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Everything posted by EvaGina

  1. I think its dangerous and you seriously need to see someone about it.
  2. Hey, we all feel like that at some point You learn from this and you didnt waste anything he IS cold hearted, but its not becuase you arent good enough, its becuase hes a pig
  3. sit down and tell her that you were put in an awkward situation and you dont want to date her if she is seeing other men. Dont be mean about it, just tell her honsetly, what you told us
  4. Most of us get sucked in by a player at least once... if your lucky (or smart) this will be the last time
  5. Oh, he knows you have the right to be angry, he just doesnt care.
  6. You are coming accross as negative, which is never good. girls like different things, shy guys, arrogant guys etc etc... but negative isnt one of them if you always have cynical thoughts about people, they WILL be able to pick up on it, no matter how well you think you are hiding it.
  7. You did the right thing for you, that is all that matters. Just stick to your guns and ride it out, everything will get better in time... it wont last as long as you think
  8. thats the spirit!!! Good luck button
  9. Perhaps you should look at your additude? Not your looks? I was dating a little scotsman, he was short, far shorter than me, skinny, REALLY hairy and had one of those black front teeth... I thought he was awesome and I was CONTINUALLY beating other girls off him... It was because he was fun and accepting and made me (and other girls) feel like a princess... not becuase of how he looked
  10. Sweetheart, he used you. You might miss the good times, but he is in no way worth your tears. You will have better times with REAL feelings behind them with someone who really cares about you, not some low-life bloodsucker who thinks with his pants. He says you can date, I swear if you find somone else he will get back in the picture and try to get you back. DONT FALL FOR IT!!! You dont need manipulative prats who will use you and throw you away. Feel sorry for the girl who is with him, she has no idea what he has planned for her (even tho if she has a brain and heard your conversation, she would be out of there in a flash) Dont call him, you just make yourself look like the stalker ex... I regret calling my ex, and its been 4 years since it happened Good luck sweetheart
  11. anything that is physical or anything that isnt anonymous is cheating, in my books. porn isnt cheating, as its a one sided thing, but watching some chick on a webcam? I wouldnt be comfortable iwth it
  12. LOL, yes, it was really sweet... I was right in the middle of town, in the square, brightly lit and things, so I didnt feel threatened at all. I might be weirded out if I was walking down a dark street, but then maybe not, it depends. this city is different to the last one I was in, if you didnt respond enough people could get mean. Here I just smile and its fine Then again, I get leered at my gross men alot here too... I was on the train the other day and this disgusting old guy was sitting there sucking his teeth at me... it was revolting. and random guys were brushing their hand over my butt as I was talking to my bf in the pub where he works... that was fine as I was drunk, so I pretended nothing happened, but I think it upset my bf a bit, he appreciates people looking, but not touching
  13. This made me lol... apart from that, you have to let her go and do what she wants to do. Venting is good and its a good thing that you know where you stand and that you are realistic... just keep chugging along, you will stop feeling so betrayed eventually
  14. EXACTLY I have yet to hear anything about it, and I have dated some tiny men
  15. They are being unfair. I personally cant see what a 24 year old would want from a 17 year old, but each to their own and as long as you arent being taken advantage of I dont see the problem I suppose you are just going to have to get them to meet this guy and let him win them over
  16. So originally you didnt actually care about height, its just became second nature for you to look because you feel you wouldnt have a chance with a taller girl? Which then turned into resentment? Well, if it makes you feel any better, I have dated a whole bunch of guys my height and shorter... my bf now is ony a FRACTION of an inch taller than me. I promise I am not the only person who doesnt care about height
  17. Tell her honestly what you did and what you found out. DONT pull the "reading a diary isnt as bad as cheating" thing, apologise sincerely for invading her privacy, tell her you werent happy in the relationship and your hesitation about (what you amusingly call) the "relapse" You shouldnt have been with her anyway, but tell her what has happened and that you are not going to be continuing the relationship. Edit: a text is not the way to go
  18. The feelings you have are natural, just not to the extent you are having them. My bf doesnt want to know how many men I have slept with, which is fine... but even if he did find out and was threatened, I dont TREAT him like just another number... so he woudlnt be insecure for long. does your girlfriend refer to her ex's a lot or anything?
  19. There is no way to maintain dignity with revenge. Even if no one else knows, you will hate yourself for it later. The lack of closure can be so painfull, but you seem to be doing very well so far Good luck
  20. So, I take it you and your gf dont have sex? yes, it is a total double standard... overly unrealistic and very destructive.
  21. presuming he is willing to try. Obviously, we only have one side of the story, and only she will know whether it is worth it or not to try If she genuinly thinks he will, then I think its a great idea. But they have only been together a short while and already there are huge warning signs.
  22. If he has issues that he is not willing to deal with, then it is NOT your obigation to hang around and wait for him. Why put yourself through that kind of thing? He doesnt want to listen to you, and although DN brought up a good point with communication, it doesnt seem that this guy wants to communicate, he jsut wants to take.
  23. wow... I would have figured she was in her teens. Its up to you really, either you live with it or you dont
  24. Agreed. What I find unacceptable is how sneaky and underhanded he is with the situation.
  25. He probably loves and values you as a person, but doesnt have that sick-in-the-tomach-engulfing LOVE that we all look for. He probably loves you as a friend, and finds you sexually attractive, but just doesnt feel that extra "thing" that makes a couple work hes not a bad person, I would say he is quite lovely, seeing as he told you his honest feelings.
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