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Everything posted by Dilly

  1. One more thought as I read through some of your older threads: Are your parents being more supportive? You will find, Katie, that this decision was monumental and no matter what, your parents will come around. Your life is still yours. You just have to map out what you really want out of it and plan ahead. If you are still thinking college, discuss that with your partner. The two of you should really speak with some college counsellors and try to not forget your dreams, just know that this will be a sacrifice in the beginning. Keep your head high. How is your boyfriend/partner handling all of this? Is he committed to the idea of being a provider?
  2. Katie, I bet you are thinking ahead and really nervousness is a feeling we get when we know we have to make adjustments in our lives. I feel nervous sometimes too, especially lately and know that it's partly just nature's way of getting me to think long and hard about what I need to do to come up with means to live within the budget. It's hard, but you will find a way! Plus, your baby's father is probably going to be able to help you quite a bit. Hang in there!!!
  3. I am also Rh -. Funny! BTR, you are so positive! I love it!
  4. Damn, this is getting me hot. Thanks for the instructions. I have had the stimilation before and recognize that feeling and love it but not sure anyone I've been with knows how to hit that spot. I am going to issue orders.
  5. Dako's perspective does hold some water.
  6. My bet is that in a year you will be having a conversation with this little spring chickadee adn you will have newfound respect for her. Whenever I had strange feelings for classmates, over months, they generally went away and I realized there was a sort of magnetic pull/push that we had towards/away from each other, and that the only reason I noticed sometimes is that we had something in common, some interest that we were competing over perhaps, but if the interest was removed, we'd actually be friends without any sort of tension.
  7. It almost has me wondering if this guy perhaps has the hots for you and maybe even has told the girl he does. She, not knowing your status as having a SIGNIF of your very own, is likely just threatened and like any catty girl, she is trying to give you the evil eye. I personally would not want to say anythign to her as that would communicate presumption on your part and maybe even interest in this mutual male friend (at least to her). It also might make for strange communications and conversations around the classroom. Right now, it is purely subjective and any outright communication on this topic would make it objective. Having said that, I MIGHT ask my project partner (the one in the middle) what's up and is he still on board for the group project next semester? Just tell him what you told us in the last paragraph, that you were getting some strange vibes (not from her, but from him). Keep her out of the conversation completely - otherwise, like I said, stuff goes around and becomes objectively communicable. Right now, just be happy it's all under the radar and just feeling-based.
  8. Your mother sounds heroic! I am sure you are her hero as well! It's nice to see that the fear is gone and that the instinct to live and celebrate another holiday is triumphant.
  9. Calamine lotion... yes, I like that too.
  10. Wow, rubber is something I have never enjoyed the scent of. Hmmm, this is so interesting!!!
  11. Even my R- He has $40,000 worth of land, $40,000 worth of dwelling at least, and only like $8,000 debt. Yet, he is always complaining how I am so much better off and I am $30,000 in debt on credit, $40,000 in student loans, and $20,000 in a car, not to mention my house payment of $1400 a month, plus freakin' bills to keep the electricity on. GOD, how am I better off than he is. Four years ago, I had ZERO debt.
  12. My ex-husband was a bit moochy too! He let his family spend all sorts of money on him for Christmas and knew they had one big-ticket item on their list that approximated the budget for x-mas gifts to him and then, last minute, he'd tell them what he'd also like. His mother was really in debt and he always bad-mouthed her for her debts, yet made demands on her for Christmas and birthdays. I am not into paying some guy's way or having mine paid... but I'm done paying the way for men.
  13. God, is he not the epitome of a total beach bum or what?! What is it with this new generation of men who think they can bum off women?! GRRRR. I want a man who wants to support me and make my life easier!
  14. Is R- still planning on taking her for a little vacation on her birthday when your child is born or is that just a regular empty promise?
  15. That girl is so lucky she has you as a role model, that's all I have to say. You are probably five times better than each of them (grandmother included) put together.
  16. Your fixation on fragrance sounds healthy to me, save for the gasoline...
  17. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LMAO (actually my butt's to big at this point to laugh off).... Sitting at the gas station to take in the extra aroma... too funny! I don't crave the fragrance so much as the flavor of food now. I think my aversions are a thing of the past, but I still can't do Taco Bell or Wendy's - not because it physically upsets me, but because I think I'm ruined for life. I was eating that in my early pregnancy and my association reflex is so strongly correlated with those two dining establishments that I'll never be the same. My cravings are often for fried foods (NOT GOOD, I KNOW) with tangy dressings. I usually despise fried foods and since I've been pregnant, it's what really sits well with me. Oh well.
  18. Yeah, I mean they both sound so idiotic. I knew R's mother was the filthy rich one, but I still don't get how she can't just take the bull by the horns and rescue her great grandchild. Maybe she's clueless about the whole thing. I had no idea R- got the girl mainly because his ex gave her back. What an exhausting cycle - she fights for something and then gives it up and then fights for it again. Dufus and Dufa.
  19. I see your point, but... I wouldn't hesitate to battle for custody if I thought my child was being raised in the world she is. I mean, I don't understand why that filthy rich grandmother doesn't step in to rip her out of her grandson's grip. I don't care what comfort a person has with their friends, etc - if it's a crazy train like the one R- is riding, she doesn't have any stability to cling to anyway. I moved when I was younger, quite a bit actually and each move brought different gifts and challenges. But the group she is around, are any of them worthy of a child's love or attention?
  20. I actually agree with you!!! I just can't believe that R-'s situation is sufficient to maintain custody of this child. Honestly, I can't believe a social worker isn't playing tug-of-war yet. I honestly would be tempted to report this couple to Social Services because the way this child is being raised is unbelievable. Parents lose the right to see and "care for" their children when they can't care for themselves.
  21. I've read that if you ever go the hospital, that you need to review your bill carefully, because you tend to get charged for everything even when you deny care. SO STUPD!!! FRAUD INDEED!!!
  22. Good Grief!!! The gull! You don't have to make any announcements, he knows you're not moving. He really does. I think the courts should let his ex take the little girl away and live a decent life elsewhere, but the whole family sounds stupid to me. A mom who tries to cut off growths of her child with a crude knife? YUCK. She sounds wacky, too.
  23. As far as I know, my bennies cover six weeks, the first of which I have to take vacation (5 days) and the last five of which, I get 80% compensation. Then, the FMLA portion kicks in and I think if I qualify which I assume I will, I will get another six weeks at 60%.
  24. Wow, that's truly unheard of. I mean, honestly, that kicks the humpty dump out of my bennies. You lucky duck! Couldn't have happened to a nicer person! I'll say this - it seems like a cool-as-hell time for you to possibly embark on that career change path that you have been talking about. I mean if you have the baby in Feb, then you might essentially have an entire Fall semester to get some classes under your belt during the baby-bonding time. You can study at home and spend most of the time in the house with the child, other than the time you spend in class. JUST A THOUGHT or TWO!!!!
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