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Everything posted by EvaGina

  1. Well, I cant really empathise with the entirety of your problem. but I do get the self consious thing. I think we all get it, we all have reasons to dislike our bodies in one way or another. and its comes and goes as well, with our moods and things... I cant really say how to get over it, you just grit your teeth and bare it and after a while you forget about it, I suppose. My GORGEOUS friend who I mention a lot, she told me she gets fat days... and she gets butt pimples as well... but she just chooses to not care. Its not becuase she is so gorgeous that men love her (well, not entirely) its the way she carries herself, how you can tell she knows she hot
  2. Of course I have felt like that before "WHY DOESNT ANYONE DECENT LIKE ME!!!" I have felt it A LOT!!! But its just negative thinking Its funny, the ones I think I like, dont like me... I get to talking to them, they start to like me but I decide I dont like them anymore its only the ones I have a strong, mutual connection with that go anywhere
  3. No to be honest, I dont The majority of people arent going to be romantically interested in you, but there would be no couples if everyone you liked didnt like you back
  4. lol I cant afford to get new undies on a whim I do sometimes feel odd about it, but I dont tell them another man has seen me in it
  5. DRINK A BOTTLE OF VODKA!! Okay, that was definatly a joke!! anyways, if your not going to tell your mum, and you cant get to a clinic in your area, is there a clinic outside your area you could get to? does your bf drive? is might be an annoying mission, but less annoying than an abortion or a baby!!! The chances are slim that you are pregnant, but there is still a chance, so it really is worth making the effort to get the ECP on another note, thanks for mentioning the pill, or I would have forgotten to take it today
  6. six weeks isnt that long its fine to still be hurting!!
  7. yes ask him I say... GRAND ROMANTIC GESTURE!!! Do you remember where your first kiss was when you were 17? Take him there... propose... Live happily ever after!!! Aw your story makes my tummy all knotted with cuteness Im so happy for you
  8. Oh, yeah, I get it worse if I eat too much yogurt, which is a catch 22 becuase I need more calcium and milk makes me sick (im sure milk would make me itch, too)
  9. Imo, she is happy atm becuase she is feeling the releif of being free from scrutiny and she hasnt started missing you yet. I say give her time. She was probably hurt and insulted that you didnt trust her and is enjoying her time at uni. She might contact you... but not for a while. I would say that she WOULD think you could change, but I cant say anything about giving you another chance.
  10. But to the right woman, you are perfect... no matter what you look like. I cant think of one physical thing I dont love about my bf I am sure he loves my boobs, even if they are small
  11. EvaGina


    whoa cool I have never read that before reading that I kinda feel like a freak of nature... but oh well
  12. I was going to reccomend Nioxin!! HOWEVER, the Nioxen reps will do a check on your hair with a little microscope camera thing to determine the cause of the loss so they can give you the right products (if you arrange an appointment, you can do it thorugh any good store that stocks their products). There are quite a few reasons why you could be losing hair, so just grabbing a random product might not work.
  13. She would have wanted to say somthing for a while, probably, but not been sure how to bring it up...
  14. I developed excma recently when really stressed, now I itch like crazy in air conditioning and if its really humid... It could be psychological however...
  15. Well, everything was fine, we had a cool day yesterday... but now Im annoyed for different reasons... gah sometimes I hate people
  16. Keep strong sweetheart Just think, if you are going to text him, do you really want him to laugh at you? Cos he will, and there is nothing you can say that he wont laugh at. Becuase he is a complete and utter low life.
  17. It happens all the time i HATED this girl I worked with, for ages, I HATED HER!!! but now I love her to pieces and Im trying to get her to move to my city
  18. you are terrible for each other... playing and manipulating each other, badly.
  19. your hopes have been shot? jsut becuase you havnt met anyone.... but then, to be honest, no one will want you if they are continually having to reassure you...
  20. I lost about 33 pounds (i think, around 15 kilo) by eating healthier, cutting out BOOZE and walking to work...
  21. its doubtful that its herpes it could be a cyst or an infected folicle but yes, go see a doctor, no point in delaying it
  22. even big-boobes girls sometimes dont sag, a lot of it has to depend on how dense your actual breast tissue is... My mum is 55, has LARGE (3 kids) boobs and she doesnt wear a bra a lot of the time, they dont sag at all.
  23. seriously listen to yourself... You are actually making excuses and trying to convince us all why people shouldnt like you!!
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