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Everything posted by EvaGina

  1. facing ones mortality. He got to 40, realised he was exactly where he was at 30, and freaked out and Im sure if he hadnt had kids it wouldnt be as bad He wants to leave us the world when he dies, but he wont be able to He wants to do a lot of htings that he cant He feels that he has disappointed us, when we are really proud of him for how far he has come My mother was different, it wasnt menopause, it was hysteria.
  2. He did tell me it wouldnt happen again, but, as i see it, he could promise me anything and it wouldnt matter unless he did it. I want to be with him, so I will just wait and see if he does it again. He has always been one of those scatter-brained people who is late and things, its horrible in some ways, but it is what comes with a lot of the qualities that I love about him. that "not trying" thing really gets to me... sorry, but I just dont hold with that philosophy. its different when it comes to cheating or somthing like that, but with something like this, its difficult. I cant explain his past or how he is treated for being the person he is (which is terribly) but I can see a lot of things Im not really comfortable explaining about him, and I can see why he does this kind of thing. Not that this excuses anything, but I cant just let him go when I KNOW he will do his utmost from now on. Hes not the kind of guy to stick around if he doesnt really want to I dont regret this, not like with my ex's... I know I am doing the right thing
  3. -nods- Agreed, this kind of pressure screams "marriage fiend" more than real love/respect
  4. Its real my father had a bit of a breakdown and got writers block (not good for an art director) and only pulled himself together when my mother had a serious break down.... which was horrible and scary for all
  5. Shes being an immature, pathetic little moo. Shes trying to PRESSURE you into marrying her!!! Its completely unacceptable, your email would have made any other woman absolutely melt. It was loving, sensitive, honest and heartfelt, it was beautiful. Shes being selfish, manipulative and nasty. I would sit her down and talk to her face to face, no yelling or fighting, if she flies off the handle, ignore it, wait till she finishes and continue where you left off without even ackowledging her tantrum... if she HONESTLY thinks she is being reasonable, I would break it off, yes. good luck!! EDIT: this makes me so MAD... just becuase she is disappointed, it doesnt mean she can get angry about it... she tried to use Valentines day as an excuse to pressure you into a lifetime commitment? gah not only that but it gives us SANE women a bad name, beucase (understandably) men get scared that things like this will happen.
  6. NOT OVER YOU she obviously has a handle on her feeling but doesnt want your relationship shoved in her face. if you had been sober I would chew your ear off for being so inconsiderate... EDIT: I say things like that all the time to my friends... I wouldnt, however, say it to an ex if there was ANY doubt to how he felt about me
  7. Yeah, we all have those weird insecurities no one else cares about. The school nurse wont be able to do anything except reffer him I suggest he really stamps his feet about it, as he will most likely need some kind of brain scan/reading to find out whats going on.
  8. Normally, I would totally agree with you. and I see why you think that... but there is only so much I can convey over the internet. I am NOT a pushover... I have been played a lot in the past to the point of being overly tough on my bf's as a result. Thing is, people do make mistakes, people mess up... I cant condemn him when I have done stupid things to him!! I know he will mess up again, but if I can see he is trying, hard, then that is good enough for me, I dont expect him to be perfect
  9. it could be heat rash... in which case washing iwth water and baking soda helps
  10. sounds like tourettes to me! But then it could also be epilepsy (sp?) just go the doctors!! simple!! I know its sounds stupid... but tell him not to be embarrassed about it... no one cares about htings like that
  11. I would want a ring, but then, I have a very simple taste in jewellary... my engagement ring only cost about $135nz... and I LOVED it. -sigh- anyways, Dont worry about the ring, its silly. My mum was married 26 years before she got her engagment ring I dont know, I suppose I dont really understand the whole "wedding"culture... if I ever get married I wont tell anyone but hte witnesses, and then just invite everyone to a bbq and surprise them when they got there
  12. I have an ex like that you were VERY right to leave him Kudos!!
  13. Well said I totally agree I dont see how people can say that all this bad stuff keeps happening to them over and over, but they keep engaging in the same behaviour...
  14. FANTASTIC He didnt make excuses or anything, he just let me say everything I wanted to say and answered any of the questions I had... then said "sorry doesnt cut it, I dont know what to say". He was so upset, more so than I was I think... he said he was his own worst enemy and he looked completely miserable. we sat there for a while and he just blurts out "please dont leave me!" "why?" "because we make a good couple!! I would harass you, you know... use all my free texts, 2000 a month, until you took me back" that kind of thing is SO out of charachter for him oh, and I was sitting outside in the sun drinking and smoking when he turned up, in my dressing gown, a hat and sunglasses... he turned up in these TINY striped 50's bathing shorts... and nothing else... just to make me laugh and then we had awesome sex... so all is good
  15. I dated someone a foot taller than me, it was never a problem at all kissing was annoying tho.. we are all the same height lying down
  16. That it is... thanks I am getting nervous that Ill be sitting around waiting for him all night He said he will be at my place at 6.30 All I want now is a bath and a beer
  17. lol, yeah, I think itll turn out ok too Ill post tomorrow... I should be working atm ninite button, and thanks 1:
  18. I know he still loves me for a number of reasons. He can barely talk when I am around... He has told his close friends (who want us back together, so they told me) he told ME... the way he acts is insane... I sent him a text asking how he was and he asked me to start NC beucase I make his life to complicated... its not a vanity thing, I wish he didnt still feel for me. I love him, but not romantically, I think of him more as alittle brother. I dont even particularily LIKE him. and Im not sure about him and his gf, its long distance, shes in the usa, hes in Nz... he admitted he only uses her for support and to try get over me, that he likes having a gf that he doesnt have to put any effort into, that he can just turn off msn when he cant be bothered. all our mutual friends know her (she came over in the new year), and shes really meek, kinda socially retarded, and rather *ahem* unnattractive... she thinks hes amazing (hes REALLY good looking) so he has her at his feet.
  19. I have done everything that I claim but I havnt claimed much Then again, there is much people dont know... I dont see why all these things arent happening... I would say it would only be a one-off for most people... or a phase, not a lifestyle
  20. I dont WANT him to suffer tho. I just want him to realise whats wrong and to not do it again! You make me giggle tho I dont even know if hes coming over, if he will be here when I finish work or what I dont know, I hope he doesnt think that I dont want to see him and just stays away... if there is anything that makes me angry, its men running from their mistakes.
  21. Yes you are over-reacting I know its hard in your first relationship, but you ARE going to have to let go of being so jelous or you WILL push her away
  22. Well put!! exaclty what I know but in words... which I am finding hard to order porperly atm. I hate waiting, I suppose I will just have to wait and see what he does. But what if he doesnt do anything?
  23. always with the good advice!! I have the "tell him how I feel without attacking him" thing down pat... we talk really well. Its just this ONE THING I cant get him to retain.
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