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Everything posted by Dilly

  1. That's the kind of humor that wins an argument. I love the logic, I just wish it came when I needed it most!!!
  2. Yup, me too!!! Kinda just want to echo that YOU really need to push back with him. I wish you didn't fork over the money. He didn't deserve it, especially when his money isn't accounted for. You say you hope he's not doing drugs and then, that how can he blow through money, where is it going? Hmmmmmmph. He's acting quite funky. I'd make him get drug-tested before I gave him any money and you know what, F-him if he can't agree to it. He does have something to prove to you now. You should seriously ask him to take a home drug test. They sell them OTC. They are expensive but ... I swear I don't believe that money just got spent on things it should have. What is wrong with him that he didn't accept a good job today! THAT INFURIATES ME that he had the audacity to turn down work when he needs money most! He's testing you alright, he really is and now more than ever, MORE THAN EVER BTR, you have to push back! Your respect is on the line. You are laying the foundation for the future NOW!
  3. ANOTHER AWESOME POST - GOSH, I'm glad you're here.
  5. Look at her avitar... somehow, I know the answer to that one!!!
  6. obfuscation - man I need a dictionary. That's like the third time in my life I've seen that, usually on words of the day. HEHEHEHE. I think I understand what you are saying, LJ, but I'm not sure my mind isn't playing tricks on me so I don't feel dumb. COuld you please be more clear and dumb down your last point?
  7. OH HOW SWEET IT WILL BE!!! You better update us!!!
  8. OMG, you are one of the strongest personalities on ENA!!! I would NEVER have been able to do NC for a single day and YOU did. You have had so much going on and you really are quite a hero in my mind as a mother and friend. You're going to be fine. J - I'm beginning to see his issues more clearly. He might NEED for you to NEED him and when you're fine and getting along OK, he feels inadequate, is prone to silence and separates himself from you emotionally. He sounds really insecure and anybody who needs you to need them is dangerous... not all people... but if you have someone who is an extreme (possibly like J), they will do anything to convince you that you need them or to put you in a situation where you do (intentional or not).
  9. BTW, I have totally felt like you and I bet you just set high standards for yourself, but just keep in mind, if you're thrilled with him, it's quite likely he's thrilled with you too!!! The idea about candlelight is very good because it's just a nice warm soft glow that doesn't cast shadows.
  10. Your fiance' is in love with you. He prolly thinks your shyness is slightly charming and endearing, but over time, it's a bit of a burden for anyone to deal with someone's insecurities. Did you ever think he might be insecure about anything? I mean, if you weren't so focussed on your own feeling of inadequacy, you might have more energy to turn to him. As for the tummy, I think you could get it back to a form you're happy with - if you really want to. I roomed with a girl who had never had kids and she was quite thin, but when she took off her shirt, she had some deflated looking abs. She never worked out. The 5 minutes a day it takes to do a few crunches might turn your stomach into a washboard. You never know.
  11. Dilly

    Skip it?

    What about using a backup method during that time, as well? (this month and next)... just to be sure.
  12. About your tube-tying... I haven't educated myself as much as I should on your position, but would you not want to try any other form of contraception? Either way, I agree with Scarew in that you would be shortcutting a process that brings many women stress, but at the same time, I think you will still undergo the hormonal changes of menopause decades later (hopefully), which is never fun!
  13. Make that FIVE!!! TIC TOC TIC TOC Southergirl, I'm so excited for you!!!
  14. Well, you are an adult, not sure how old your dad was when your brother got his g-friend pregnant, but wasn't his girlfriend like 16 or something? That's one thing dad's tell boys when they're young (I have two brothers and have overheard THE CONVERSATIONS) - to avoid getting a girl pregnant. WOW! That's great!!! It is getting close - Southerngirl is only a few days away and then, aren't you next? I don't know if anyone here is due between the two of you. WOW!!!
  15. You're absolutely right, LJ. So you thought it was a bit abrupt and manipulative of him to just start packing, as well? I wasn't sure what to think. I mean, you would think that someone would offer an explanation for their behaviors, first, to hault the process of breaking up. You would think that they would come close to, if not apologising, then acknowledging the perspective you brought to the table and at least asking what should be done about it. The fact that he just walked out and didn't answer texts or calls... well, I find that distasteful. I don't know what to think about J, but he seems pretty cold from what I've heard. He wants to pitch in and be a hero every now nad then, but how often in our lives are we really heroes? I mean, it's just not in the stars for each of us to lasso the moon every day. Those hero guys... something funky about them.
  16. I had a discussion with my R about raising a child and we both have different expectations. He wants her to make straight A's and I don't want to push that on any kid, especially since grades are often awarded on purely subjective means. Honestly, he didn't make straight A's. I didn't make straight A's. So why push the kid to? Yes, I want to teach them discipline and focus, but... anyway, I'm not worried about it.
  17. Yeah you are. These concerns are ones that you can at least address gradually with your parents. You know, my brother and his wife just essentially put their foot down early and keep their distance from bad influences. You have a ways to go and one thing everyone has been telling me is that advice is one of the hardest things you will have to deal with as a parent. I think taking R- to a parenting class might be helpful or reading over a book together a few nights a week or something.
  18. I agree that you handled this like a mature, respectful, and caring partner. YOU had every right to be pulling HIM aside the next day to tell HIM that this little behavior is not cool and that he should grow up. But somehow, condescending guys want that response from women so that they can accuse them of being insecure and jealous, which you obviously are not. I would have taken the bait and refrained from biting my tongue, not that that is the BEST option, but I wouldn't be able to let that go.
  19. It's just a destructive conversation, you know? I mean, I don't have anybody on my "free pass" list. Not knowingly anyway.
  20. Wow! That's not very fun dealing with a dud! And yeah, how frustrating that would all be. Sorry about the car.
  21. Ditto on the congrats for telling your baby's grandpa!!! I wonder if you could prewarn the Canadian authorities at the border crossings. I mean, maybe they could flag her passport and just probe a little more. If you suspect kidnapping, maybe that's one precaution you could take. I know nothing about it, but that seems like something that might come up often.
  22. I'm absolutely positive I began to feel the baby move between weeks 18 and 19. The baby hasn't stopped moving since. I feel her all the time now and the difference for me between the sensation of gas and fetal movement was location. The baby made sensations right under my muscle layer in my abdomen whereas gas sort of feels deeper to me.
  23. Yes, I see this happening quite a bit with a four year old I care alot about. Her maternal grandparents are almost going out of their way to teach her manipulative tactics (whether intentional or not) by caving into her every request and laughing when she acts like a spoiled brat. I don't like it. Then, the parents have routine tugs of war in front of the child. It's not good.
  24. VERY CUTE Bath Thermometers, BTR!!! Gosh, I didn't know they existed. Southerngirl, only a few more days!!! Your avitar always crax me up!!!
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