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Everything posted by EvaGina

  1. lasers and electrlysis, alhough they provide permerment hair removal after a few goes... age the skin badly, they speed up the degredation of the collegen fibers that keep your skin taut. I wanted that on my face until I saw what you look like when you get older
  2. whoever invites, pays but that said, if he pays for dinner, Ill pay for coffees, or vice versa. and thats only for the first date, after that, its dutch if you end up going out, then it tends to even itself out
  3. ^^^ stretch marks are sexy, imo are you sure you wont just find somthing else to be paranoid about? I lost over 30 pound last year and Im still nervous as hell about being naked... my curves are less attractive, imo, I dont like how my bum looks anymore, it used to be fantastic (the tattoo thread has a good example) the point is, if your unhappy with yourself, you will be no matter what you looklike
  4. Two of my friend dont sleep in the same room hes such a light sleeper and she snores and wriggles a lot personally I think you can get over it, and a lot of why people cant get back to sleep is psychological, but then Im a heavy sleeper, so I could be wrong. I wouldnt worry about it, as long as she doesnt mind...
  5. I wouldnt do it again, it was frustrating and not that enjoyable. Mine was 2 girls and a guy, I dont like the idea of 2 guys and me... its freaky Plus, Im just way to jelous for that
  6. That makes me really sad Loosen up lady!! you'll enjoy it way more!!
  7. I dont know about that if some guy was coming onto me then my bf wouldnt do anything about it unless I asked him too. Its embarrassing sometimes to have a man puffing out his chest everywhere, I can handle myself
  8. If he wants to "get even" hes an immature little moron. TWO WRONGS DONT MAKE A RIGHT You cheated, and thats not cool, but him going out and making things worse isnt going to fix anything.
  9. I would find this disgusting. Im not bothered by back hair, and chest hair is sexy, but stubble/shaving rash is by far worse than hair. and waxing can give you the WORST skin I agree with Caro, a trimmer is fine, although personally I wouldnt worry about it, it takes all types. I cant stand hairless men, but my friend cant handle even the few nipple hairs her boyfriend has... to each their own and all that One word tho, if someone loves you, your body hair wont be an issue
  10. I know the feeling all too well... its like you can feel, in great detail, a screwdriver being pushed through your brain? i have the same eye problem as you, with the stigmatism, so maybe it does have somthing to do with that I have gone to ER with my headaches and no one seems to give a damn, so hopefully it isnt life threatening EDIT: I found they got HEAPS better when I was doing yoga all the time and my shoulders and neck were relaxed
  11. Ummm, hospital... now... It COULD just be a tear in your urethra, or leckage from a urine tract infection, but it could be something dire... DONT WAIT!!! Lest your penis falls off!!!
  12. Exactly!! While men tend to get naked at the drop of a hat, and they strut about like they dont care, they ARE nervous inside.
  13. I think its somewhere between the two extremes Partners dont need to know EVERYTHING... but they probably should be privvy to information about your past that may explain why you act a certain way in the present. IE: My bf doesnt know how many men I have slept with (which is fine, i know I am sti free) but he does know about my history of abuse (no matter how humiliating it may be) becuase then he can understand why sometimes I freak out a little. its up to the individuals discretion.
  14. ^^^ Exactly I wouldnt care if my bf had sex with a man before me... the only reason i can see a problem here is if the person concered was homophobic
  15. Well then those men are shallow... how can you expect a result from that? its pretty sleazy. I know its natural and all, but it hardly deserves mentioning in this instance. and I think that should change... which is what I am saying.... gender shouldnt come into it. Then again, SOME men like their women docile and virginial... which hardly helps the situation, does it? (I have been the chaser and the chasee, I prefer neither)
  16. Its called MODERATION... Men and women use body language to ~indicate~ interest, BOTH genders do it. after that its up to either party to initiate contact. it shouldnt be a gender issue at all, its just who happens to do it first. But no one (sober, anyways) is going to approach a person who hasnt indicated ANY interest using body language.
  17. I wonder if he does anything to turn her on.... Putting a bit of effort in can make all the difference slowly undressing her and kissing her instead of pawing her chest and tugging her onto the bed... its all in the details
  18. This goes both ways. I dont think its fair to tell men to "grow balls" when they might be petrified. I get annoyed at all the threads on the same topic, men not taking the leap and all.. but women do the same thing. And to be honest, a lot of women dont HELP the whole "walk up and talk to her thing". They tend to hang out in groups, which doesnt help being approached. seeing as body language was the only way we communicated for millions of years, its quite acceptable. point in case: your in a bar with a lady, and she verbally tells you shes attracted to you. Would you believe her if she wouldnt face towards you and leant away from you if you tried to talk to her?
  19. Lol... squirter... Ive been there too. anyways, have you given a guy oral, I dont think your really in that much of a position to compare if you havnt., its all totally different in practice. anyways, seeing as (most) women prefer clitoral stimulation, there is actually no reason to have fluid all over your face... I wasnt flaming, you said that men do all the work in dating and that women have no idea what sex is like for you, it was insulting... If I made a generalisation like that I am sure you would point it out. and I would respectfully withdraw it, as opposed to trying to defend a (seemingly) baseless argument.
  20. I see you edited my post. Sorry, I wasnt trying to flame, I jsut hate it when people say "women/men "
  21. Now THATS a good idea!! hes smart, educated, SEXY AS HELL and hilarious.... mmmm, Eddie
  22. Just a question, have you given a guy oral? a womans juice doesnt burn, if they cum suddenly there is no chance it will shoot up the back of the nose and make you gag and parsley is right, there is pre cum too, with some men there is A LOT you are the exception then, definitely not the rule.
  23. Of course its about him feeling wanted and loved. But he is going to have to be a big boy and meet you in the middle instead of having a wah-wah becuase its not all his way Then you can both feel good about it
  24. its an ignorant thing to say In my situation, its important to my bf that I orgasm every once in a while, so when we are having sex when this is the goal (its not always, a lot of the time we just do it for the fun of it) then I dont go on top... it ruins it for me. IKNOW how hard it is for the guy... I am sure most women know how difficult it is. I doubt she thinks you do, im sure you move around just like evey other man. I have... I have had sex with a woman... and YES, it is hard work, but your jaw doesnt cramp like how it does when you do it to a guy and it tastes better. You still use your tongue when your giving oral to a guy as well. Im not saying men have it easier, Im saying its even.
  25. well... that was a pig headed thing to say. I dont like being on top becuase it hurts... i still do it tho. and unless you are dating a complete starfish, women still work when they are on the bottom as well. On that note, whenever a girl gets on top, the guy keeps thrusting anyways!! messing up the rythm and making her work harder, so shush you!!
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