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Everything posted by EvaGina

  1. Long story short Girl and boy break up after 2 years, are still good friends Boy suddenly stops talking to girl, even when girl is really upset (about general life things) and begging for a shoulder to cry on Girl find out that boy has internet gf and this is why he wont talk to her Girl gets angry Boy ignores her Girl gets over it, tries to be friends Boy is still in love with girl and is only using internet gf to try get over her, refuses to talk to her and is generally mean Internet gf comes to visit from other country and boy lets girls workmates all see her even tho girl asked him not too as he is now a big joke with them and it upsets her Girl realises that he was nasty, underhanded and manipulative during their reletionship. Now, I dont want to talk to him or be friends with him or anything, I just want to pretend he doesnt exist. I had to spend all day telling people not to talk about him to me. He refuses to talk to me, becuase he is still in love with me. It just feels like I am getting hte short end of the stick. and to top it off, all our mutual friends keep saying that hes a fool for not being with me and all this stuff... they refuse to realise that I broke up with him for a reason, I dont love him nor want to be with him, but I still care about him and know him better than anyone else, and it hurts that he refuses to be friends with me. Pointless thread, I just need to vent. I am in a relationship and I love my bf heaps... I am happy with my life in every aspect but this, which I could forget about if he would just have a bit more respect for my wishes and kept out of my life completely.
  2. My bf smokes pot daily... I dont toucht eh stuff He doesnt get HIGH, but just has a toke or two... and tis good for him... He is an overly energetic person, which I love, but when he wants to calm down, he just has a smoke. My ex smoked daily, and I hated it, he turned into a blathering fool... which is fine if hes not around me, but when he started smoking around me, even after I asked him not too, it got too much. Then again, we would occasionally take E together and lax out, which was great fun!
  3. AHHHHH HA HA HA She is not a feminist... if she were, then she wouldnt discriminate between your male and female friends. I say its a good thing you broke up... you dont need that kind of thing.
  4. I think she has the right to experiement. If she is going to start smoking weed regularaly, or do it around you, then yes, its a problem, but hte odd smoke never hurt anyone. As for acid and E... I staunchly stand behind anyone who wants to try anything... sampling everything that life has to offer is a good thing... as long as she does it as safely as possible, I dont see what the problem is.
  5. -hug- I admire your self restraint. You are an inspiration Good luck, hopefully he will also act with dignity instead of embarrassing you both with grovelling
  6. For the meantime, just be there for her as a friend... If she is feeling vunerable (which is understandable with her bad news) then she may enter into a reletionship with you that she might not be ready for or do it for the wrong reasons which she may feel badly about later. It sounds like she likes you, but I would advise just being her friend until she is more comfortable with her family life Also, she will then also remember you as the sweetest guy while she was going through hard times
  7. being silly is one thing, but when someone is going "does bubbey wubbies wanna coffe woffee" its pretty sick
  8. If you have never spoken to him and he tried to inniciate conversation, I think its a good sign
  9. I semi-baby talk to my cat and I talk like an idiot to my bf, but not all that goo-goo stuff... My friend baby talks at me... it drives me insane..
  10. I learn the big things (ie: dont get beaten/abused/raped/degraded) but apart from that, I throw myself in head first every time
  11. In New Zealand, de-facto partners of three years or more have the same legal rights as married or civil union-ed couples I wouldnt want to marry someone I hadnt lived with.
  12. My ex had these HUGE purple, raised stretch marks on his back, he looked like a tiger, it was so sexy. I have really bad dermatitis all over my body... it doesnt stop me!
  13. You sound like me the best thing to do is to pack up and leave home... it did wonders for me
  14. Accept them?> Personally I find stretch marks really sexy... I like mine and wouldnt mind if I had more or if they were bigger
  15. She went back and bought this ring? She isnt over you Shes not actually doing anything wrong, I am sure this 30 yr old is just using her as a piece of bed-bumping action to look good on his arm, so I doubt he actually cares if she still harbours feelings for you. However, YOU need to move on... She is dealing with things in her own way, which sounds pretty self-destructive, but there isnt anything you can do about it. Just keep up the NC and stop trying to act like your over it if your not... it just prolongs things
  16. I think you and her mother are being melodramatic... Sex is natural, and you raise a child to be his/her own person, not a protected bundle of oppressed sexual organs. You sound like you really care about her and you realise that she might be (sub-consiously) using sex as a tool to keep you interested... You didnt wait and you cant change that, so either stop having sex with her, or talk about it openly with her. Dont treat her like she is made of glass... people need a few knocks to grow.
  17. I could say it to him now and mean it... we have only been back together for a few weeks. However, we did date years ago and we have known eachother for years... My ex and I said it after a few days, and totally meant it, he is a very cautious guy so it was a really big deal for him. The last guy I dated, I said it to after a few weeks or so, but I was on drugs at the time and didnt mean it like ~that~... it wasnt a particularily healthy reletionship.
  18. WAY TOO SERIOUS!! hes just a joking guy, dont take it personally My man has a physicall hang-up and I always, always take the micky out of him for it, he knows that its a compliment, as if I actually had an issue with it, I wouldnt mention it. If he thought you were overweight, he wouldnt bring it up, even in a joking way.
  19. LOL \Yes, yes I would, to be honest I would have to be pretty amazing tho, I dont fall for people who arent exceptional.. if that make sense I am a lot of work, high maintenance, but I give as good as I get, so I figure Im worth it... and Im good in the sack... just dont get on my bad side
  20. gah I hate people like that!! He doesnt actually want to make anything better, he just wants you to want him... Good on you for being strong and keeping up NC
  21. Move on For one, shes a tart for having some guy over before she had even broken up with you. She treated you like dirt, refusing to talk to you like that. After two years you deserve to be told face to face what is going on with her... an adult doesnt just drop you off home and ignore you for days. Dont want her back!! Be angry at her!! She has completely abused you!!! Its not that she broke up with you, reletionships end... but she was horribly nasty about it!! She sounds like an immature little bint to me... one that is purposly trying to make you jealous (with the new guy, getting him to act like you) and has no idea what she wants. imo, she will come crawling back... be strong and tell her to jump... I feel for you -hug- good luck
  22. I wouldnt stand for it. still having feelings for an ex is one thing... I think that if you feel strongly enough to commit to someone, then its a bit insulting if you ever really forget them... but that you are willing to be with someone that is just using you to fill a void? Personally, I dont think you should commit to anyone if they are not the person you want above all others... Its unfair to both of you. You might love him and he you, but he feels more for his ex than for you, which is unacceptable. him feeling for his ex is not wrong, its wrong of him to allude to a long-term reletionship with you if you are not the person he really wants to be with. You need to stand up for yourself. Dont get angry at him or anything, but if I were you I would just tell him that I dont think I could be with someone who is still infatuated with someone else, and I would walk. Everyone deserves to be with someone who dotes on them... Set this guy free and leave yourself open to someone who loves only you.
  23. ehhhhhh he he Hes not the kind of guy that gets grumpy actually... Hes the kind of guy that always acts like hes happy, even if hes not... I want to show him that I KNOW hes got other stuff going on and he can be himself around me... I feel like Im about to pop
  24. I am in shock that we are back together after so long... he was always at the back of my head, y'know? I want to do somthing to show him how much I feel for him, without freaking him out... I know that a few days of amazing will be great, but one moment of "oh my god" would be cool, somwhere in those few days... He works at night, so I have time to plan somthing while hes at work... so he comes home all tired and grumpy and I have somthing special to cheer him up with
  25. "nice" guys are sometimes just quiet guys who are just as mean as the bad boys, but they get their way by being sneaky and manipulative, so you dont even notice. Every guy has his good and bad points... I was whining about my ex being horrid, then a girl told me about how her husband is a p addict who left her and thier baby alone iwth no money, food or phone for a week while he went on a crack binge.... Suddenly my guy didnt look so bad. Sometimes the grass is just greener on the other side...
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