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Everything posted by EvaGina

  1. I dont think they are rare at all In fact, if my ex hadnt let somthing slip one day, I would STILL think he was gods gift and I was the harpie.
  2. You have a law saying your ex can in all effect KIPNAP your child?
  3. Why is it that people assume all quiet, shy guys are nice? I find they are JUST as likely to be 's than the loud guys, and they do more damage becuase they are SNEAKY!!! They are quiet!! You dont assume they are manipulating you, but I was with a "nice guy" for two years, and I didnt realise how badly he had played me until a year after we broke up. EVERYONE thinks he is such a sweetheart, but he is one of the most poisonous people I know, the most selfish person I have ever been with. -rant ends-
  4. Ok, you WILL be miserable if you have this additude for any length of time. She cant keep you from your son. and I hate to kick you when you are down, but people are rarely that nasty to other people without reason.
  5. Sometimes people are TOLD why and dont want to believe it tho. But yes, you're right In those moments you have to realise that if htey dont have enough respect for you to tell you, to break up with you nicely, then you shouldnt be with them anyway
  6. MANIPULATE... thats what I like to hear!! no... I lie... every relationship is different, if you were dumped for a reason, then I would try FIXING the reason instead of playing games.
  7. You can change the wording, click the "edit" button above your post You CANT stay with someone because of guilt. Shes happy becuase you are carrying here IF you decide to break up wtih her, warn her family. no way , NO WAY should you stay with someone out of a fear of them killing themselves.
  8. okies, Im going to say somthing that might not be popular She might have wanted "out" for a while but not known how to do it This could be her way of getting what she wants without being the bad guy.
  9. Just from reading what you have written, you arent compatible. Just becuase you love someone, it doesnt mean you should be together. I have been in your boat as well, and it drove me mad
  10. Im glad the people I know are the exception to the rule!!
  11. thats suprising and really encouraging!! The people I know well who were raised by adoptive families were treated badly and ALL grew up with terrible social problems.
  12. Im making him dinner, buying him some nice beer/wine, depending on what he feels like, then we will probably just watch farscape and go to "bed"... Hes meeting me for lunch tomorrow as well... hmmmmm
  13. When my headaches have been really bad I have been CONVINCED that there were parasites in my head. I could FEEL them. its horrible I started screaming at my ex once, I was terrified that barbed worms were shedding their skin inside my brain. .... yep... anyways, by ER I ment A&E, accident and emergency, like, tiny hospitals.
  14. I have to say, all the shy guys i have met have been first-borns.
  15. Im glad you two think along the same lines as me. I think thats why women go for hte "bad boy"... if he treats you well, you really KNOW he loves you. The nice guy? He treats everyone well, so wheres the thrill? Not saying the nice guy doesnt deserve a chance!!
  16. he kissed her hand?? Im sorry, but I dont see an issue at all.
  17. I dno... he cant even LOOK at her and he feels betrayed. Its a bit different to bursting into giggles if you think about it during sex.
  18. I dont agree with Robowarrior. If you keep chasing her, and she has decided that she doesnt like you like that, you will be deemed the "scary stalker" type. She has thought about being your gf for a month? she doesnt want to be iwth you and shes too chicken to tell you
  19. My bf loves it as well... I think he was a bit unsure at first, but now he totally get into it. about the guy/sex doll thing No, it wouldnt bother me. Masterbation tools are masterbation tools... My ex went through heaps of those fake vagina vibrator things, if he was using ME six times a day I would have broken!
  20. No one is perfect, if you set your aspirations too high, then no one will be good enough for you. There is nothing wrong with having standards, but if you ask if we should have to comprimise... then yes... we should. There is nothing fun about going out with a "perfect" guy. I mean, really, whats so special about the relationship if there is no effort involved? Fixing whats "wrong" is what gives relationships strength.
  21. one point of view: she wants you to grovel, to chase her, to indulge in a grand romantic gesture to make up for what you said.
  22. So your insecure about a piece of plastic. Okay, I can ~kind of~ see your point. BUT, its not just how you make her feel... for a young girl, sex is hard, not only does she have to think about pleasing you, but she is probably also putting a ot of effort into how she looks, sounds, moves etc etc... Masterbation is the fun of sex without having to worry about that, you can do it in your trackpants, you dont have to have showered and you dont have to look good.... Its not about you.
  23. okay, firstly, prostitution is a pretty big part of ALL cultures, it may not be everyones chosen proffession, but I dont see what the big deal is, as long as its all consentual. as for the risks, a lot of those would be eliminated if prostitution was legal, as it is here. Anyways, no, dont confront her, she obviously doesnt want you to know. Plenty of my friends dont know my history (not that I have ever turned tricks) and its not really any of your business. If your other friend worked at a big dirty conglomorate that supported animal testing or somthing, would you harass them about it? I know it hurts that she lied to you, but its not really about you, is it?
  24. Hmmmmmm Yes, I think about my ex's, I am friends with most of them. the few I dont have contact with... yea, I wonder how they are I suppose, nothing major, seeing as the only reason we dont talk is becuase they treated me badly (hence why I broke up with them), but I do wonder how they are going from time to time.
  25. Hes a coward I wouldnt have anything to do to him until he breaks up with his GF. That "invested too much time" bs is PATHETIC... hes disrespecting You, her and himself.
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