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Everything posted by EvaGina

  1. I dont know if we should give this becky flak for blanking him. IF he was putting her on a pedelstal, then she was probably a bit freaked... she probably didnt mean to be nasty, but just didnt know what to do and didnt want to encourage him.
  2. 2 months of dating before "official" would be too long for me. I know within the first date if I could be with someone or not (to a certian point, anyway, any crazy tends to come out later) so I would be put off if someone took that long to decide about me.
  3. free councellors are available normally, it just takes a bit to find them. Check the back of your local paper. I say call him on it. "every few weeks you seem to assume we are back together. Please realise that time wont solve this, I am not going to forget that we have broken up. If you keep acting like this I will have no choice but to withdraw my offer of friendship as well." I feel for you, and I respect your desicion to not stay with him just to save his feelings
  4. Call a councellor I would say you are feeling guilt more than anything... depressed about your actions and not controlling your emotions.
  5. May I ask what the qualities you look for in a husband are? Obviously smarts/humour etc, but do you have anything more specific? like... I dno... a 5 year plan or anything?
  6. 1) he asked me to be his gf (I told him I was moving to his city) I said "we'll see" and he just considered me his woman from then... we had only been together physically a week or so 2) it depends, I normally HOPE it will be happy forever, but I know it wont be. THIS time, however, I have every confidence it will last the distance 3) I loved him still from when I was 15. I hadnt seen him in years, so its strange. I love him more now however. I know straight away if I have the potential to fall for someone or not... 4) I am with him because we have HUGE amounts of fun together! I wouldnt be ok if we broke up, but unless he did somthing truly horrible to me, I wouldnt be bitter, I would still regard the relationship as successful. 5) Im not sure about that, I think perhaps we just voice it more.
  7. My bf lives close to me and I still get morose when I dont see him He doesnt get that bad, I know he misses me... but its not the same
  8. sorry sweetheart, I didnt want to put you on the spot, you know how proud I am of you
  9. You can sustain an alcohol addiction on ONE drink a day. if you NEED that drink, then its an addiction. this post is a CLASSIC example of how a horrid drug like alcohol has been so normalised by society that we have been conditioned to deem it harmless. If he is out getting smashed every night, then there is a problem.
  10. normally I would agree with you... but my bf has this rockstar thing going on... and an amazing body... I definitely think it would suit him.
  11. That makes perfect sense Its sort of the male parralel of girls whos fathers were abscent, sleeping around
  12. either that or she was unsure about the reactions she would get and used such wording to put herself down in a joking kind of way... That would tie in with the general feel of the email itself. "Excusing" the behaviour by using a bit of self-depreciating humour. People who are unsure often tend to paint themselves in a bit of an apologetic light.
  13. This goes for me too... always a shoulder and everything.
  14. I didnt used to think of it as rape either. its such a messy concept
  15. sounds very familiar I got that... I just kind of went quiet... I can hardly remember it. but the things I do remember make me sick.
  16. I know... even things like my high school teacher pushing himself against me in class... it wasnt so bad for me... but I have no idea what he might have done to others... EDIT: I watch movies... and they are pretty... wrong... I think I scared my ex a bit with what I liked to watch
  17. It makes sense to me too... in a twisted sort of way. I cant imagine how hard it must be for you
  18. Im not sure I know that until Macca, I COUDLNT orgasm without picturing myself in a horrible circumstance. I was the first to admit that I liked to be held down and/or in pain... but now that I dont need that kind of thing, I feel sort of sick thinking about what I fantasised about. I still need that kind of fantasy if I am alone and ot be honest, my taste is porn in kind of sick
  19. and at the time its just "well, its just one more, isnt it?" I never realised how badly I would regret just giving in like that.
  20. thyroxine... I am completely lost for words. Im glad you see a lighter side to it (with being a stronger person) and that you are doing something about it. Did your mother ever say anything about it after the fact? Jen: never reported it... feel horrible about it too, once I find out what else goes on with these guys.
  21. I want my bf to get his navel pierced.. no idea why...
  22. I know what you mean if I wasnt to count them, do I count the men I had sex with just beucase they pressured me into it? The men I had sex with just so they would stop touching me and I could go to sleep? I wouldnt know where to stop... I would practically be a virgin again!! ](*,)
  23. I read a story about a guy here who has just been jailed for the abuse of FIFTEEN boys between the ages of 3 and 15... the things these kids went thorugh... I would give him the chair if possible.
  24. True... I think it would be a lot easier if it was someone I didnt know... I wouldnt have been so confused
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