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Everything posted by EvaGina

  1. Yeah, I think I am going to have to I cant go on Depo, It doesnt react well... Maybe an IUD or somthing... Bah... if only condoms werent so annoying!
  2. ITS MAKING ME MENTAL!! The poor guy had to put up with me bawling my eyes out for no reason last night... -sigh- I have spoken to the doctor about it (I have been on the pill before and it did the same thing, about 8 years ago) but becuase I get migranes with visual distortions, and I have a family history of heart disease... I cant go on the combined pill... Its horrid Ill be fine for ages, but as soon as the tiniest thing happens to upset me, Ill throw a complete wobbly... Oh well, Ill talk to the doctor again when I go to renew my perscription
  3. My mother came home to an empty house after a weekend at her parents... She has never recovered from the humiliation. I have no idea what could compell anyone to be so cowardly and cruel.
  4. I have no idea how to deal with it either It effects so many aspects of your life, and although you can tell yourself over and over "its not my fault" or "im not -dirty- or -tainted-"... when you feel insecure or backed into a corner, all that anger comes out and you end up pushing away people who care about you. The last time I was raped was over 4 years ago and I am still coming to terms with it. I hope you deal with it better than I did and learn to live with it I wouldnt wish this futile sense of lonliness upon anyone I just want you to know that you arent the only person who feels so lost and hopeless after being taken advantage of like that... As long as you make a real effort to not let it destroy your relationships, and dont keep anything bottles up, I am sure you will do fine
  5. I went on the Progesterone only pill last week and its starting to make me INSANE!! There is no point on being on the pill if my boyfrined dumps me for being so irrational I was horrible to him last night, I am so lucky that he is such a patient, loving guy. Does anyone have any strange hippy teas or anything that I could take to stop being so emotional? Keeping in mind that St Johns Wort makes the pill less effective. Yep, so, any help would be very appreciated!!
  6. I think he took it WAY to seriously I can see where he is coming from, but if he is signifigantly older than you, then he should be adult enough to realise that when you refused sex, you werent rejecting HIM, you just werent in the mood. His ego is just bruised... wear some slinky underwear and high heels next time you see him, he'll forget all about it
  7. As far as I see it, what goes on int he privacy of your room when you masterbate, is no ones business but your own. as long as the porn in question isn't illigal, and your sex life isn't suffering becuase of it... then a partner has no right to interfere. Its exactly the same with sexual fantasies... a HUGE amount of women have rape fantasties, I am sure a whole bunch of guys would be very uncomfortable knowing that while in bed, their SO was thinking about being forced into sex by strangers... But if this was a thread about a guy being uncomfortable with his girlfrineds private thoughts, everyone would be calling him controlling. Let your man look at his porn, it is not affecting you.
  8. Yep, your probably right I do want my own friends, and I did go out with mates tonight, but I dont know many people here. I dont know what to think. He says he wants me to find a flat in his area, which is far away from town, so he can see me all the time. The late and erratic hours are fine by me, I have worked hospo for the past seven years, I am very used to it. I just get the feeling he didnt want to see me tonight, and instead of telling me he used work as an excuse.
  9. Okay, so I love my boyfriend and trust him, but the "honeymoon phase" is starting to fade and I dont want to start freaking out. My bf is a bartender, he told me not to come see him after work tonight as he starts early in the morning tomorrow and needs his rest (which is fair enough, we wouldnt get to sleep until about 3 or so probably) but then he finished early and ended up getting drunk with his workmates... I KNOW that its fine and sometimes events crop up when you dont expect them, and that by the time he realised it was probably going to be a bit of a big night, it would have been too late for me to go all the way out to where he is anyway. Im just feeling a little delicate as I moved to a new city to be with him (it wasnt the only reason for the move, but he is one of the only people I know here) and last week he would have braved working tired on saturday just so he could spend friday night with me. I suppose I am upset that I wasnt his main priority, I know its stupid and that eventually that insane honeymoon thing fades a bit, but its still scary. I even went out with two mates of mine to a bar and things tonight, but my bf is the main thing on my mind, its a bit upsetting that Im not the main thing on his... Oh well, I suppose things will change when I start my job on monday and I have more to occupy my mind. GAH, he just texted me, its 2.30am and hes so drunk he's falling over
  10. personally, i couldnt make a long term commitment to a virgin. I think sex is somthing that one should fully explore with people before you "settle down". If you enter a marriage without fully understand your own sexual needs, you are very likely to be miserable in the intimacy aspect of your relationship.
  11. I would think it was hilarious, but you wouldnt have a chance that is the kind of thing you say to girls when you already have them...
  12. I know what you mean... its nice to get whakked with your dad... my dad is hilarious when he is stoned Mum is funny if we smoke outside, she prefers us to do it inside so the neightbours wont smell it
  13. Just live healthily, your body will fall into its natural shape. Im sorry to ask, but are you male or female?
  14. Tell him that you respected his wishes when he felt he needed space and you would appreciate if he would do the same for you. Do you think that perhaps you would like to get back together with him a few eyars down the track? Its obvious you must make a good couple in spite of the yo-yo ing
  15. Tell her you like her for her, not just for hte sex, see what happens. She might have just been hurt a lot in the past and be afraid to tell you she likes you, A LOT of men freak out when you try to tell them that you would like more than just bed-fun with them
  16. I was a daily smoker for ages, now I MIGHT smoke once or twice a year. I dont see why you are upset, one smoke every now and then is not going to harm her, and as long as she isnt around you when she does it (stoned people are SO annoying when you are straight) then its not really an issue, is it?
  17. She doesnt want to make trouble tho, she is bragging. and although yes, I do realise there is a chance, I doubt she will get pregnant (crossing fingers tho). Some girls like tarting it up with older guys, and some guys like taking advantage of younger girls... its not "right" but its how things are, there isnt anything that this guy can do about it.
  18. Its hard for me at the moment becuase my SO is at the other end of the country and I am a very physical person, but he still texts and tells me lovely things... and when we are together he is very, very attentive. I think I feel loved because I know that if I have a strange thought in the middle of the night, I can wake him up and tell him, and we will talk about it for hours. That and he spends TIME on me... in bed, but not nesassarily sexually, he will make me slow down (I am always all over the place) and enjoy just quietly being with him, yet doing nothing.
  19. To be honest, she sounds like she is an emotionally immature idiot, or she just generally doesnt like you as a person. If she cant handle being friends with an ex, even after a few years, then I wouldnt lose any sleep worrying about it, shes a fool. If she just doesnt like you, then thats no biggie either, some people just dont get along, or they grow apart.
  20. I say that its not really any of your business. No one is going to take your brother to court on a stat rape charge, so its not really your problem at all.
  21. Just do it stright after a shower. You think almost every woman here hasnt been traumatised by a less-than-clean penis or a shot in the face when she wasnt expecting it? (sorry if thats tmo) I know the pee thing can be disgusting, but just have a shower with her first
  22. He sounds like he is still at hte stage where he doesnt realise that women can be interesting, engaging people.... If you have different priorities, I would break it off. You dont have to be angry about it, just chalk it up to experieince
  23. GO FOR IT!!! I am back together with my ex from years ago, and I am loving it!!! When you were first together, you might have just needed some growth before you could make it work, its been a decade! give it a chance
  24. Yes, I definatly have I was like that over my bf's best friend a few years back. I found that in time the feelings just faded. I found talking to someone about it and putting it into perspective really helped. Even if he DOES feel the same way about you, what difference does it make? Is it worth it to try anything?
  25. Im terrible I either rip the hell out of myself or completely ham it up to make it a joke I hate being complimented
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