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Everything posted by EvaGina

  1. lol, your cute. I dont like circumcised guys, it seems unnatural. Ummm, I say, put him in as far as possible (without deep-throating) and just run your tongue up and down... I havnt had any complaints with that... but every guy is different, so its mostly just up to trying things out. My friends husband likes to be bitten so hard it draws blood!! so its all just personal preference (and be carefull with the tongue piercing thing... a lot of people find them a huge turn off, dont waste the money unless you know he likes them)
  2. Men should be hairy Trimming? I dont care, as long as it is no shorter than a #4 or so but really... men should be as hairy as possible I dont understand how women get hairs in their mouths and things... The occasional one, yes, but its not that big of a deal! Women, I dont care if my women are hairy or not. I havnt been down on a woman for a very, very long time, so I cant quite remember what my preference is with THAT... but I dont care about armpit hair or anything. Myself? I keep my armpits and legs smooth, and hte "underneath" of my bits... but I keep the triangle, the full triangle, just trimmed. I cant shave or wax so I dont really have a choice, but I havnt had any complaints
  3. its not just him tho "on friday i told him i had a crush on another guy at work" Sounds like a typical, run-o-the-mill destructive reletionship to me Petty game playing and stuff He should have called... yes.. .but why not just call him before getting angry, and gently pointing out his mistake?
  4. What is so bad about being friends with an ex tho? If she/he was a good enough person to date, then why arent they good enough to be mates with? The only ex's of mine that I am not activly friendly with, were abusive. Even then, if I bump into them I can chat quite nicely and things. Its a bad sign when people arent on talking terms with their old partners.
  5. This makes more sense Its weird tho, I dont think anyone would ever describe me as being closed off... I dont really fear being hurt, emotionally, that is. I am pretty open with people, even if I dont know them well. It sucks that there doesnt seem to be one easy answer, that its not just black and white...
  6. ^^ That makes sense Except I would think that when a women refuses to tel a man how many people she has slept with, its not always that she isnt over her past. I am pretty logical, I am not proud of everyone I have slept with, but I dont tell my partners the number, not because ~I~ have am ajor issue with it, but just becuase people can be so judgmental. They tend to freak out and think that I think of them as "just a number"... when I was younger, I probably would have, but I dont do that anymore.
  7. Im not sure I have explained it properly. I dont hurt them, its not like I go out and cheat on them, and I am not mean to th guys I date... I just get a physical reaction to them touching me and things after a while. And I do trust them, Im not the girl who gets jelous or nasty, I dont stress if they dont call or anything. I dont even mind if they meet someone else or anything like that, as long as they are honest about it
  8. Ok... dont become whiney pain in the butt and it wont be a problem. I only have 3 girlfriends, the rest of them are all men. It doesnt mean anything. She is an adult, allowed to see whoever she wants to see. If you start getting paranoid, she will still keeping seeing them, but just not tell you. And it will not be her fault, it will be yours for not trusting her. IF she does cheat on you, then its not the fault of the men she is seeing, she is just not fulfilled in your reletionship. People dont cheat just for the hell of it... and stopping seeing men she already knows will not change it if she is going to cheat on you. Its not "wrong" persay, its just how reletionships go. I say back off, cool down, and trust her. Talking from the girl in her shoes, it will just piss her off if you start being all posessive. AND DONT LISTEN TO THIS PERSON... They dont know what they are talking about... they are just bitter and paranoid from past experiences. Some girls just prefer the company of men to women, which makes sense, women tend to be bitter, two faced and judgemental. (Sorry girls, but we are, I am do going to be flamed for that one)
  9. Survictor: Exactly, but I dont know why I do it or how to stop it! For Another: Makes sense... but then I dated an amazing guy for 2 years I still love him a lot, but he kinda hates me... its a weird situation. I thought I would be with him forever, it still makes me cry if I think about it too much. But then I hated him when we were going out, too. Not as bad as normal, but when we broke up (the most amicable break up in history, btw) we hadnt slept together for 2 months.
  10. But you dont know what the situation was like with the men she cheated on. Its never black and white. As long as she is clean and doesnt have stds and things... its still not his business unless she volenteers the information
  11. What business is it of yours who she was with before you? Its really not your issue at all. If she doesnt want to tell you, she doesnt want to tell you! She might not feel proud of her "conquests" And how did you find out from her friends? Were you asking them? Becuase that would be horrible of you. Anyways, apart from that, drop it... I know her lying to you would hurt you, but you shoudlnt be making her feel like she should lie in the first place.
  12. She has to relax.. I say back off a bit, go back to teasing for a while... let her regain some sensation
  13. I just feel like I am such a douche when it comes to reletionships. I can be dating the most amazing guy... I will love him ot pieces and be totally and utterly happy. I will want to spend as much time as possible with him and all that jazz. But, as soon as I feel committed, as soon as I feel like I cant hook up with anyone else (even if I dont want anyone else) I start going mad. I become overly critical and all that common stuff. But I also start hating them. I will flinch if they touch me or try to hold me. I hate being one of those girls that only like horrible guys... but I am and I dont know why. I only tend to stay attracted to men who treat me badly... but then I also have more dignity than that, so I leave them, while still wanting them. Its a very odd situation and Im not quite sure what to do about it.](*,)
  14. my ex and I used to say it all the time... at least ten or twenty times a day,... and we meant it every time... we still say it... i think its an individual thing... however, reletionship councellors will suggest that partners tell eachother they love eachother at least once a day
  15. mmmmmmmmm, yeahs... sweat can be good... in moderation tho
  16. but how can people overcome their own "mental" setbacks if no one who inspires change will give them a chance?
  17. poor button whya re you having a break?
  18. hmm she sounds like me a few years ago just because someone is going through a bad patch.. or stuff they are finding hard to handle.. it doesnt mean that they arent a good person the on-again-off-again reletionship is a good indication that she tries to make her life better but then lonliness gets the best of her I say give her a chance.. but DONT sleep with her straight away... treat her like a gentleman... dont even actyually sleep in the same bed as her... walk her to her door... let her know that she means more to you than a cheap screw
  19. thats awesome it shows he has enough imagination to get turned on easily... which means his imagination will carry on in the bedroom
  20. there is no fun in a clingy guy... I know what you mean... dont worry about it, he will bounce back, I promise
  21. what a * * * *ing lousy cow I know it sucks... I really, really know how this stuff eats you up... PLEASE try not to dwell on it meet some new ppl... keep yourself busy.. and properly busy, not just venting on the internet
  22. hmmmm I would say leave it I mean, all it shows is distrust for this woman... when (as far as I know) you have no reason to distrust her Im still very good friends with my ex... half a dozen paintings of mine are still on his walls... it doesnt mean anything except that we still have a great reletionship. That we broke up so well that we can still be big parts of eachothers lives without rooting.
  23. not long... but meh, im young and impulsive...
  24. Im taking the guy im dating on a late night picnic tomorrow night... It will be our first date Im a bit scared, I have no idea what foods he likes or anything Im going to put some effort in and do some baking for it too...
  25. hmmm I like anyone who seems genuine and nice... pretty much I always want to bone the popular, centre of attention types... but when it comes to anythign deeper, I like my guys to be a little more understated body hair is always a plus too
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