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Everything posted by EvaGina

  1. So talk to him about it. Do somthing about it instead of scaring yourself with internet stories. To be honest, I think your being a bit over-dramatic. Its a choice: a. you live with it in silence and you can both just keep quiet about it b. you try to understand it, have a healthy communication about it c. you leave Talking it out and trying to gather your thoughts through here is fine!! but trying to seek a connection between games and sexuality? EVERYTHING is connected to sexuality, all our facets, as humans, are intertwined. Instead of trying to fix him, fix the relationship, its about comprimise, understanding, communication and love. So, pretty much, have a cuppa tea, try to relax and please dont freak, it will just make it worse for everyone sorry if I sound harsh, I just get really antsy about things like this. I know its confusing for you and you are trying to make the best of it. but at the moment, its not about you, its about him
  2. larping and gaming are fun... well, no, Im not into larping at all.. .but D&D and things are AWESOME He is probably just that kind of person, who likes to imagine and pretend. Im hating how your trying to think of reasons and solutions instead of embracing him in totality.
  3. I was dating this guy, just casually, and he brought it up one day. We never really got to spend much time alone, so it wasnt brought up a lot, but for xmas I got him wonder woman figurienes (thats what started it for him) and books and things. He really appreciated that I had taken the time to listen to his story and I made the effort to belight-hearted about it The people who have double lives are the ones who cant be open with their partners. It WONT start dominating your life. You must have things that you like in bed, do they consume you? We are more than just sex.... give him more credit than that...
  4. He is probably sitting there DESPERATE to know what you think about it, but too scared to bring it up. What I would do would be to go up behind him, wrap my arms around him, kiss him on the neck/cheek and whisper "You know I love you, you can tell me anything, you know that. Im really sorry I forced you to tell me, if you ever want to talk about it with me, you know you can, right?" and keep cuddling him. If he doesnt say anything, dont press for an answer, just let him think, its ok
  5. Well, thats good then Do it with him? Go shopping with him? start off slowly, as him what kind of things he likes... what underwear he tried on, that kind of thing. I have been thorugh this too, I was weirded out as well, I got into it, encouraged him (I never saw him in panties or anything, but I bought him "knickers" history books and things) and now I kinda like the idea. If you are included it will seem less alien. EDIT: what are these "terrible stories"?
  6. Your going to have to live with and get over your embarrassment... its selfish, seeing as HES the one who feels he cant be open with his fantasties.
  7. Are you willing to explore it with him? Figure our what YOU want, without changing him. Can you deal with it, do you want to try? or do you want to ignore it. Then sit him down and talk to him about it. Dont attack him, praise him for being honest with you and apologise for bullying him. then figure out, together, what you would like to do about it
  8. I can NOT orgasm on top... I dont like being on top at all I orgasm in missionary if he is holding his weight up and his penis is rubbing my g spot or do what sddeaston does and he holds my legs up I prefer it from behind tho
  9. Oh dear. I dont know if that was really the way to go about things I see your point of view, but bullying him into telling you is not really the best way to gain his trust. Many men are content with just dressing up now and then and wearing womens panties under their jeans... it is a lot more common than you think. To be honest, I would just leave it. Try to understand that he is battling this as well. however scary it is for you, its FAR worse for him, especially as he wasnt ready to open up to you and you manipulated him into it.
  10. Explore it with him? even if it doesnt turn you on, the things that scare us most are unknown. If you understand it, then you wont be afraid of it anymore. I am proud of him for telling you, a guy I dated had never told his ex about his woman's panties fetish... and they had been engaged. It takes a lot of minerals to admit somthing like that. So, I say, grit ya teeth and get into it, if, after giving it a FAIR try, your still not comfortable with it, then let him explore it on his own but as him to keep it separate from you. If you want to make it work, you HAVE to approach it with an open mind. and whatever you do, dont try to force him out of it, its cruel.
  11. They took you for granted, it happens to all of us. Its human nature to take advantage of a good situation, it takes a bit to battle out of it, especially when you are young(not that iknow your age). I did it to a friend of mine without even realising it and I feel horrible about it still... years later...
  12. a. the person probably want to look "sophisticated" b. the person probably has some weird ideals... plus its RUDE!!!
  13. nah, you were just joking... dont worry about it...
  14. feeling forced into sex is the best way to make you lose your sex drive My ex did this to me, he was more passive aggressive about it tho. I wish I knew what to do, but no matter how much I explained the situation... it didnt work. they cant just act like they dont care, because it still comes accross... if you go for a hug they will hold on a wee bit too tight.... they have to NOT care.. and if his ego is that much in his pants, what can you do?
  15. implying isnt enough!!!!!!!!! men are scared!! especially if he is a shy guy!!! you NEED to take the lead Its the price you pay... the return is pretty awesome
  16. agreed hump your brains out!! jsut do it as safely as possible
  17. if you are in a club, have fun and make nice... and ALWAYS leave when the conversation is going really well... they will remember you on a good note then just in the middle of conversation, say "I have to go, ill see you around" and they WILL come talk to you when they walk past later (Assuming you stay in the club) thats when you ask for their number Mystery Method 101
  18. You know what gets me with this? A guy posted a thread almost exactly like this, and he got a major ear-bashing compared to what we are giving this girl. ITS JUST AS BAD... no, what this girl has done is WORSE that what the guy did. The guy just came accross a diary and read it on a whim, AND he felt terrible about it afterwards. This girl deliberatly plans to hack into her bfs comp... and she gets "find a better man"... saucysenorita... if you dont trust someone, leave them I dont even know why you posted this topic, you have proof he is cheating, so break up with him.
  19. ^^^ Thinking of this topic today... I asked the bf what he thought about it. He said he asks to see me naked becuase he WANTS to see me naked and that I "should never feel exposed" around him... Having a supportive, understanding guy is all it takes apparently... its broad daylight here and hes sleeping off the sex we just had. woo!!
  20. you put a key tracker on his comp? if he wasnt cheating he would have grounds to dump you. just dump him, if you just suddenly stopped talking to him i wonder if he would even care... hes obviously got thers lined up apart from that, I would message the other girls and tell them what he is doing. Not to be a cow, but they deserve to know if he is a low life
  21. a dirty smile and "I want your tongue in my *****" then a lot of encouragment while hes down there should do it
  22. yup you can get of on the "taboo" or hte unknown factor, as opposed to the actuall girl on girl thing
  23. LOL I wash my sheets.... but I dont like to.. I like being able to smell him... the new one, anyways acutally, I LOVED how my ex smelt, seeing as I bought him my favourite manfume...
  24. There is nothing quite as offputting as a smooth-haired butt on a man LOL I like my men hairy anyways... I agree... I freak out every now and then and turn away from macca when I am getting dressed... he tells me off Baby carrot... I promise that if you ACT liberated... they will love it!!! throw yourself around like you dont care, and they will think your amazing. think about the less-than-perfect bits on the men you have been with... you noticed them, sure, but did you CARE? Im too busy looking at what I like to bother obsessing over whats not so great
  25. LOL I like to see as well tho, thats the problem on my end... maybe I could blindfold him? About the bag Kalika... if they know you have it, they dont care. THEY ALREADY KNOW!!!
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