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  1. My bf and I of a year and a half broke up a month ago. He broke up with me because he wanted to be alone, single and felt like he had alot to deal with and needed to do so on his own. A week later I see him kissing my best friend through the window. He swore there just friends and he can't do a relationship right now anyway so she's just his support. I, obviously was pissed/hurt/devistated. No contact. etc. Now yesterday I see on facebook that he and her are in an official relationship. After a month. And he was NEVER really alone because it started up right after the breakup. What the hell is going on?
  2. I am curious to see what you guys think about the once a cheater always a cheater thing. I did not believe it for a long time but the way my last relationship ended made me believe it is true. I have sworn never to date someone that has cheated before. So what do you guys think about it?
  3. Cleaned my appartment, Drew me a bath and cooked me dinner all in one night.
  4. Just sitting back and watched them do this makes me want to throw up. I know i have to not care but really...I loved him and was with him for a year and a half and a week after the break up i have to watch him kiss my best friend? nd know they are probably having sex and being all couply. Guh.....
  5. Thank you. All your guys advice makes perfect sense...though its always tough to out in practice I have to try as hard as possible.
  6. So this will probably be long I hope someone takes the time to read it... My boyfriend and I of a year and a half broke up for normal reasons. Were young and he wsnt ready to be in a long term relationship yada yada. So that was devastating but I was working on getting over it. A week later (on my birthday no less) I was walking back from a bar and saw him kissing someone through his window (He lives 3 blocks away from me). I freaked out and went up there and confronted him. I looked around for whoever it was and when i turned around it was my "best friend". More and more unraveled as days went by such as the fact that they had been seeing eachother only days after the breakup (Before we even talked about it being final because he considered getting back together with me) Now they are still "together"> Although he insists they are only friends that make out aoocasionally and she is "in love" with him. She has sent many nastey emails my way saying we were never friends in the first place and that he and her had been cultivating this relationship from day one. (Not like cheating but that they had feelings for eachother)> I know both of those statements to not be true because I was her friend and he did lve me for that year and a half and no one else. Anyway, Yesterday we had to say our goodbyes through email and i cried for the rest of the day because this was the most painful way of losing him i could ever imagine. And now we have to never talk to each-other or see each-other. So now i feel totally betrayed, villinized by the two and like i will never trust again or even want to be in a relationship again because this hurt TO MUCH and i would be so terrified of it happeneing again. Especially because it was ALL a shock to me and i did not see any of it coming.
  7. I guess this is the right catigory? I come from a pretty normal parenting situation and both parents are a part of my life. My boyfriend however is having issues with his father. He basically wants a relationship with him (has never really had one other than phone calls and rare visits for events) and it isnt happening. Recently he asked his father to help him buy a laptop. He told me later it had nothing to do with the money or laptop but he wanted his dad to finnaly support him in his college education. Well long story short, he isnt really going to support him (he gave little money and is paying it through the state so just adding to the back child support he already owes...how nice) Anyway, i don't know how to help him or comfort him. Does anyone have experience with deadbead dads that can help me? Should he keep trying to have a relationship with him? Try to confront him? Or will he just get let down over and over... He also searches for father figures everywhere. He looks up to my dad alot even. Is that healthy? and if so should i maybe encourage them to spend more quality time together or does that even compare to filling the void he has? I'm just so clueless in this subject so any advice or insight would help. Thanks.
  8. Wow, this is all very helpfull and fast! I guess i will just try to prepare myself to be ok with being in the same room with her for a while...One more thing What should i say if she does try to talk to me or wrose, brings it up?? Should i just tell her its not a good time for something like that? I really am not ready for confruntation on the subject of any sort so i would love to avoid it for a little while longer
  9. Maybe i need tips on how to be likable because i spent this whole time before this trying to be nice and have her like me
  10. Well other than the fact that I'm "taking her son away" They were really close when he was still living at home (before me) and she kind of used him as a serogate male in her life. So i basically ripped taht away from her. I dont see how any of the things she said about me were true and whenever i tried to respond to defend myself against her acusations she would say "well i just dont know if i believe that". So there really was no reasoning with her. And im talking simple stuff like she said she didnt think my parents were ok with us living together and when i told her i called my parents and told them and they were perfectly fine with it she was just like "well i dont think thats true".... My boyfriend was horrified about the whole thing when i told him. He stayed in shock for a few days and then wrote his mom a letter asking for her support in our living together and being together, with no response from her. He understands how hurt i was but still wanted a relationship with his mother, of course. His remedy for it was that "I'm dating you, not my mom so it doesnt matter" But i think its hard for him to understand that his mother is a part of his life and family and its going to be hard to deal with that...
  11. I am having a major Mother "In law" (were not married just been dating for a year and a half) Basically: She hates me. I always had a sense of her dislike but one day when he and I were planning on moving in together with some friends, she sat me down and, with a smile on her face, called me a liar, selfish, manipulative, suggested that I'm not good enough for her son, and didn't think we would last anyway so it would be a waste to move in to the same house. I, of course, was extremely upset and since then have just avoided her. It has been easy so far because she works out of town but now my boyfriends birthday is coming up and he wants to have a dinner with the family and me. So here's the dilemma. I don't feel like I can be in the same room with this woman, at least for now. I think there would be to much tension and I wouldn't even know what to say. So I told my bf I wouldn't be going and we could do something else just us and some friends on another day. So here's my questions. Is it selfish to not go because I would be uncomfortable even though it's his birthday? Does anyone have any advice on how to deal with a mother of a bf that HATES your guts? Should I try to confront her or just let be? Any suggestions will help. I've never had to deal with anything like this before so I'm totally lost…
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