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Everything posted by EvaGina

  1. if a guy tells you to relax and that he needs space, he is saying (in that annoying way men do, with not enough clarity) "dont worry, I still want to be with you, I just need a bit of time to myself to sort out my priorities and issues... I will get in touch with you, I know its hard but please wait till then. I need you to give me space" if you bug him he WILL feel that you dont respect his wishes and he will resent you, whether or not he breaks up with you
  2. hasnt everyone been there? wanting the stability and warmth of a relationship, but also wanting the freedom of experimentation of being single? its not fair to your gf... break up with her
  3. yup porn is awesome although... I did kinda ask my bf to go down on me while I watched porn and I think it freaked him out a little...
  4. I am of the school that if you break up with someone, you LEAVE THEM ALONE. getting in touch with him, even over IM or text, is cruel... He is trying to forget you and you are interuppting that.
  5. oh... well, that makes things slightly better Yes, I would say he is a rebound... the grass is always greener and all o that But even if he is not, there is nothing you can do about it. I would definatly suggest NC..
  6. there is no time frame for love.... I love my mister and we have been together for the same amount of time that you and yours have.... YAY... sounds like your super happy
  7. just ask him why not? he sounds like a great guy, if he doesnt feel that way for you, then I am sure he wont let it impact negativly on your friendship goodl uck
  8. dont take her back she wont learn to control her manipulative behaviour if she always get what she wants...
  9. all women have discharge of some sort, its to clean you out if its white, and dries white or pale yellow, its ok if it smells (a sort of infection smell, like how earrings smell if they are dirty) then its not ok. if it smells after the end of a long day, I wouldnt worry about it, vaginal discharge is full of bacteria. discharge can be affected by heat, humidity, stress, diet, toxins, stress, illness, medication etc etc... go to the doctor, but dont freak out about it
  10. hold up.... she ended a seven year relationship OVER THE PHONE? what a tart
  11. how is caring different? she misses you, she acknoweldged that she was out of line by sending you that message about the song, but she probably wishes you could be close again.
  12. fair enough when I was 16, I was dating a guy who would tell me he kissed anther guy... it hurt, just like it would have if he had kissed a girl. (turns out he is gay...) anyways, now that I am a bit older, it would still hurt, but I wouldnt be angry about it, I would HATE to be with a guy who wanted to be with other men..
  13. Just because you broke up, it doesnt mean that she doesnt care about you. You were together for a decent amount of time, and she is probably just becoming ready to forge a real friendship with you
  14. If this guy does like your bf, and your bf does end up leaving you for him... it may hurt, but if your bf is gay and in denile, then wouldnt you rather he was being true to himself?
  15. I seriously dont see what the problem is... You felt like throwing up? I can understand being embarrassed, but I think your just making a big deal out of somthing that isnt an issue at all.
  16. ^^ I hope you didt do yoga iwth no instruction at all, you can really hurt yourself If you want to do somthing hard, find an Ashtanga Vin Yasa yoga teacher,... believe, Ashtanga is HARD!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. I have strained my groin before, not from sports, I just ate heaps of painkillers and anti-flammes I dont really know what to say, I was addicted to painkillers by that time (I had some really bad accidents) and I pretty much just sat at home and drank, so it got a lot of rest
  18. There is no such thing as "the one" its over romantisised, idealistic codswallop... You will find someone you love just as much, so just ask if you think its worth it or not, your obviously not happy.
  19. I wouldnt mind... but as long as his parents didnt make me feel like a slightly shamed houseguest or anything.... My bf lives at home, his parents are fantastic and are letting him stay rent-free while he studies. I have no problem with it, rather a nice house than a skody student flat
  20. different strokes and all I wouldnt mind if my bf went and got ~A~ lap dance on a boy's night out... (as long as there was no actual touching) but if he was going and getting lap-dances, that would just irk me. I have nothing against porn AT ALL, but I am very threatened by the thought of my SO getting that physical with someone for anything other than novelty value
  21. Todays inks and techniques are unlikely to blur as badly as what you see on old sailors. Tattoos are great fun... after a while you forget they are there, they turn into a part of you, like a birthmark or somthing I love them
  22. I lost 33 pounds (I think, about 15/16 kilo) and although I am happier in general, just becuase I am more healthy... it has made me even more paranoid in relationships. Now Im "pretty"... I am getting attention in that way... but Im super hot or anything. So I feel like Im stuck in limbo, which is STUPID, becuase it shouldnt really matter, I shouldnt beh ung up on how I look when I can carry my own in a conversation and make my boyfriend laugh... Anyways, Yeah, its strange. I got so angry when I saw a guy I had really liked after I lost my weight... he didnt used to give me a second thought, and after I lost the weight he was all over me... it made me SO angry
  23. I just say get anything that appeals to you Only a handful of people will like your tattoo anyway, seeing as we all have different tastes and things Personally, I love anything that's a bit different or has meaning I ahve 8 tatts, 3 of them I regret and I am going to get covered... anyways My brother is REALLY skinny, he is going to get a picture out of an illistration book we had as kids, its a beutifull old engraving of a knight in full armour standing in this big scroll thing weilding a sword... (it sounds cheesy, but its not) Just get somthing that YOU like and it wont matter what anyone else thinks... people tell me my tattoos are ugly all the time (I have an alligator from Tintin accross my bum/hip area, its not exactly... normal) but I couldnt give a damn becuase I love them so much GOOD LUCK and choose a tattooist with a good reputation
  24. Because your the fat, future Bart Simpson?
  25. Use a back brush, but MAKE SURE that you dis-infect it... those things breed bacteria like a week-old egg sandwhich, so disinfect it and let it dry completely at least once a week
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