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  1. No, you're not wrong. Girl, you sound like any man's dream woman. Most men LOVE it when their women try to have sex with them- it makes them feel wanted and boosts their ego. And it's shocking to me that you walk out in stockings and a garterbelt yet he still doesn't seem interested??? Something is *seriously* wrong. Wouldn't that be something men see in porn? So then, why would he rather see such things in porn rather than in real life? I think HazeyAmber is right, he definitely has intimacy problems. It's like the porn is a way to avoid real human-to-human intimacy with a partner. He's obviously scared of getting too close. It also seems that he's got a porn addiction problem. I wouldn't/couldn't tolerate that. It's definitely a serious thing when porn is getting in the way of the relationship, both intimately-wise and sexually-wise.
  2. Where do you live? It is legal to pursue 17 year old girls where you live? That's my first question, before I make an attempt to advise.
  3. Yes. Sperm can live up to 5 days in your reproductive tract. So if you start ovulating soon after your period you can become pregnant. Also- you can be pregnant and still have your period.
  4. By the way- you're not being 'too jealous.' You're being SMART.
  5. That is highly disrespectful. He's not respecting your feelings at all. Why is he going to his female friend's house for dinner? Very suspicious. Why didn't he bring you? Why were you not invited? I know that when my man's friends want to do stuff with him they always tell him to bring me. HE should have stayed home and cooked you dinner, my man said. Yes, you have a reason to be upset about it. It's your female intuition going off. Pay attention to it, don't disregard it. If you are suspicious about something it's because your internal alarm is going off- and it's going off for a reason. I'd be damned if MY man went to some girl's house for 'dinner'. Uh uuuuuhhhhh. And he's probably the dessert. I would not allow that. Lay down the law- also investigate- and question those two's so-called 'friendly' relationship.
  6. Sounds like a minor, actually. You should investigate this.
  7. Don't cheat- or look at women in front of us, and if you're smart- don't do it behind our backs- and don't look at porn- and don't lie. And cook once in awhile.
  8. I guess you'd have to be in the situation itself to understand why I'm still with him. That said- even people in real life that knows me, my best friends for example, said if they were me they would have left him like, yesterday.
  9. Whoa. That's insane. A lot of that stuff rang true though some wasn't. Like physically and verbally abusive, no, not at all.
  10. I would not quite say 'rocky'. It was good until that horrible situation in my other thread arose. But I definitely do pay attention to all these red flags. I'm trying to work it out in my head though.
  11. Case of mistaken identity. *rolls eyes* I thought you were that guy with the website... but you're not.
  12. Hehehe. You have a point. Plus maybe if they read the things in actual print it will sink in better...
  13. That's what everyone keeps saying. I'm thinking I'm making a huge mistake by still being here in this house.
  14. He knows how to get past things like that. He's a computer tech (licensed) on the side. Someone already came to him with a computer that had windows xp on it and a password, and he got through it so they could use the computer. So nothing I can do will help. Thanks anyway.
  15. I did, and he got mad, and started raging and broke the tv, and an ashtray. So mature. I guess that in itself is just another red flag, wouldn't you say?
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