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Everything posted by EvaGina

  1. She might only want you to want her... She might like the IDEA of you, but doesnt really want to go any further... I dno, she sounds a lot like me and I have no idea what Im about... so Im sorry I cant be of any more help
  2. I will call him later today... Im getting pretty worried actually as now that I think about it, I havnt heard from him since he started hitchhiking from one city to another... Edit: AND now I feel stupid... I just called him, hes fine, just stuck in the middle of the coutryside with no credit on his phone.... I dno... He said he'll see me wednesday or Thursday, tho he better make it wednesday as he knows I have taken Thursday off work to spend time with him... Feeling used... blagghghgh
  3. White tea is really good apparently Im gonna go get some on payday mmmmmmmmmmm, tea
  4. Sorry, but this is amazingly... blinkered. Coming from an ex drug-addict and an alcoholic, I know what I am talking about when saying that this post is utterly incorrect. Dont mean to sound like such a cow, but I hate it when people give out such bad information when it comes to things that are important to get right. (like sex and drugs, the information should be clear and correct)
  5. I would never call being stoned beign "high"... With weed, I feel thick, gluggy and stupid... It feels horrible and I get paranoid. When I am drunk I lose time, I do a lot of stupid stuff, I dont REALISE Im drunk and I drink more... I love it, to be honest, which is why Im an alcoholic but I dont really touch the stuff becuase I am so dangerous with it. It makes my feet tingle and Im totally happy and I pee a lot E, now, this stuff is awesome, exctasy is briliant, I can have conversations on it, dance, socialise... it sounds amazingly cheesy, but I love everything when I am on it, and I dont get comdowns, as long as your pretty healthy it doesnt really have side=effects if your only taking it occasionally. it makes me feel happy just thinking about it K: meh... I have never taken pure K, just cheap E's filled with K insead of mdma... it was kinda fun, I had to sit in a dark room and listen to music while the walls were pulsating... but it was kinda cool...very mashy Acid: Brilliant also, but hard to try and control, you can act sober on E if you HAVE to, but not on LSD... Its the kind of drug I would need to be in familiar surroundings when I was on it.. with plenty of stuff to occupy me (pen and paper I cant stop drawing when Im tripping) Crack: dont see the point, it doesnt get you HIGH, just keeps you up... and its WAY too expensive. Speed: havnt done this one in years... I remember having heaps of fun but I was always drunk at the time, so who knows. Datura: Dont go near it, people die or go blind too easily on this stuff. Lastly, those "herbal high" things... I have taken a HUGE amount of stupid risks with drugs, but I have never felt myself dying like I did on these things.. Scariest night of my life... never, ever again. And no, you cant get PHYSICALLY addicted to weed... those drugs they are giving for withdrawls are placebos... mental addictions are the hard things to break... just ask a smoker.
  6. My ex had two sofas in his lounge when he was living with his parents. We had sex behind one while his (highly christian) mother was sitting on the other watching the news
  7. You sound just like me... JUST like me... I wish I could help, but Im just as messed up... I spose I just wanna tell you that your not the only one.
  8. I hate this feeling. I didnt really know where to put this. I was seeing this guy, James, he was fine, nice enough and all, I knew it wasnt going to last in any way, but hes just started ignoring me... I dont reallly mind, its just an ego bruise and I find it very rude, which annoys me but its not keeping me up at night. However, last week, I played hostess to a guy, Matt, I havnt seen in 5 years. He was my first real bf when I was 15 and we just kinda of fell back into... somthing... Lust and sex I can handle, feelings I cant. I really, really like him, and I did think that he liked me too. He was cutting his holiday up north short so he could spend more time with me (He is supposed to be coming back into my city on wednesday) But I havnt heard from him in days now. I text him questions about this party on the weekend (for illigal reasons I shant get into), but I get no reply. And this actually upsets me. I dont mean to sound vain, but I dont really ever have a problem with finding guys... but I feel like guys only like me for sex (not that I had sex with Matt). Now, I KNOW that Im more than that to most guys, all my friends are guys and I love them all dearly, and them me... but Im just in a funk. I dont know what to do, I havnt called him for fear of looking like a stalker, so I dont know if his phone is off and thats why he hasnt replied.. but I just fee like climbing into bed and never getting out.](*,) And then I feel pathetic for even caring. There isnt really a point to this thread, sorry
  9. Get out... get out now... dont get your stuff, just LEAVE. Shes going to beat the living daylights out of you one day. There is only so much you can do, if she doesnt go get help of her own accord, its not your problem. but leave... please...
  10. hmmm, I would have to be REALLY comfortable with the guy to do it.... My ex was eating a chick out in the shower when she got hers... I dont think he ever recovered. My other ex, however, LOVED IT... it was kinda strange...
  11. Women taste good Men taste... at best... bad
  12. Its pretty hard to confuse "friendly" close with "my lips are one inch away from yours" close...
  13. It takes women FAR longer to cum from oral than it does men (generally speaking)... and mens tongues get sore too...
  14. Fertility takes from 6 month to 2 years to return after coming off Depo. Apart from that, I have no idea.
  15. Ok, fair enough... it just sounded creepily similar for a minute, which would not have been cool at all. Yeah, I would say that she probably feels a bit left out about the dance thing and she will be fine once you guys get there, but shes just scared she might be a bit of an outcast for the night
  16. Well, with the school thing, I would just let it go, do you expect her to dumb her studies down for you? With the date thing, I assume she knows that you have a crush on this guy. Firstly tho, I have a few questions, do you get jelous if she chooses to spend time with other friends over you, even if its not much time? Do you get jelous of her boyfriends? Or find youself almost getting crushes on them? Although normally I would say that with the dance thing, she probably just doesnt want to feel left out and is scared that you wont really talk to her all night... what you are saying sounds dangerously like the reletionship I used to have with the girl who was my best friend.
  17. I was never vocal until my last fling... he was amazing... I have to force myself a bit with the new guy... but he likes dirty talk, so its ok. Lots of swearing... lots of it...
  18. dont block her into a corner or anything either The power of physical obstructions, walls, trees, things like that, can be heavy. Instead of feeling like she is safe, she might feel like she is trapped Private is good tho... huge open spaces make people feel a bit... exposed
  19. You are dating. The bf/gf thing can be a bit difficult, its different with every couple.
  20. My ex emailed me and told me about a "great date" he had... I wasnt jelous, it jsut re-enforced that he was an immature git and I did the right thing by dumping him. People arent stupid, even if they cant PROVE anything, they can feel when someone is doing somthing just to try annoy them. The best thing you can do is to relax and live you life without thinking about the ex.
  21. There is only one man I have ever really loved on that level that is more than just very good friends with a whole lot of sexual compatibility. that man is NOT a jerk... he is kind, loving, sweet and intelligent. He is the best partner anyone could ever hope for and I love him so much I let him go becuase I know I am not right for him. I am awefully selfish, so for me to love someone that much is huge... and he is the nicest guy I have ever met. So no, they jerks dont always win Although, I think sometimes the attraction to horrible guys, is that if they DO treat you like a princess, you know htey mean it. If a nice guy treats you well, its not really a big deal... as they are nice, they treat all people well, its what they do!
  22. get really close, but dont kiss her... i mean REALLY close... she will edge away if she doesnt want to... but she will kiss you if she does
  23. Its tastes like nothing you can explain... its not exactly plesant, anyways, without sounding lewd.. if she makes sure you cum right at the back of her mouth (without it being so far back it goes up her nose) then she shoudlnt be able to taste it as much. It might be texture as well... not sure what you can do about that tho.. .increase your water intake?
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