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Everything posted by EvaGina

  1. I would say... make it LESS lighthearted and shorter grab him by the proverbials, a short sharp statement The jokey element sort of takes away from the seduction element dont make excuses for why you want to do it, just tell him that you want to and he will pick up that he drives you mad with desire I send messages like this to my boyfriend... he loves them... I say go for it!!!
  2. Tell him... if he mentions it again, look at him blankly and say "I WAS joking, you know..." Ask him again if he is ready to commit, I would hate to see another broken heart around here
  3. yea they keep under the radar... D was quiet, he was friend with J and was jelous of J's gf, R. he ended up manipulating everything so badly, talling little lies and spreading gossip,that Jand R broke up hating eachother, and not really knowing why.
  4. depends on the woman I have had a lot of flings with men that have never been considered sexual by anyone else
  5. Dont be like that. I told you, he never, ever blamed his actions on anything but his own thoughtlessness. One of the things you chose to ignore while telling me what he is like. I know we are perfect for eachother, thank you. Its a compliment when you consider that he is amazing, funny, loyal, smart and accepts that I am not perfect.
  6. When I posted the first post, I was angry, he doesnt do this all the time, but when Im sitting at work getting stewed up, it feels like he does. thats MY thing, I over think a lot of things. I am going to stop this now, seeing as its obvious you haven't read my posts, yet you keep repeating what you think is going on with no regard to my responses. ONE LAST TIME... I see what you are saying and I agree with it, but it is not relevant in this instance. He treats me fantastically, hes attentive, loving and loyal, we by far have the best relationship out of anyone I know. He has one fault, and he is going to fix it. Im not a naieve little girl getting the wool pulled over her eyes, so could you kindly stop being so condescending and take note of what I am telling you before you try to convince me otherwise.
  7. The more I think about this, the more I realise how rude it is. At first I was thinking "oh here we go, a chick just p-o'd she didnt get anything on a fake holiday... GREEEEEDY" But Yeah, I see what you mean. ANY recognition, not of hte holiday, but of your effort, would have been appreicated, but you got nothing.
  8. thats fair enough you told him you were going to get him somthing, right? if he didnt take it, would you have been insulted? I would be. It seems to me that this is a case of being disappointed, but turning it into anger. Have you told him?
  9. what if he just really doesnt care about Valentines day? just becuase it may mean something to you, it doesnt mean he has to care about it I would be angry too, I mean, the lack of thought is horrible and all... but it might pay to talk to him. I dont think its fair to expect him to care about valentines.
  10. Hey. Didnt I just say that we talk eachother out of it? he cant control the occasional waves of fright, hes scared. It seems to me your talking to yourself instead of listening to me. and dont try insult my standards. I would rather a creative genius who makes me laugh, who learns songs about girls with green eyes so he can sing to me... than some reliable stuffed shirt who bored me to tears. Macca isnt malicious and our relationship means heaps to him, I have no doubt in his feelings towards me. Just becuase he slipped up once, it doesnt mean he is the thoughtless beast your making him out to be.
  11. Hopefully... I think so Its not like he didnt feel bad about it... and ACTUALLY feel bad, not just feel like poo because he got in trouble.
  12. -hug- Your a sweetheart he didnt even really apologise... well, he did,but it was different to any other conflict i have ever had. He didnt try to stick up for himself or anything... and although he was going "yes, I messed up..." he wasnt resentfull about my whining and he wasnt trying to go "yeas, I messed up, get over it" it was the most respectful situation ever he didnt insult my intelligence nor my emotions
  13. Im not saying I disagree with everything btya said. I would probably say the same kind of thing to someone else, and I agree with what you said in this post. Macca and I have a very relaxed relationship, I can see why he slacked off. He now knows not to. I know when its not ok to give in, or stay with them. My last bfs have done things like that and when I said I forgave them, there was still a nagging doubt that I couldnt shake. Im not getting this now, or I would have posted "he said sorry... BUT yada yada yada" I dont feel like I have comprimised my self respect. and I still have to remember that he is scared by relationships, he does every now and then go into that horrible push-me-away mode that people who have been burnt get into I do it to him sometimes too, but we recognise it in eachother and talk to eachother about it
  14. well, seeing as love is different for everyone... but yes, that would make sense. he cant handle anyone thinking he is in the wrong, the girl he dated before me, he treated pretty badly. She was an utter cow and he had no idea how to handle it, but he still went about things the wrong way.
  15. LEAVE LEAVE LEAVE LEAVE LEAVE This is shocking, deliberatly embarrassing you to his friends? unacceptable.... utterly disgusting.
  16. ^^^ Hey parsley I would be envious of me too sometimes I think he just doesnt realise that people care enough to get mad when he is late and things, his self esteem could be carried around in a teaspoon. -raises hand- I know psych, im a psych student and I plan to be a councellor. I still dont agree with the "trying" thing. NO ONE theory can fit every example. The first thing you learn is to not lump everyone in with one theory or assume every situation can be solved in the same way. Im sure Browne would agree. To be honest, you're starting to annoy me. I know this guy, I havnt said that he has tried to blame anything on his past, he took full responsibility for what he did. He got to the golf course early, planning on texting me, then realised he had left him phone at home. rang his brother and got him to drop the phone off at the golf course, but his brother took over an hour and by then I was already angry. I know what you are trying to say, and as I have said, I would normally agree with you. If this was anyone else, (and it has been before) I would be totally with you. But I refuse to get bitter over whats happened in the past and put my insecurities born from OTHER men mis-treating me onto him and our relationship, as what we have is different to anything I have experienced before. We are totally, unerringly honest with eachother. i think one or two slip-ups and a handfull of tears is definitely worth the other 98% of the time when we are blissfully happy.
  17. She obviously has issues that go further than this... tell her "I want to marry you, but I need you to do somthing about the sex thing" its not unfair to ask her to see a councellor or somthing about it sex is a natural urge
  18. I think thats fine. you arent obliged to talk to her if I were you I would send her a message saying "I am to angry to talk right now. Give me time and we will talk about this later" otherwise she will scream at you for "ignoring her in her time of need" and you will be the bad guy. Shes TRYING to fight with you "nothing to say" is pathetic, if she was mature she would say "I really need to talk to you right now". god... shes acting like the rest of us did in high school
  19. its different you are only a 1/4 of the way through your life, things will get easier for you for a while (in some ways) things only get more difficult once you meet middle age
  20. agreed, but if he had waited she would have had an even bigger nah-nah
  21. My bf's parents arent married... they have been together for 30 years and they are very happy. They were going to get married in france when they were on holiday, but their kids werent there, so they didnt.
  22. agreed the men I know who come from the army have this "I am invincible/alwys right" thing going on.
  23. Yes... she said she just wanted an answer, I can understand totally how your dodging the question annoyed her but then having a tantrum because you didnt give the answer she wanted? Shes to immature to cope with disappointment, so she turns it into anger. she NEEDS to fix that or you will be at eachothers throats
  24. when I needed the strength to kick out my ex... I found a whole bunch of old letters from friends. When you realise how many people love you, and how much, then what you had with him will pale in comparison
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