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Everything posted by EvaGina

  1. You are being taken advantage of!! Just laugh in his face and walk off, I say... save the oral sex for someone who appreciates it. How DARE he try manipulate you into sex like that!! You know thats a form of rape? scaring someone into pleasuring them?
  2. Leave him? What a stupid, immature little goober. Thinking of a way that wont hurt you, then making up issues to do with your tustworthy-ness? LEAVE!!!
  3. May I ask how old you two are? (I missed it if its in there anywhere ) She seems amazingly immature... yes, I understand her feelings and why she has them, but she also has a brain. To be brutally honest, I think you are being played. Although whether she knows she is doing it or not is a different matter. she has the best of both worlds, being able to "play the field" while keeping the boyfriend tagging along for stability.
  4. It takes a few weeks for tests to be able to pick up that you are pregnant. Go to the doctor.
  5. LOL I couldnt go back home, seeing as its in a different city. I would probably have to bring in more flatmates or postpone school a bit longer. I just see no point in paying rent when I could be paying off a mortgage.
  6. ^^ canteexplain, I agree... There is a difference, you have to resepct that its a delicate situation, but you should be able to stay friends with your ex's. agreed... Of course she is allowed to lead men around by their pants, but you are allowed to leave her. Personality traits you have to live with are things like music taste and sense of humour. Not borderline cheating and manipulation.
  7. sweetheart... how is he going to judge you? You did nothing wrong!!! Perhaps try another councellor or shrink? And Tiredman... we "expect" it becuase its very rare that it doesnt happen. I dont think any woman worth her salt would get upset, a bit confused maybe...
  8. OW Yes, even with small "pert" boobs like mine I feel that... its a horrible feeling. My big-boobed friend has to wear an industrial sports bra, even just for yoga!! she forgot to once and her boobs fell out and her face was stuck in them during the shoulder stand... so amazingly funny
  9. (despite it being a lot easier for my bf to cum than it is for me) no... We have had sex where he has just said "Im too tired" halfway through, and its fine.
  10. I say BS... I relate to this a lot, she sounds a lot like me a few years back. as blunt and... simple... as this may sound, she is going to have to grow up and get over it. She puts too much weight in her sexual power, not realising that in the end it can destroy you. Its kind of sad really, that she feels she needs to use overt sexuality to feel loved. She needs some good friends and to realise that she is cheapening herself and underminding a good, stable relationship.
  11. Falling out of touch is one thing, granted, but making a deliberate desicion to not be friends with someone you obviously liked enough to persure a relationship with, is... strange. Of course these things need to be dealt with in a way that is respectful to your partner, but I would say that the mistrust isnt a product of your friendships, but of your relationship (or issues left over from past relationships).
  12. I know of course its nice to think that we will never break up, but these things happen. The thing is, I cant accomplish them all without help.. even if it just means getting in more flatmates (I would want a 3 bedroom place probably, with one flatmate and a spare room)
  13. oops, sorry, I didnt read that right (I truly have lost my glasses)
  14. Exactly, I dont talk to 2 of my ex's becuase they still have feelings for me and its not fair on my SO... but once they get over it, I have nothing against being friends with them. My bf thought his ex was over him, but when she found out about me she called and got all weird on him, he told me about it and said it was overly uncomfortable. I dont mind that he speaks to her becuase he tells me what the deal is and I KNOW there is nothing going on, nor will there ever be
  15. Thanks I love learning, I loved going to the lectures and things, but I hated the admin side of it. how I could fail a paper on one sentence... This would be a new univestiy however, hopefully not as badly organised as the one I was at in my old city.
  16. I understand if your partner NEVER orgams, but "expecting" one every time? It just puts undue pressure on her, which in turn would make it harder to come anyway!
  17. Just be there for her when she has had a hard day and needs someone to lean on If she feels she has changed for the better, why does it hurt? She is obviously proud of her achievements.
  18. anywhere between 2 minutes and an hour and half He tells me when he is about to come, and if I want to keep going, I push him off (playfully) and we fool about... it doesnt have to be straight humping for an hour... that gets kinda boring
  19. I know I wouldnt want to keep this job forever... I would want to go back to uni at some point. Not just for the money, either, I want to finish my psych degree and go into student councelilng in high schools. But I just feel so deflated at the thought of living like a student again (which is why it would be good if my bf and I were more stable, if he was qualified,which he will be in 2 years) I like the house idea as well... a home base...
  20. I stand by this... there is no such thing as 99% trust.. you either do or you dont... I would throw a complete na-na if I read graphic emails to other girls from my bf. I am flirtatious, very flirtatious even... but no... I wouldnt do that, ever. I joke around on msn sometimes and say sexual things, but they are NOT ex;s or men even in the same country, and they are so silly and out-there that they could never be taken for anything more than a joke. By emailing her ex's that, shes trying to keep control over them, keeping herself imporant to them using sex. Whether she is afraid of being forgotten, or whether she's keeping them as "back-up"... I dont know But I wouldnt stand for it.
  21. Oh sweetheart -hug- I know there really isnt anything one can say to make it feel better, but I promise it will feel less weird after a while. We get very attached to our animals for good reason, and in this day and age it isnt uncommon for people to be more upset over their pets passing away than if a person was to die,e ven family memebers!!! Just dont feel stupid for grieving for your friend, scream, cry, yell, sit numbly looking at the wall... whatever works for you Of course this is the right place to put your thread!!
  22. Ok, so I am now at a bit of a cross roads... I have a HORRIBLE job, but my bf has jacked me up with a job that pays A LOT more than this one, and it isnt soul-destroying. I was going to go back to uni next semester (just to get away from this job) but I hate uni as well, all that pointy headed academic bs does my head in. I DO NOT want to spend the rest of my life in a dead-end job, I am unsatisfied as it is. As I see it, I have three choices 1. IF I GET THE HIGH PAYING JOB Save for a while and get a house, get in a flatmate to help with the bills, and pay it off. 2. If I get the high paying job, work for a year save a whole bunch of money and invest it, letting it grow while I go back to uni. 3. Stay at this job until next semester, go back to uni and slog it out. I have talked about it to my bf, We figure that if I get a house, he can live with me rent-free, and after he has graduated and aquired a good job, I can go back to uni and he will support us while I finish my degree. Anyone have any thoughts?
  23. Why on earth should be be expecting an orgasm from you? It makes no sense How unset would he be if he realised you had been faking? Its amazingly unfair. I say its best to be honest, tell him what you told us if he is that understanding it wont be a huge issue
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