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Everything posted by EvaGina

  1. He probably WANTS to support you!!! Education is important to you, so its most likely important to him If he has to get up at 7 am, why not get up with him and spend the morning studying? then when he got home at night you could spend that time together. (when your not sick, of course )
  2. yep. I have a friend who was talking to this girl who told him if he didnt change his cell-phone company over to hers she would stop talking to him... (she wanted to make it cheaper to keep in touch with him) He never bothered replying A huge amoutn of gold-diggers on those sites... which I find quite hilarious
  3. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HA HA HA HA the pathetic little prat!!! Your not hot enough for him? What is he? Michelangelo's "David"? I met a guy once, we made out a bit, then the next week he said he didnt want to go out with me. I was releived, I wanted him physically but he wasnt the kind of guy to commit to, so I said that was fine. He flew off the handle!!! "YOU F'IN * * * *!!" what? he didnt want to date me anyway!!! Egos are such delicate things
  4. Well, it doesnt sound like you are particularily comfortable with him or that he is understanding!!! He always expects an orgasm?!!?!!! He should be gently helping you explore these kinds of things, not making you feel rushed and insecure with expectations like that!!!
  5. Yup... although I have sex in the last few days of my period, I wait till there is no chance of "red wings" before I let him go down on me. A huge amount of bacterial growth occurs during a womans period, understandably, its warm, wet and full of nurtients. So if you wait a day or two for your body to ge the influx of bacteria, it would probably taste a lot better
  6. I am sure youre family will be pleased you are getting out of such a horrible relationship. This is a great board by the way, feel free to pick our brains or vent whenever you feel you need support
  7. Okay... RedQueen and I are in agreement... Utilise all the help you can get and leave. Dont let him have anything to do with anything, dont tell him you are leaving or give him a chance to sweetalk you into staying. RUN RUN RUN And, unlike the scumbag, we have YOUR best interests at heart Its not fair to bring up a child with a parent who disrespects the family.
  8. Oh dear... Sweetheart, you cant let him do this to you. Its up to you what you do about the situation, but you either give him an ultimatum (and stick to it) or you leave. Would your family help you if you left? Would they help you with the baby? I reccomend printing off all the emails, if the worst happens you would need them to help you keep custody of the child. YOU HAVE A RIGHT to feel paranoid, he is cheating on you!!! he doesnt respect you, he whines to other women about being unhappy in your relationship, but he refuses to do anything to help it!! You are in a horrible position, and to be honest, I wouldnt count on him to change.
  9. I have wee boobs and they still jiggle... I dont have to wear a bra, so when I go out without one I have to be carefull about the jiggle actually, its a bit embarrassing if its to obivous EDIT: does the same hold for chicks bums? not a "jiggle", but the motion? I know I notice how a nice bum moves when the owner is walking
  10. Imo, a sense of humour doesnt mean anything unless you have someone to bounce it off. You can be HILARIOUS to your friends, but your partner isnt going to care if your not compatible in that area. Nothing quite as deflating as cracking a joke and being given that "do you ~actually~ think your funny" look
  11. -groan- after saying that, I ended up getting plastered last night after a hugely stressfull day, and telling him I love him... then I picked a fight about this girl... (I still would have been irked at the situation if I was sober, but I would have handled it a lot better) God, I am so lucky he is so understanding
  12. I totally agree, even charity is done to make one feel more holy.
  13. ^^ My bf is like that, no matter how often you do it, it always drives him mad
  14. EvaGina


    How exactly does the "excitment" stage stop? Sex should stop anyway if both parties arent getting into it, thats how the dreaded resentment starts otherwise. I dont know, maybe my sex life is different to most. If I start cooling down (which is rare) then we stop actual intercourse for a while and fool about, just picking up the foreplay where we left off.
  15. I have only been with my bf a short while, but no, the thought of valentines really doesnt do it for us. Ill probably make him dinner, but just becuase its an excuse to (he hates that I do so much for him, so I have to find reasons to dote on him )
  16. Thats great!! I need to meet new people in this city, I would join an online dating thing as "friends" but I dont think my bf would be comfortable with that (understandably)
  17. There is an element that you wouldnt understand until you have more physical experience tho. being open isnt always enough, some people just enjoy different things, different tempos. My ex and I had a lot of sex, but it wasnt doing it for me, I ended up resenting him becuase he wouldnt do what I asked, no matter how often I told him what I needed. Then he started resenting me becuase I didnt want to have sex with him anymore. It wasnt that we werent open to eachother, we were just sexually incompatible, he didnt UNDERSTAND the attraction of what I liked.
  18. ^^^ That is different to what I am trying to say. Thats just... horrible...
  19. Its ok, you werent prying I hope it works out too, in fact, I am sure it will... I just need to vent a bit in order to gather my thoughts Thanks for the input
  20. I am sorry that he isnt being as reliable as you want him to be, but that is the attraction of cyber-relationships for a lot of people. He doesnt have to be as respectful as you deserve, because he can just turn off the computer whenever he doesnt feel like being attached. My ex is in a long-distance relationship and I feel so sorry for the girl involved as she is quite... naieve... and doesnt realise that he is only with her becuase he wants the support of a gf with none of the responsibility. You are right to carry on with your life as a strong, independent woman, it sounds to me that he isnt willing to commit on any real level and he is just telling you what you want to hear to placate you.
  21. LOL, No kidding... in some cases your eye swells shut!! But yeah, that makes sense, if she had some grazing or somthing?
  22. I do think girls generally tend to be more accepting of homosexuals than guys. We arent threatened in the same way. Perhaps, Kinzie, you could come out to some girl friends first?
  23. I walk through town at night a lot, as long as they arent intimidating I dont mind at all. Last week a guy just walked up to me, told me I was beautifull and walked off... it made my night!!! The same night I dropped my bus money in the square, I heard a guy go "whoa... look at THAT man!!" I turn around and a guy is looking, appreciativly, at my bum, pointing it out to his friend.... which was funny and flattering.... But being harassed by people who are way older than you can be scary... or gangs of guys following you...
  24. I think thats a really good idea!! Where would you find out about that kinda thing? community noticeboard at the library or somthing? Classifieds in the local paper? Even Im tempted by that!
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