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Everything posted by Dilly

  1. THANKS! I'll keep that in mind!!!
  2. Congrats, Rodeo! How exciting!!! I love boys!
  3. Thanks for the underarm thermometer and baby tylenol recommendations. Very good. I've heard some babies get sick and febrile as soon as they come home. What a nightmare.
  4. I mentioned resinol and lanisol to my quasi sis- and brother-in-law last night. They were like, yeah yeah, nothing like desinide cream. These are people with lots of advise, yet they didn't want to even discuss other approaches. ...end of rant.
  5. Good ticker! Right where it should be at 140. Mine is 22 weeks and her heart rates are a bit high. Like 150s-170s. Sort of freaks me out. Anyway, guess it's still in the normal range. You will LOVE the ultrasound!!! I guess then you find out the gender?
  6. God, what a punk! So essentially you DID reach out and not once, but at least twice? Yeah, I'd feel pretty helpless, but you know what, he wanted to be with you. Let him be a grump, see what company that keeps him. Certainly not yours!
  7. I remember my friend telling me about an exchange she and her husband were having - he was accusing her of being spoiled, blah blah blah and she got up suddenly from the bed at night, went to the dresser and mysteriously returned. He said, what'd you do? She said she had to take off her crown. HAHAHAHA. Turn these stupid backstabbing incidents into jokes because that's the only way to conquer his cruelty, to waive the wand of humor and put him in his place. There is no power like that of humor.
  8. Because you think he'll come out of this phase sometime soon after the baby is born, perhaps? He sounds like he might have been frustrated that you didn't just go out of your way to be with him last night, to cater to his needs, and instead of telling you sweetly that he needs you close, he does the unthinkable and pushes you away by pissing you off. He sounds frustrated with his own life and unsure of the future. A bit controlling and manipulative to be sure! I'd seriously try to laugh off his stupid feedback from now on and tell him every princess needs her beauty sleep! I think he likes pissing you off. It shows you care and he can get to you.
  9. Good post, scarew. It's all about being honest with yourself about your own feelings and letting him know he needs to keep that slate clean to keep you keen.
  10. Great advice. I want to stock up on practical items like this. Clothes, bedding, cloths, and blankets you can wash. My friend has a network of preggos at her workplace and is selling stuff at a reduced cost. I intent to make use fo that.
  11. This is another brilliant post!!!
  12. My sister and I were talking about this last night: that at some point, you realize, God, I'm turning into a B---- around this person. I don't like being a b---- and so, then, and really no later than then, is the time to declare your dying love. It's not fun being an insecure snoop, especially when you have alot to offer someone else. I think I understand what you mean. Pregnancy is a cozy time of nesting ideally and certainly not one many would wish to experience alone. I can't imagine giving birth without Robert in the room with me, but then again, I can't imagine him NOT WANTING to be there. Even though they are punks, they feel compelled to some extent to be present for the big events. Anyway, stay strong and true to yourself. You know what you want and what you don't.
  13. Charming! I love hearing about new remedies. One I had never heard of before is teatree oil. God, Robert's family uses it for everything. I just googled Germoline though and it's a neat little concoction. I don't recollect hearing about it before. I guess it has menthol and phenol in it which would definitely give it a different smell than calamine. It also has zinc oxide (like calamine) and salicylate for pain and plenty of lanolin.
  14. Everything made me sick during my first trimester. EVERYTHING. Even into my second, I didn't like anything aromatic. But now, I'm grooving on most things, just not fast-food leftovers that end up in my pod-mates trash bins. Alright, alright, I eat the crap too!
  15. When I read these posts, I honestly think going pain-free sounds best. I don't think I have the greatest tolerance for pain, but I'm pretty tough. I can't imagine that I won't be in trouble of sorts, but ... God, when I think about it, there have been times when I got so constipated (GROSS I KNOW) that the involuntary movement of my intestinal tract gripped me and wouldn't let go. I couldn't really breathe or speak, I was just in pain for about 15-20 seconds until it passed. Anybody ever have that? Sorry, but if childbirth approximates the worst episode of constipation I've ever had, I'm nervous.
  16. What hormone is the "love hormone", oxytocin???
  17. So glad you asked this question, BTR. I always thought it was weird people didn't want the epidural, but now, I see why. I'm asking my doc next time.
  18. I don't know but I really love your posts. You strike me as a woman I would really respect. I have a gorgeous friend, Alexis, who truly has it all. She is just intelligent, beautiful, and highly cool... yet she never acts catty. I am mystified by that. She never flirts with my guy friends and anyway, it takes a special girl to respect other women like this. You remind me of this type of woman and I really want to say KUDOS!!! I wish more of you were out there. Even though you were the recipient of hostility, don't worry about it, just know you have more female fans than those who sip from the well of the hatoraide.
  19. But... I'm not so sure I would reward this catty behavior with this reassurance. It's almost setting it up for the next cycle with some other girl. I honestly think that would offer the quickest remedy if she innocently mentioned her boyfriend, but.... then, the girl may do this same intimidation routine to the next woman that she feels is on the prowell.
  20. Excellent. While it sounds like he is pushing the issue, he may not be bearing down over you telling you what you had better do, or else (threat of the day). I am glad he's asking you to at least see his perspective, because it almost sounds like he's merely looking for validation, not buy-in. Now, I have a problem with it when it becomes a daily harassment. Or a third or fourth conversation initiated over the topic in a short period of time. That's not cool. I'm so happy for and proud of you!!!
  21. You don't gety why WHAT things would have changed like this? That he got a place? Stay strong.
  22. Good question, BTR. I have heard some downsides of pain meds being the epidural sort of makes things take longer??? True?
  23. God, the incessant relentless requests by these guys for support! Shameless!!! You're strong! You know what you have to do. GOOD LUCK!!! (((HUGS))) He can't get to you.
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