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Everything posted by EvaGina

  1. I dont know! I really cant think of an answer for that one! The only reason I ever stare at someone is if they are evil, I know they are evil and they have done somthing evil to me or someone I care about. Apart from that, if Im not interested in someone who is leering at me or somthing, I just dont look at them. Maybe the girls in your area are all up themselves?
  2. EvaGina

    who pays?

    yes, your old fashioned I dno, I think whoever invites should pay. Apart from that, its just who gets it first. I have paid for everything with the guy I have been dating recently, its not that he doesnt try, but I know that he is REALLY on the bones of his bum atm and I dont mind.
  3. So... is he ~actually~ retarded or is he just a bit strange? There is a difference. If the guy needs help or assistance, then dating him may not be the best idea. However, if he is just strange, then whats the harm?
  4. Just rememberd... After a very, very long night of drinking, a friend and I were going for it in what we THOUGHT was a private part of this park/mountain thing... unfortunatley, it wasnt that private, and we were interuppted by the "WOOT WOOT" and headlights of a police car I know they are normal and everything, but I almost cry if that ever happens to me...
  5. Its not important to me! I mean, Im not tall, about 5'6" or 5'7" or so.. I think... but I have dated guys shorter than myself... I really dont care. I think its an insecurity thing.. they need to feel protected and all that stuff. The last guy I went out with who was shorter than me, liked it when I wore high heels, he was a skinny wee thing, too, so we looked hilarious But no one ever commented or anything. I seriously dont see what the problem is. It feels a bit weird at first, just because your not used to it... but after a while you dont notice at all! as they say, we are all the same height lying down
  6. If that is you in your avatar, you really dont look like you need to lose weight having a big butt is a GOOD thing, I have lost a lot of weight recently due to stress and a healthier lifestyle (well, helthier despite hte stress), and I am actually pretty upset that my bum isnt as big as it once was anyways, yes, when I cut booze out of my diet (im an alcoholic, so it had to be done) I not only lost weight, but felt heaps better, more energy and the such. Just find exercise you enjoy.. I go to yoga twice a week, once you start, its awesome, try ashtanga, its alot more physical than normal yoga. apart from that, I walk home from work, AWAY from the bus route so Im not tempted to just flag it and wait for the bus halfway home
  7. Well, I got my period today, I have eaten almost a litre of yogurt, toast, eggs, sushi and cookies... its only 2.30 in the afternoon. Just try to eat healthy when you binge, it shoud be fine.
  8. nothing would show up on tests for a while. if she didnt have any sores, I wouldnt worry tho. You should be fine
  9. Ok... did he do drugs in the past? Is it possible that he is doing them now? Speed, P, E... they can all contribute to those symptoms. If he is doing drugs and not looking after him self inbetween uses, then he could be jsut wasting away. apart from that, he could be severly depressed... Stress can cause muscle tension, stomach ulcers, appetite supression (which would contribute to ulcers)... It would explain his sleeplessness and his loss of "zest" Try taking him out for a day or somthing. do somthing personal and intimate to make him realise how much you care about him. are you able to help him out financially in any way? can you help him budget or anything to help lighten his load?
  10. I like it from behind... I can change how deep he goes without him knowing... and I like being in pain or uncomfortable, so being held down is cool. apart from that, just being overly dirty is great
  11. ewwwww, really? You wouldnt know it from the taste of the juice itself mmmmmmm, I wonder what aphidofilis (sp?) yogurt would do for it....
  12. I like brunettes normally Although I a blonde did catch my eye last night The most beautifull girl I have ever seen was (a stripper... odd) a redhead... proper redhead, with very pale skin... she was amazingly curvy... -sigh- (Im a girl, btw)
  13. Aww sweetheart I had plenty of boyfriends and things, but no one serious until i was 19... being with him made me realise that its really worth holding on until you find someone awesome. Dont get me wrong, I am open to casual dating and sex and things, but I wont commit myself unless I am totally swept off my feet. I say good on you for not giving in and just dating someone for the hell of it. Someone will come along, just try to put your feelers out a bit more if you feel like the "well is dry". Go out, meet new people... When I moved to a new city and didnt know anyone, I found myspace was an awesome way to meet people in my area, I didnt date any of them, but I did meet a hell of a lot of new ppl, went to parties and gigs and things... Im sure if I had been looking for somthing, I would have found it Good luck button
  14. ^^^ Unface, that is awesome!!! Anyways, its just porn... porn porn porn... Seriously, they probably dont give a damn, they just dont want you too feel bad
  15. I know what you mean, exactly. I talk to him and he tries to be dodgey but I just tell him to shut up, that its not going to happen. I know your right, and thats what I was planning to do the entire time, I was just having a moment of weakness last night. Im not a "soul mate" kind of person, so I know I will meet someone I like just as much, if not more.
  16. Keep meat, onions, garlic, strong spices and booze to a minimum... or just cut them out of your diet. Drink a heap of strawberry milk before seeing her... and pineapple, as Born said
  17. Sounds good... I think she realises that these guys are out of line, but as long as they arent being aggressive with thier attempts, she will juse let it slide, y'know?
  18. I could normally, easily, just have sex and walk off, I am pretty man-ish in most areas of sex and dating... but not with this guy...
  19. 1. Of the sexual partners you've had, how many are/were actually good in bed? A few, only one who was amazing, but when I was younger, we were all still learning, I suppose. Plus, its more about how 2 people react to eachother than how "good in bed" they are. 2. Have you slept with everyone you dated? Hmmm, I would say so... 3. Have you indulged in casual sex? Yeas. 4. If you answered NO to #3, how did you feel between relationships? 5. If you could live your life again, what would you change in your sex life? A lot of stupid things I did when I was younger, being too pathetic to not let people take advantage of me.
  20. Just because you people dont understand her friendships, it doesnt mean that she is doing anything wrong. Scout, sorry for being so blunt, but you are making out like she is doing somthing wrong, when she just seems to have friendships that you havnt had experience with. Anways, talk to her, tell her that you find the whole "sexy"t hing innapropriate... but if you trust her, you are just going to have to live with her friendships. I am friends with my ex-fiancee, I would never stop talking to him for a boyfriend. I have friends that I sleep in the same bed with, that I cuddle, that grab my .. and it doesnt mean anything. Why? Becuase if it was a GIRLfriend my partner wouldnt blink an eye. These people are her friends, her past, she has been honest with you and has given you no reason to doubt her. So they think she is sexy, how is that a bad thing? She obviosuly knows how to deal with them and they dont act in a way that makes her uncomfortable, so I really think you should just let her do what she thinks is right.
  21. LeftBehind, I think your halfway there already. You know what you do, you know why... now you just have to fight your deamons. Granted, you will probably be fighting them all your life.. its not easy to control learnt behaviours. But it is worth it. Perhaps get out a few books or go talk to someone? Just to get a few ideas on how to cope with certain situations?
  22. Okay. I would be seriously pissed if my bf tried to get me to stop seeing my ex's... They were important people to me, I wouldnt have dated them otherwise. I mean, I suppose he could ask her to only see them in a public setting or somthing? Only go out for coffee as opposed to going to his place and watching dvds or somthing. But when it comes down to it, he just doesnt trust her.
  23. If she wants to see you or talk to you afterwards, DONT DO IT!! Leave it for a few months or a year or so before you start talking to her again, if you go out for coffee with her and things, she will still cling to hope that you will go back to her. Make it a clean break, dont reply to her emails or anything. Tell her she hasnt done anything wrong, that she isnt bad or anything, but you just dont want to be in this reletionship any longer. She will get over it, ony a handfull of reletionships last.. and most people survive.
  24. OKAY -deep breath- I go out to town with Tony, Tony is all over me but Im not interested, however, we meet tony's friend Matt, who I am instantly attracted to and who seems to be interested in me, but thinks I am with Tony. A few days later, Matt messages me on myspace, he had found out that Tony and I arent together and wanted to meet up. We go out on a date, end up at his friends house, where he is cuddling me and telling me he likes me and stuff. All very nice. The thing is, it turns out he is going to England in the new year to see this girl, so he cant really start a reletionship. He says that if he had met me before he had organised and paid for his trip, it would be different, but its still a bit strange. I know he likes me and we do get along really well. But he has the same kind of reletionship issues I have, commitment issues and the like. I know hes not just trying to use me for sex or anything, as I have told him, plain and clear, that I am not going to do anything like that with him until he figures out what is going on with this girl. I have also made it clear that I am not going to wait for him, I am still dating other guys and the like. We talk everyday and I really enjoy just spending time with him, but there is so much sexual tension, its hard to ignore that we WANT to be more than just friends. So, My question, should I stop hanging around with him? Should I keep hanging out with him and just hope the sexual element dissapates? Should I give in and just enjoy being with him while he is here? I have nothing against casual sex or anything like that, but I have a feeling I would be hurt when he left to see her, no matter how composed I would seem to him... Im not one to stand in peoples way if they want to see how things go with another person :splat:
  25. His mum walked in on him going down on me... he didnt realise and kept going
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