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Everything posted by EvaGina

  1. All those things are planned as is his steak dinner (hes a chef, so I have to be carefull with this one!!) and we went out before, about 7 years ago... we were eachothers first real girlfriend/boyfriend... and we experimented A LOT... I want to do somthing new!! I WAS thinking of (if his house has a deck) pulling a mattress out onto the deck and sleeping under the stars (I took his virginity on a perfectly clear night under the stars, year ago) But I want somthing singularily for him.. I have done everything I have planned with somone else, and I wouldnt be surprised if someone has done it for him in the years I havnt seen him... I want it to surpass amazing... Yes, I have high expectations I love him, I want to show him Thanks for the suggestions so far (Jh6n, I am going to pick up chocolate pudding on the way to his house... as a carry on from a conversation we had a while back)
  2. OKAY Im "pretty" but I "ruin" it by dressing butch and shaving my head... I am told, regularly, that I am strange... I say the "wrong" things and have a very, very strange sense of humour... and I am so loved. I am going to sound really vain, but there has only been one guy I have ever wanted that I havnt got... and the last time I saw him he was all over me. The key: I act confident (although I am normally a wreck inside) and I treat people as though they are important. As long as you are a nice person, and you give people a chance... then you will never go without... Live life by instinct, stop fretting and just enjoy interacting with people... the more you relax, the more attractive you will be to others...
  3. Applepie... did you punch them? I would have given a toss like that a sock to the face and gotten out of the car... You poor thing I love stretch marks, by the way... I think its hte "flaws" on us that make us human, make us sexy... My ex had HUGE purple, raised stretch marks running down from his spone, he trued to not let me see them when we first started dating, but I loved them Im not comfortable with my body... I find the worse I eat and the less I exercise, the more I hate myself... if I am eating well and exercising, then Im pretty happy with my body... In the end you just have to ask yourself if you were in love with someone who had your body, would the body turn you off?
  4. ok, lube, and lots of it AND, for your first few times... fingers.. one at a time and TAKE IT SLOW... not only will it hurt you, but it can hurt him as well if you try force it in... you have to concentrate on relaxing your muscles, if you tense up, it hurts... badly... GOOD LUCK
  5. Whoa No, no its not normal... imo there are two reasons for this, first being she has no natural sex drive... its a human drive to fondle yourself... second being she has MAJOR guilt issues when it comes to sex, which sounds more likely seeing as she thinks its "gross". This could mean a huge amoutn of hassle for you later on. Good luck... I say talk to her.
  6. Yep, sounds like thrush to me!! no more tight jeans, keep her in cotton panties, and go get some canesten
  7. HAAHA, sex doesnt make a marraige!??? Maybe not, but its a huge part of it!! When I stopped having sex with my ex, it was becuase I kept on telling him what I wanted in bed, and he just wouldnt do it... he would say he would, but would just do what he preferred when we were in the act.... talk to her, ask her if there is anything you can do for her in bed...
  8. I close my eyes and turn away from guys during sex... I feel very exposed and somtimes I just dont want to feel looked at. Are you staring at him to see if he turns away? Try just looking at him occasionally... he might feel a bit on the spot Guys get paranoid about thier ugly sex faces and things, just like chicks...
  9. So, I have had a few issues recently with the guy I have been seeing... I told him to buck up his ideas and he has and everything is going swimmingly now... I figured most of the problems were actually just my own paranoias (I have recently been badly burnt and Im still a bit shaken from it) Anyway, my boyfriend is amazing, and I shall be moving down in a few days to his city... I want to do somthing special for him, special yet CHEAP as I dont have a job in the new city yet. I have already bought new, kinky underwear, I plan to dote on him totally for the first few days that I stay at his house, and I have *ahem* leather cuffs... anyways.. I want to do somthing a bit insane... I dont know what, but somthing that he will remember forever... Any ideas?
  10. I didnt quite know where to put this... Well, to start with, this is my third topic on this guy... My first ever boyfriend (Mark) and I got back together after 7 years a while back... the thing is, he lives in another city, so we havnt seen eachother for a while. I was going to move to his city anyway, flatting with Mark's best friend Carl. Since Mark went home after his holiday (when we hooked up) I pretty much havnt heard from him. I spoke to him a few weeks ago and he admitted he was doing the whole "treat em mean, keep em keen" thing. I told him not to, that doesnt work on me and I would just get angry/bored and wander off. To no avail, hes still not getting in contact or answering my messages or anything. So I am not going to be with him like we planned when I get to his city in 2 weeks. Now, I will be living with his best friend, so when I tell him I am going to have to be pretty diplomatic to avoid awkward-ness. I know he will try sleep with me, hes that kind of guy. And seeing as I cant reach him on phone and I am not going to try explain through text messages, Ill wait till I see him and he tries somthing before I bring it up. I was planning on just telling him that I am past the age where game-playing is acceptable... that I am not trying to punish him and Im not angry at him, but I just think that if you are going to be with someone you should ACT like you are into them. There isnt any point in going out with someone you arent going to treat like they are amazing. Can anyone suggest anything to say? I really, really like this guy, so it will suck big time, but I have been kicked in the teeth so much by men its time to toughen up and stop giving them what they want without working for it. Suggestions? Anything I can say to get the message accross, that Im not going to just sleep with him, without making him angry or anything? Hes a pretty happy-go-lucky kinda chap, so Im not worried about him flying off the handle or anything, I am just going to have to see him all the time, so I have to be tactful Thanks
  11. ok get some sea salt... pure seasalt, make sure it has NO iodine in it. add just a wee pinch to BOILING water and wait for it to cool a bit until it is hot, but not overly so. Then soak your peircing with a cotton ball for about 10 mins. Sea salt is a natural anti-septic without being so harsh it will make things worse by irritating your navel. It also draws out any unwanted material (pus, crusted blood) from your piercing. It works really well, its what I use on mine. DONT use savlon or anything, its way to harsh... all you need is seasalt and boiled water, twice a day (use a cotton bud to clean right in your belly button and another to dry it off, too... belly buttons are pretty grotty) Good luck
  12. she wants more from you she doesnt feel loved but your not going out with her, huh? talk to her, seriously, you dont need this you dont owe her anything.
  13. No, I would say read it, never dont read an email... I have hung up on exes before when they were trying to tell me somthing serious. But just email her back "Im sorry, although I appreciate and return your good wishes, I did ask you to not get in touch with me. I am not ready to have any contact with you at the moment" Then again, if my ex emailed me I would rip him a new one. if she gets all shirtty, just let her be a cow... you dont need to talk to her and about missing friendship... there are MILIONS of people you can have meaningful friendships with without all the tension stuff...
  14. I suppose thats the thing thats making me so impatient I already feel like I know him so well... its like we had spent the last 7 years together!! Not that I am particulary patient anyways I dont want him to think that I dont want commitment and go do somthing with someone else to "prove" it... I have done that to people before and I have had it done to me... Im not interested in anyone else, and I wouldnt be angry if he hooked up with someone else before I got there, but I would be gutted
  15. I am getting the guy I like NOTHING.... saving all my pennies to re-locate to his city
  16. I wouldnt care... seriously... Just tell her Lying is NEVER a good idea... ever...
  17. Ok... So I have been wanting to move out of my current city for a while, and my mate Carl lives in the city I am moving too and has a room free for me. The only reason I was waiting is because Carls best friend is my ex Mark. Mark was my first "real" boyfriend and I hadnt seen him in 5 years. I wanted to meet up with Mark and see if we were friendly before moving in with Carl because if we hated eachother and had to see eachother all the time, it would suck. So, Mark stays at my place for a few days while he is on holiday, not only do we not hate eachother, but we totally dig eachother and end up having the best few weeks we have had in years. I am totally smitten with this guy, hes amazing... the thing is, we are both pretty weirded out by commitment. When I asked him how he would feel about me moving to his city, and in with Carl, he said "Yes, move down and be my girlfriend"... it was a moment of openess I wish I had taken instead of being scared and going "ummm, how about we just see how it goes"... I think he is scared that I am moving FOR him, and I am scared that my moving will freak him out, although I have told him I wanted to move before we got together. I find myself jokingly putting him down all the time, I think its a defense thing... I always apologise afterwards and tell him how much I like him... But can anyone give me advice on how to tell him I DO want to be "exclusive" with him, without scaring him? It makes it harder because I think he still remembers what I was like when I was 15... he was my first love and I was a MESS when he broke up with me... not only that but I was a pretty horrid girlfriend. Anyways, any advice on how to make him realise that I have fallen amazingly and totally hard for him, without making him scared the I will live in his pocket when I get to his city, would be greatly appreciated
  18. To be honest, I think that if you are having sex with someone, you can ask them pretty much anything without feeling stupid. You are sharing your bodies, you DESERVE to know where you stand. I think you did the right thing, I am always very direct, and although it does scare some guys, the ones I get along with best are always gratefull that I can ask anything instead of being all angsty... As long as you didnt leap down his throat, I commend you Good on ya for not just sleeping with him if your not comfortable with that
  19. I was 12... at a camp where I knew no one... great... for every camp I have been on since then, its either been a week late or early just so I suffer... The worst was HORSERIDING camp -sigh
  20. awesome!! I dont know if I would dump a guy for that (Im a bit of a sook) but if he ever tried to tell me I was wrong or talk me out of liking what I liked... then yes, he would be history...
  21. It depends on the guy but I love stubble... mainly for sexual reasons
  22. Well, I know you have already been given the stern word for snooping on your womans computer (I dont care what your excuse is)... so now I will pick on this... What makes you think you have the right to care? As long as she doesnt ask you to do any of this stuff to her, then its NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS... A persons fantasy life is exteremly personal. Do you have any idea how many women have rape fantasies? I would say that nearly none of them would ever want to actually be raped. Get over yourself, I have sick stuff on my computer, if I were dating you and you didnt like it... my reply would be "dont watch it then". As long as its legal and shes not trying to attack you with bondage gear, then it really has nothing to do with you... at all... I find it quite funny that she obviously doesnt trust you enough to have aready approached you with this stuff tho... LOL, not me... I tend to have a problem with those who are anti-porn... if you dont like it, then sure, dont watch it... but those bloody "omg porn is bad for your soul" lobbiests are a real pain in the butt
  23. If you are asking yourself if its worth it... then its not. Plain and simple. I had a reletionship very similar to yours... and you will look back on it and realise you never loved eachother, its co-dependancy.
  24. I have wondered this myself... I always meet men, they tell me they love my brains and independance... but after a while, when the novelty of having a woman that doesnt follow them blindly nodding like a glassy eyed lapdog has worn off, they hate me... -sigh- ah well, better off without, I say
  25. WHOA!! Id have a go with ya lol Nah man, your definatly not ugly... I wouldnt mind you chopping wood or somthing with arms like that... wowsers... (Its been a while, leave me be )
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