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Everything posted by EvaGina

  1. One of my good friends was raped and she went to the police, it was only after that, that the other victims of the scumbag came forward. Why should you have gone to the police? To protect others, if not yourself. I cant even begin to fathom what I would do if I were you.
  2. Yes, if she is unsure as to how you would react or afraid of what her friends might say if they knew
  3. -hug- Hello love Denial is HARD... for years I thought that becuase I would have slept with them anyway if they had taken their time to be with me, that it didnt count. as Akatea here can vouch for, sex became a "tool" for me, as opposed to an act of intimacy, sex with feelings is too hard
  4. What scares me is how many times I have almost been assulted since then as well. and by "friends" I wonder if these men even realise what they are doing?
  5. Isisastaria, Yeah, the anger is kind of amazing Im such a happy person most of the time, its strange to think about it and realise how angry I really am. Do you find it makes sex weird beucase your fantasies become overly violent/humiliating? The guy I am with now is the first I have had physically satisfying sex with, without needing to fantasise about dangerous situations in order to orgasm. Like you, I just think about how much I love him and how good it is to be with him.
  6. I dont think you could offend anyone with that post It makes sense, and its just a good illistration of how people view homosexuality, that some gay people feel shame about who they are
  7. GOOGLE FTW!! But yer, look up that Alan carr book "the easy way to stop smoking" apparently it works miracles Myth, yes, hanging around with smokers makes it nigh impossible to quit
  8. I was just really, really shocked at the realisation of how many people have been raped. It was brought up in another thread and we all know its disgusting. I was wondering, what happened to you after you were taken advantage of? Can anyone else learn from your experiences? Personally, I have been raped by 3 different men, in different circumstances. One of which was my long time bf. After coming to the realisation of what has happened to me (I was in denial for years) I have managed to stem the amazingly unhealthy sex life I was leading and I am a much stronger person becuase of it now. I do get a bit weird about sex every now and then, but I know I would kill someone before letting them do that to me again, and I wouldnt fall apart like I did before. There is still a lot of anger about it, when I say I would kill, I mean it, I would take out everything I feel towards those other men on him and I would be surprised if he was recognisable afterwards. Whew, ok, that was kinda hard to write, but if anyone thinks it would help them to put out their story, or to ask questions of any of us that have gone through it... I thought this thread could be of use
  9. Man... its very, very depressing to see how many people have been raped
  10. ^^^ I have to agree to a point. I have been raped a few times and although sex got odd for a while, I didnt turn gay. Then again, everyone is different, right? i suppose that there will always be that kind of thing. She not so much "gay" as settling for the other option as she cant be with men?
  11. I went from a pack a day to nothing. after you get over detox its fine. I think the thing that helped me was I had a new bf and we spent every waking moment together (and most nights) and he HATED the smoking, so seeing as I had a good excuse, and a completely new shedule (it was the school holidays) it was easy... My bf smokes and i admit to the odd sneaky cig when Im drinking
  12. I just went cold turkey... You have to change your habits... drink your coffee in a different place, have somthing else to do when you get into the car etc etc... apparently that alan carr book is amaizng
  13. No, thats a pile of dren. -rant- I cant believe the stupid bs people come up with!!! like amazingly ignorant people saying that all uncircumcised men will grow up to be homosexuals and/or criminals... (IM NOT KIDDING, PEOPLE ACTUALLY believe THAT!!!)
  14. Yep, my ex got the 16 yr old he was cheating on my with pregnant, wrote off his car while drunk and generally made a shambles of his life. Its nice to know that his life is awful becuase of him, not beucase of me. although I do feel overly sorry for the girl hes with, she cant get away... I saw them the other day and met her for the first time (its been 4 years) and she looked TERRIFIED that he was talking to another girl anyways, GOOD parsley
  15. Im sorry about your cousin. I do realise that there are differences, but all industries have people working in them that hate their jobs and lives and are in their profession for the wrong reasons. We feel that prostitutes have it worse off than other people because we feel sinsitive about the sex involved. A lot of people are just as miserable without the sex. I spent a lot of time with prostitutes for research at uni, it may be different here as it is legal, but a lot of people just approach it like any other job, while only a handfull of people REALLY enjoy it, the others just see it as a day to day commodity.
  16. both times I got my nipple it was HORRIBLE!!! but the second time was worse.. -cringe- ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I prefer tattoos
  17. I thought so for years Now I dont something always comes up, even if its not spoken or anything, the atmoshpere changes and you can just TELL
  18. You mean piercings through scar tissue? gah worst feeling EVER
  19. meh, my nipple ring doesnt help sex seeing as it WONT HEAL -rant- My ex had a PA, it didnt really add anything but novelty value I want a labia majoria peircing, but its 6 weeks sex free... not sure is worth it.
  20. I would be really, really angry My ex did the same kind of thing to me once, I absolutely spat the dummy. Imo, its disrespectfull. Its different if he says "we are going on a boys weekend in a few weeks, can we go away after that?" but spur of the moment "my money is good enough for them but not for you" is insulting.
  21. Obviously its up to him If he has a moral issue with it, then he shouldnt do it again... No one should use prostitues as a substitue for a relationship, sorry if I gave that impression. But he also shoudlnt feel guilty about visiting a hooker once for a bit of release
  22. it doesnt matter as far as I know google it I say
  23. I dont really feel anything except in the pierced one... and it HURTS, so he stays away from it. She'll have another sensitive area... I go nuts when he kisses the inside of my elbows and my feet
  24. Batya, this isnt about you, is it? Its about them, and seeing as she said that she knows him and he wouldnt mind, I dont see what your point is. I assume someone you were dating would understand your not that kind of person, and wouldnt send you an email like that. You;re being FAR to literal with the "tactic" thing, just let it go, its not manipulative, shes trying to give him pleasure. The message is to convey that she is thinking about him, in a sexual manner, as well as to get him thinking about her. Edit: It would be uptight to not forgive a small lapse in judgment, assuming he doesnt enjoy the email. Not to not enjoy the email in the first place.
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