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Everything posted by EvaGina

  1. I used to HATE it when he has his eyes open!! now I dont mind, my bf and I often open our eyes at the same time and then start giggling
  2. I agree with john... Also, is the weather getting warm where you are? because you lose hair when it gets hot. I would say it is stress tho, or poor diet, you need to keep up your nutrients intake in order for your hair to be healthy
  3. it depends I am sure that if you are both comfortable around eachother, she will have no problem with making herself comfortable MAKE SURE no one else will be around, if she puts her feet accross your lap or uses you as a pillow, rest your hands on her, stroke her gently just with your thumb or somthing, to make her know that you are aware your hands are on her, but so that its not to threatening. after that, you will know if she is responding. She will shift around to "get more comfortable". I am talking from what I would do, if she is shy or anything, dont take a lack of response as a "no"... she may just be scared as you are
  4. Dont do what I do and pick fights because the lack of conflict is too scary sure fire way to ruin things (Im just lucky my bf is so understanding and refuses to fight with me) Your lucky, you and he are obviously compatable
  5. Oh... yeah, thats not cool SOMEONE has to make an effort to break it. The sex has to improve or she has to deal with it. I KNOW that it is less than ideal, she has spoken to him about it and he doesnt seem to respect her wishes. So either she does the work and deals with it, or she leaves. I know its unfair and she shouldnt have to, but people choose who they are in a relationship with. If he doesnt respect her and she is willing to put up with it, then what else can she do? He doesnt HAVE to change for her.
  6. That it is. Im not disagreeing with you on that part Where does she say he laughs at her? (I re-read it, but I cant see it, I have lost my glasses)
  7. bahhhhhhh hah a we dominated the thread!!! Happy to help sorry to the thread maker
  8. no... you have to roll the foreskin back or he cant really feel much at all. it helps for her to do it, and for both of you to be able to laugh about sex in general If she just holds the condom in one hand while she masterbates you, then tries to slip it on and things with as little interruption as possible, that normally works
  9. What if she doesnt welcome communication tho? She isnt asking him about the porn nor going out and talking to him about the issue, so it is just as much her fault as his.
  10. Nope (lol, see thread about hurting his tackle in bed the other day ) Why? may I ask?
  11. EvaGina


    Yeah... the HUGE thing is a bit of a conundrumn hence the time I used it for an experiement... but I found if we just spent a bit more time fooling about... and yes... anal... I wasnt going to bring that up, but I have used lube-a-plenty in that area (my ex had a fetish)
  12. "The thing is, even if she doesn't do that, he shouldn't be choosing porn over his girl. He should go for her if she's not going for him first. But... he's not. Thus, there is already a problem. And yes, it is the porn." But he might feel that she doesnt really want him... if she is lying there waiting for him to do all the work (I dont know if this is the case, obviously, correct me if I am wrong, I am just stating one point of veiw) then he might feel unwanted in bed, but still in need of sexual release.
  13. he overcame it with me actually after we broke up when I was 15, I left boarding school, but when I went up to visit he and I would invariably end up in bed When he started getting nervous, I just spent a long time, hours, lying with him, turning him on but talking him down, taking it slow... it was the condom that would always do it to him... so ~I~ put it on and when I did I kept his attention focused on kissing me instead of what was happening below the belt.
  14. EvaGina


    ^^ I have never used any because I have had to. The only time I have used it twice... once for an experiement and once just a while back becuase we found combined massage oil/lube (it doesnt stain the sheets!!!)
  15. ^^ somtimes it takes my bf hours, somtimes minutes... I normally depends on how tired he is Yep... my bf used to get this a lot (back when we were 15 and 16) especially if we tried to use condoms. the poor guy Its happened to him recently as well, but I am better equiped to deal with it now.. ie, I am understanding and loving... instead of finding it hilarious and giggling my head off, like I used to
  16. EvaGina


    Fair enough but seeing as on the packet it says you should seek medical attention if you are using it each time you have sex.... obviously some people just dont produce enough natural lubrication...
  18. well then... thats really weird and I have no idea what could be causing it. although if she is allergic to somthing you eat, it would be from the day before... it takes a while to seep into your semen. I say go to the doctor...
  19. Meh, its ok... he wasnt the best guy anyway, he was really mean to me once I was gone. and I did kinda get pregnant, so Im sure my parents had right to be mad (anyway, if I hadnt gone to boarding school I wouldnt have met my current boyfriend, so its a good thing in the long run) we messed around with eachother... He didnt last long I can hardly remember it, but I know it didnt hurt. I think he was pretty nervous, which may have made him last a bit longer, but it tends to have the opposite effect, doesnt it? As far as I can tell, when a man first starts having sex, its such a novelty and a turn on, you dont have to wait very long for him to recover and be able to do it again anyway
  20. EvaGina


    In a lot of the sex threads I see people recommending lube... an awful lot May I ask why does everyone think that lube is essential? Sure, it can add a bit of extra slickness every now and then, but I dont know anyone who uses it regularly. Arent you supposed to go see the doctor if you are needing to use lube all the time? (not counting post-menopause and things of course) We ladies are naturally supposed to be able to accommodate a penis... I mean, if we can have babies, a guys tackle shouldnt be a problem!!
  21. ^^^ It was a first date with a guy I had met in town and then spoken to a lot online... it was extremely fun and amusing. Most of my dates are just lunch and cafes and things tho. My bf and I spend a lot of time cuddling up and watching dvds as we are both very poor
  22. maybe she has thrush... it can cause discomfort which might turn her off and dry her up. apart from that, she just might not feel comfortable telling you how to treat her in bed. i used to "dry up" with my ex becuase no matter what I told him, he just wouldnt do to me what I wanted him to do. she may be a bit shy to ask for a certain position or tempo... try listening to her breath and things more... she will try give you hints... gasping when somthing is good for her and that sort of thing
  23. you lay there and touched a bit... were you receptive? did you tell him how badly you wanted him? You may have turned him on with your touching but he may of felt like you didnt want to go all the way. I dont mean to sound nasty, but it sounds like you were lying in bed with him, waiting for him to make the move... seduce him, give him no choice but to sleep with you, turn him on so much that he NEEDS you... Dont let him do it straight away... make him think you will, then pull away and tease him a little (just a little, men get upset easily) I can TOTALLY understand how it would hurt if he had a masty while you were lying in bed waiting for him... its not a case of asking him for sex, its a case of jumping him... making it obvious, without a doubt, that you want him and he drives you mad with desire. Dont hold back, dont get nervous... just fling yourself at him, do everything that turns him on... kiss him all over and make him feel fantastic, if he still chooses porn over you... then there is a problem. Confidence is key... how did you "spice things up"? if you dont mind me asking
  24. ummmmmmmmm, apart from the movies and things.... Museums stripclubs random walks gigs galleries
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