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Everything posted by EvaGina

  1. ^^^ My best friend is GORGEOUS, with long legs, full hips, a tiny waist, slim arms and HUGE boobs... She is continually being harassed by men, she is engaged and very happy with her partner, but she is hounded because of how she looks. ESPECIALLY with her fantastic breasts. She hates it, to be honest, she is never sure (except with her husband-to-be) if the men she dates actually love her or just how she looks on their arm
  2. ^^ Unless abuse was involved, or if one or both parties are being immature... I dont see why any relationship cant EVENTUALLY become a friendship. (excluding if it was just a sex thing and you hate hte persons personality.) But yes, if they are going to be friends, it probably wont be for a while
  3. thats what I am saying... Women dont need companionship in that way, we can substitue it... but a lonely man can do crazy things.
  4. its only been two days, I know it SEEMS like forever, but its two days!!! give it a few months before you try to talk to her, I am sure you will talk again, you didnt do anything wrong, you just broke up, it happens all the time. She is probaby just confused and a little upset and needs you to leave her alone for the timebeing.
  5. It doesnt bleed... it just gets sore if he tries to do anything... he doesnt notice it when hes "soft"... I asked him to go to the doctor and he said he looked it up and there is nothing to do for it but abstain... dammit
  6. It is different than a vibrator, as its providing a sense of companionship as well. Men dont tend to have the same close friendships that women have, we can use a vibrator and get companionship from our girlfriends... men cant always do that (although some do, obvioulsy...)
  7. I have over a gig of porn... aquired when my ex and I used to use it a lot... I wouldnt say its heaps, a lot of it isnt my thing and I never watch it.... although the stuff I DO like I watch a lot. the novelty wears off a bit after a while... and people go through phases, he MAY spend a lot of time downloading things, but then get bored and not download anything for months... once he has enough to satisfy what he might feel like at different times...
  8. I just mention needed to buy new stockings on my lunchbreak, and my bf has to sit down. its good, it means he is thinking about you... that he isnt just giving you hollow kisses
  9. it sounds to me that its more about trust issues than actually about sex Im glad you dont want to have sex with someone you are not that "close or open" with... but hopefully one day you WILL be in a relationship where you dont feel exposed during sexual contact either that or its a challenge for you? To prove to yourself that you are are above bast instincts? im not tyring to be offensive
  10. ummmmmmm, the frenum (sp?) the little piece of skin that joins the foreskin to the shaft sorry, I figured "banjo string" was the common, slang name for it
  11. It sounds like she is playing with you to me She doesnt actually want you, but after being let down like that, she wants to feel loved and she knows you feel for her, so she is trying to get some affection out of you...
  12. Ok, so I just got back from lunch with him... He said that he is really angry at the situation, that he feels frustrated that he cant do what he wants to me... and that he gets a bit shirty at me because he is attracted to me and he cant do anything about it So I promised I would wear my crusty old trackpants as much as possible until he's better
  13. Thanks Ash and Zerohalo Tiredman... what do you mean by "shaped odd"? I know what kind of boobs dont do it for me, but in general I find most breasts attractive... even if they are saggy
  14. effort... just lighting candles is enough sometimes I find sex with my bf is always romantic (unless its that brutal kind of midday sex) as he always takes his time, kisses and touches me... He doesnt just hump away until he has finished, he holds my hands and stops to kiss my legs and things... we will just stop halfway through to kiss and tell eachother what we want. shower together before hand, in a dark or dim bathroom, then light candles... it sounds cheesey, but it works... and good music is a must, somthing sexy... I like sneaker pimps... or if you want something that chicks tend to LOVE... the Romeo and Juliette soundtrack is good, pretty decent music and a good ambiance just slow down, enjoy the sex, dont rush to come...
  15. its just alittle tear, I think the doctor is the best way and I did tell him how highly I think of him. I also did tell him how turned on he makes me, but that if ~I~ was sore I would expect him to not try and have sex with me. Hopefully he is ok now... Ill be seeing him in 10 minutes -eep-
  16. So... my boyfriend and I managed to damage his "banjo string" the other night. He has had this a few times after one really bad incident a few years ago (a long time before I was back in the picture) am I right in thinking he should go see the doctor? I figure that with a buildup of scar tissue, that little membrane would have become quite tight and these accidents will become more and more frequent. It puts him out of commission for a week or more!!! Because of the pain of having a broken banjo string, he had to stop about 20 seconds into our sex session last night, I just laughed it off (we are both very happy, laughy people, we make jokes about EVERYTHING) but he went quiet, and then confessed that it made him feel inadequate, that he knew I wasnt trying to hurt his feelings and that I laughed becuase it wasnt a big deal... but that I had imasculated him. (I was, after that, very loving and comforting, I had never intended to make him feel bad that he couldnt satisfy me that night... he's very insecure when it comes to such things) So, two questions 1: should I encourage him to go see a doctor? 2: How should I react next time somthing like that happens? so I dont hurt his feelings.
  17. Physical touch is part of all my friendships, male or female. I wouldnt sleep in my male friends bed while with my bf, becuase I know it would make him uncomfortable, but I wouldnt stop hugging them or anything. Yes, I have slept with some of my male friends, but I dont see why that means I cant be friends with them... Its not like I sit cuddled up on the sofa with them or anything, or that there is sexual tension between us. You are kind of proving my point, I can be friends with a guy, REAL friends with them, despite our past or sexual history (or lack thereof) The age thing is probably why I dont like women in general, as I said, the majority of women I get along with are quite a bit older than me, and can hold actual conversations, unlike most of the girls I know that are my age. I do not see how being friends with your ex's is disrespecting your current partner. I am not on speaking terms with only 2 of my ex's. One because he was highly abusive and although i will probably talk to him one day, he still flies off the handle too easily. The other becuase he still has feelings for me and it WOULD be disrespectfull to my current bf to spend time alone with someone who feels that strongly about me. apart from that, I find it kind of sad that you can respect and enjoy someones company enough to forge a relationship with them, but not have the fortification to continue enjoying their comapny after the romance has faded. AS I SAID... I know that there are women exactly like you describe, but NOTHING in the original post indicates that this guys gf is like that. She tells her friends she loves them... and...? She has told him that she loves only him in a romantic way. There is no indication she is cheating... If he had said "she talks to them and touches them and ignores me all night" then I would agree with you. But it seems like you have been burnt and your a bit to quick to judge.
  18. Okies... Question... do men even notice when a womans breasts sort of... hang... when she is on all fours? -blush-
  19. I love my boyfriends body... He's short, broad shouldered, with lean, denfined hips (a bit of a beer belly atm tho) But then my bf before that was in horrible shape
  20. Yeast infections can smell. They dont always itch, either, sometimes they just make everything a bit... gooier... and they can make penetration uncomfortable.
  21. Well you strongly believe wrong. I dont hate girls, I just tend to get antsy in their company for long periods of time. I dont find talking about make-up and shoes at eny length stimulating. I do "crave male attention".. but not for any deep-seated reasons... people crave companionship, its human nature, but why should I crave attention from females if I dont enjoy insipid company? The women I admire, I love very much. My best friend's are females (the two mentioned before) and they are gorgeous, far better looking than I will ever be. they are also sweet, kind, gentle and generous... so wouldnt I be threatened by them if you were right? It seems to me that YOU are threatened by girls who can get along with men (who arent their partners) on a level that doesnt involve sex. I agree that some girls do just need male attention, even to the detriment of their romantic relationships, but just because someone tells their friends she loves them? May I ask if you are still good friends with your ex partners?
  22. I have a tattoo over stretch marks, but they arent very bad ones. The average white ones shouldnt be any problem. I know a girl who has a HUGE raised scar on her forearm, she got it tattooed so that now it is the body of a giant dragon fly, and its wings curl around her arm... its pretty awesome
  23. I agree with JoeWho... is it really worth being in a relationship if your slowly driving yourself mad with insecurity? May I ask if you are losing sleep, or your appietite over this?
  24. Pardon? I only have 2 female friends, and I have a lot of friends. I tell ALL of my mates that I love them and I hug them, a lot... some girls just dont get along well with other chicks. I find females to (generally) be selfish, whiney, two faced, boring and stupid. the women I DO get along with tend to be older and have conflicting social obligations to mine, so I dont have the opportunity to forge meaningfull relationships with them. Its INSULTING to hear that a girl cant tell her friends she loves them, just becuase they are men. I flat with a guy I once had sex with, my bf doesnt care at all. he knows that I love him and that is all that matters. Its pretty sexist, actually. EatonWhipple, dont worry about it. you should be glad that she gets along with guys, it will make it easier for her and your friends to hang out.
  25. You are a tool. How about you dont give her a reason to stick up for herself? Treat her well and it wont matter if she avoids confrontation, will it? The poor girl is probably dying on the inside
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