path isn't merging or crossing over, well, no worries, because we both know the path winding and curvy, and topsy turvey and you never know what's around the bend, but you can't map your life around R because he will exhaust you. You made the right decision yesterday and it's good he was understanding. I think it's also good you gave him the benefit of the doubt and recognized that he may have been more irritated with the bad connection and his own situation than with you or your decision. He's gaining his respect back for you and if you just ran over there last night and didn't know where to look for him, well, he might have shown up late or come from behind some corner where he was occupied doing who knows what and ... wouldn't you have felt... a bit had. Good decision! Chin up, gal!!
  16. Tearing Up!!! HEHEHE Oh BTR, I would give quite a few things to have that really! I mean, it's exciting and chaotic, but oh, how sweet it is to be loved and adored! I worry about that lonely feeling when I settle into the house. It's going to be a big lonely place for me if Robert doesn't come around. That's not a superior situation, TRUST ME! But ... it's the result of a choice. Hey, you've got it under control. HUGS BIG TIME I like what you said about the waiting room... that's nice!
  17. IM, it's just nice that you're better and giving yourself time to heal. Anything else would be too much unless you feel totally comfortable with it. The whole uno thing works for some, not for others. I once went years without it, not sure I remember why exactly, but I did. I think the more I engage in sex, the more I probably practice uno. Strange, huh? Also, YAY FOR SOUTHERNGIRL! T-34 days!!! OH THIS IS GETTING EXCITING NOW!!!
  19. I like this better than the U2 SONG!!! BTR, it's like that friend of yours that was giving you grief so long ago when you got pregnant and then, she announced her pregnancy! I sense some envy for you from these people. I wouldn't sweat it. Man, I think a "cramped" little kiddie house would be sort of delightful in a Brady Bunch sort of way! You will miss it when it's gone!!! You really will. Think nothing of this person's snorting retorts. She's just being human and ... trust me, I get my own fair share of grief from my in-the-know colleagues. They can kiss my grits at the end of the day or smile and laugh with me.
  20. Tough situation. If the topic arises about children, you might communicate enthusiasm about their efforts and you know, I think, given the circumstances that you administered the shots, it's reasonable to politely inquire, especially after so long (THREE MONTHS). There are tactful ways to do this but I'm certainly no coach on that!!! HAHAHA!!! Nonetheless, I would assume that 4-5 out of ten people in the know might toss out a very sensitive general inquiry about how things are going, followed up by many of the cheerful and supportive comments offered by avman. Many women don't show until they are 4-5 months. I'm told at 18.5 weeks that I'm not showing yet. Boobs are bigger, and look a bit chubby, but that's it.
  21. YAYAYAY! Insurance you can get from either your employer or his! You could hunt for a new job or he can. That's not legally a preexisting condition so you should be fine.
  22. After I have sex lately, I have to either get him to go down on me or I just bring myself to orgasm because I've been so hypersexual lately. It's like I want it all every time.
  23. WOW!!! Uno = self-gratification = masterbation. Just my little way of communicating a way to bring yourself to climax.
  24. Look, if I have a a bowl of candy out on my desk at work and I invite friendly conversation into my cubical area, and I then announce to my colleagues out of the blue... there is candy in that dish but you can't have it until you prove to me that I can rely on you for friendship, then I am bringing unnecessary attention to the candy dish, and showing a rather ugly side of my persona without warrant. Now, if someone reached into the candy dish and grabbed a handful, I might be a little put off and whsiper to them that I'm not really into that. I might tell them why, but really, I could just keep it simple and tell them, I don't want them gobbling up my goods and give them a little wink to let them know they're still in my good graces. THe trick is handling this with finesse. I would really try to limit announcing yourself as a virgin to those you deem wolves on the prowell. I mean, seriously, they may want it, but you ... identify yourself way to much as the virgin. You are so much more. Make the early conversations about who you are, rather than what you will not give up until they meet your expectations. You can be mad if you want... I was for a long time. But when you let it go and stop beating men over the head with the premature "I'm a virgin" announcement, you'll likely step out of the box youre trapped in. Be a virgin as long as you want, but don't announce your exectations to the first unassuming suitor so early... not that you do, but I suspect you might.
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