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Everything posted by EvaGina

  1. Im not sure about Aus, but here in NZ (Im sure our stats are similar) You have LESS chance of catching something off a hooker than just a random girl. Sex industry workers have a 3% sti rate, while the rest of the population has a 9% sti rate. I wouldnt worry... and imo, there is NOTHING wrong with seeing prostitues outside of a relationship, as long as you dont do what my mate did, get addicted and spend all your money on them
  2. I see him as often as possible over the weekends and once or twice during the week, but this will change when he starts uni again tomorrow -sigh-
  3. I have had one threesome,.... two girlfriends (T & M) were at T's house, drunk... we were all in the bath drinking wine... T's flatmate D came in and needed to pee, T and I jumped him... M went home... It started off as a joke, but yeah, we ended up playing about for hours
  4. Take him to court, OR, if you dont want to call the police, get in touch with your lawyer and ask for help... DO IT NOW what a horrible person, get him out of your HOUSE!
  5. I see nothing wrong with her wanting him to be walking around thinking of her sexualy all day... especially if she wants to be ravaged next time she sees him. If he only EVER thought of her sexually, then there would be a problem, but sex IS a big part of most relationships, and why shouldnt it be? its fun, its good for you, it helps bond people... Taking things too literally, over-analyising everything and always expecting a worst case senario is no good for relationships. If she misses the mark (which I doubt she will) hopefully he will be a good enough guy to forget about it, if not, who waould want to be with someone that uptight anyways?
  6. agreeeed If you are honest, there is no way she can be terminally mad she might be disappointed and SEEM mad, but she will understand eventually
  7. Tell him your disappointed? its fair enough... suggest that, together, you make it a bit more special, there is no reason for him to make all the plans.
  8. at the risk of sounding like a love-struck fool I would accept a proposal now, but I know he is in no way ready for it, hes too scared of failure. So Ill just hang on. is he the kind of guy that would feel emasculated if you proposed to him?
  9. You messed up, be a man and face up to it. Running and lying wont do anything except make everything worse when it all comes crashing around your ears, which it will.
  10. NO it makes him no better than her, and she will be getting exactly what she wants!!! She wants him to respond!! Shes a pathetic little bint, why do something that would lower yourself to her level? anyways... ill have to get out the wooden spoon if you encourage such silly behaviour!! You dont want a spanked bottom now, do you locke!!?!?!!!
  11. I wouldnt worry about it seroiusly my valentines sex lasted far less than a minute it just shows shes doing the trick
  12. IMO, shes not over you. She deals with these feelings by transferring them into hate, becuase shes too immature to deal with whats actually going on. She wants you to respond so she can fight with you, she wants to feel wanted. IF she has a new bf, then he isnt going to stick around if shes disrespecting him like that. My ex tried to use me against his ex like that, it was horrible.
  13. Lighten up The honeymoon period is exciting!! What if she DOES have sex on the brain? What if she cant stop thinking about him and wants to do (sexual) things with him that may be construed as "wild"? Whats wrong with that? I went up to my bf and whispered what I wanted him to do to me into his ear while he was serving a customer!! I would consider that pretty tame, but it had him weak at the knees. A healthy sex life is nothing to be concerned about
  14. its got to be better than my parents!! "Im pregnant" "oh, I suppose we better get married then"
  15. -hug- I dont think its nessesary to meet her, I think it would be making a huge deal out of somthing that shouldnt be an issue at all. By not just not getting a chance to slip it into conversation, but activly REFUSING to tell this girl about you, he is setting up opportunities. Chances are the girl will still flirt with him if he tells her, he will still get his ego boost!!
  16. My ex and I were engaged, but it was just somthing that grew over a time... no one ever asked anyone. he bought me a ring one day when we were in this fantastic little jewellary shop, and when we walked out I asked if it was our engagement ring... he said yes, that it was much more fitting than the LOTR ring he got me from the gaming convention I never really cared, although it DID make it seem like less of a deal, which is sad. Now I say I used to be engaged, but I almost feel like Im lying.
  17. different strokes my friends got engaged on valentines, they had been dating for over 7 years and they probably wont actually get married for another few years...
  18. I understand needing an ego boost every now and then, but he has a CHILD now, he doesnt get to think about himself, its all about the kid. Beec's "For right now, tell him you do not want to talk about it any more, that you just want him to see him and you miss him. Give him love, not passive aggression, and he'll be there for you. " is very true Although he may be an immature little prat, you catch more flies with honey, thats not to say you should be a push-over, but he will be more likely t stray if you are being all weepy and depressive when he gets home at night
  19. I think this one is up to you and what you are comfortable with. its good that he told you and that he didnt cheat, but this one is up to personal boundries.
  20. this made me feel sick I am inbetween... I HATE the look of a completely bald woman, I find it disgusting, unfeminine... But then I dont like it completely au' naturale either Im smooth "underneath" and the triangle is trimmed... it doesnt irritate my bf and I dont look like a child.
  21. So he DID hook up with them, but didnt sleep with them? Its still cheating if he just made out with and groped them.
  22. Once people finish high school, in my experience, they stop being so petty. Either they do use her as a social scapegoat... or they dont like her, for valid reasons. The "forgetting her" thing could just be beucase she is forgettable (no offence, my brother is like that and hes an amazing guy) but putting her number on toilet walls? She has probably done things to seriously annoy people... that kind of thing isnt done un-provoked It could just be her additude, you dont KNOW what she is like when you arent around. People gravitate towards people they find appealing and want to socialise with, they dont desert and slander them.
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