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Everything posted by EvaGina

  1. I think thats fair... I mean, he told me what his ex did that really annoyed him, so I make an effort to not do the same things. oh, another text. "if it makes you feel any better, which it probably wont, the person I stood you up to play golf for STOOD ME UP!! the cheek of it all..." Why would he joke about it? I know its his way... but I dont see what he thinks its going to achieve. The worst thing is that Iknow as soon as I will see him I will be so happy after not seeing him for days that I just wont care. I cant stay mad at him, but I cant do THIS either, its not good for me
  2. I wish I knew more people in this city so I could go out instead of going home to an empty house. I might go to the pub or somthing and have a drink on the way home
  3. He's a genuinly good person... with a very big fault. -sigh- hes put up with my stuff, so Im not going to go awol at him... I just dont know what to say to make it clear that I CAN NOT handle this I mean, I cant, I was shaking before... im on the verge of tears and ALL I WANT is a drink gah
  4. lol Im not even gay I dont really know what to say... just wear the fashions and things I suppose, if you actually want to change there is no rule as to what lesbians or straight chicks look like or anything, I wouldnt worry if I were you
  5. Yeah, I love him for a reason, this is the only thing I would change. He does it to everyone, but its different with your partner... I still find it abhorrent with friends tho. I sent him a text last night saying not to come in to lunch if he was tired becuase he works late hours. He replied but didnt mention not coming in. then i told him to text me nad tell me what he was doing AND this morning I asked him if he was coming in and he didnt reply. it was HIM who said he should meet me for lunch as well. I dno what to do. Ill leave it up to him, he either makes an effort or not.
  6. EXACTLY Button, there is no need to worry about a git like that. I know it hurts, but when you stop caring you will realise how badly he took advantage of you
  7. lol im the same... I hate IMPOLITE PEOPLE!!! -goes on killing spree-
  8. He replied "yeah" I know he feels bad now, hes a total sweetheart when he knows he has hurt me, he really makes an effort to make it better. But I am SO MAD. I know he handles things differently to me, last time he did this he climbed up my fire escape with flowers. He doesnt like blurting out apologies, which is ok by me, beucase his gestures mean so much mroe than words. He hoenstly doesnt do things if he thinks it would hurt me, but he just doesnt think enough... Im not going to dump him, but he better make this up to me and he BETTER not do it again. I have moved out to his area, becuase he wanted me to, its isolated and I dont know anyone there who isnt his friend. So Im stuck. and I TOLD him how scared I was about moving out there last time he did this, he was so good about it... Now I just want to kick him Thanks guys (and thanks for the platonic internet valentines )
  9. LOL I got "sorry" me: "not good enough, you do this all the time and you know how much it hurts" im not going to say anythin else, hes either there tonight or hes not...
  10. Im at work. Im not going to stand him up. He can do what he likes... Im not the inconsiderate that he is. but if he thinks Im just going to roll over... Gah, Im trying not to cry... Yeah, Im not going to talk to him. If he wants to see me he can make the effort. I put so much effort into this, and I know he does too, but he has TOLD me what really annoys him and I make a point to accommodate that. He obviously doesnt have the same amount of respect for me. A TEXT MESSAGE ISNT HARD.
  11. Yep, so I have been stood up. No text, no nothing, only found out becuase I rang his house and his borther told me he's GOLFING. I woudnt give a damn if he didnt come in to meet me, but he cant just break plans without telling me. so much for my perfect boyfriend, right? He does this all the time, and each time he promises to not do it again. I HATE being stood up, I hate that hes always late. Anyays, I dno what to do about it, I WANT to scream at him, but I know that will do nothing. -sigh- And although I dont care about valentines, I had a big night planned tonight anyway and now i'll just be mad... if he even bothers to show up.
  12. ew... Sometimes I tell the guy what I want and he orders both, sometimes I order, sometimes we order our own... I have social anxiety disorder, so I find things like that really difficult, but yeah, I try to suck it up, especially if I am requesting a change to the meal
  13. I say send him an email and then block his email from your inbox so you cant read his replies. If hes is as two faced as he seems, then he will try to explain everything away and manipulat/guilt trip you into letting it go. You seem like quite a soft, gentle soul, which is a GOOD thing, but then its easy to take advantage of caring people.
  14. Thats really sweet and its not pathetic like just being a woman who needs a man to do everything for her
  15. I think its overly sentimental. You can be heartfelt without being cliche I would put in more references to her as well, this could be for anyone and break it up into lines, a text wall is never fun to read good luck I got given a poem once, and its fantasticly written, but it still just makes me cringe. I wonder where it is...
  16. I think he's meeting me for lunch, no biggie if he sleeps in tho, he needs his rest He coming over after work and we are going to dinner, farscape, sex, have a bath... The flatmate is making himself scarce I just want to see him, 2 nights without and I miss him SOOOOOOOOO much
  17. NP, my ex? Nah... hes not gay, and he refuses to talk to me now because he is still in love with me and that doesnt sit well with the new girl he's manipulating. I tried to break up with him more than once, but I always felt like that I couldnt because everything that was wrong in the relationship was my fault and I should fix it instead of leaving. Although she badmouths me, I feel really sorry for the new girl, shes totally naive, and if he sucked ME (total cynic) in, then whats he doing to her? Yeah... I dno, Im past being angry. I have a great bf and Im happier now than I was with the ex. I get riled sometimes, but I cant do anything about it, so I just try to keep my mind off it.
  18. These are really good ideas The third one especially
  19. Long story short, that while I was desperatly trying to be the lovely, non-demanding girlfriend, he was purposfully sabotaging all my efforts. He was doing things he knew would upset me, and "not trying on purpose" just so I would fly off the handle and it would all be my fault... then he could do what he wanted I think he only told me because I was hysterical and drunk and he thought I woudlnt remember in the morning. And now he treats me like dirt when I am probably the person who cares about him the most (apart from family) in the world... oh well, life goes on and stuff.
  20. I think so. My parents dont like my BF becuase they think he is untrustworthy... but hes the most amazing guy I have EVER MET!!! Hes loud and crude, but its only to cover his insecurities, in reality hes very clever and a total sweetheart. Then I think what people must think of me, I am VERY loud, kinda odd looking, I seem to ignore people all the time (it come with anxiety) and I am sure people think Im a cheater/lier.
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