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Everything posted by EvaGina

  1. imo, hes playing the "keep denying it and she cant do jack" card...
  2. DO WHAT IS RIGHT FOR YOU it doesnt matter what he is doing or why, YOU dont want to, so dont. You dont have to prove anything to anyone
  3. I like lady friend... but then i like things a bit strange how about boyfiend
  4. -shakes fist- I hate you people and your skinny legs!! try having canckles!! -grumble-
  5. boyfriend or mister work for me I might call him my tumor sometime and see what happens oooh, or my goiter
  6. what do you mean? of course its normal... its stimulation. he was enjoying it
  7. Maybe shes depressed? if its not just you she is cutting out, but everyone, I think she probalby needs help
  8. TELL HIM about it and voice your concerns, you dont want her husband approaching him while they are on the booze and them setting up a "surprise" or anything!!! I have had friends who have been after my bf's... its always a case of the grass being greener... dont do it
  9. its a white water rafting trip... inconsequential compared to a wedding.
  10. She didnt deal with it in the best way, but she wanted attention and you just sort of blanked her. when a girl is insecure, HUG HER, comfort her, dont laugh at her.
  11. incondiserate a-hole after 7 years? gah... thats unbearable... thats the kind of thing you should be over by the first or second year... I have a friend who is treated like that all the time by her bf, he is in NO WAY good enough for her. I bet you have a whole lot of friends who secretly hate him for how he treats you. Dump him and revel in friendships
  12. his sister is being TOTALLy selfish... its your WEDDING, your not being bridezilla, your being sensible and there is no reason why you should have to set everything up youself... I would jsut say "this is our wedding, not "my" wedding" and its definitely not his sisters wedding
  13. each to their own personally I would never date a guy with an eyebrow or tongue ring -shudder- but on this guy, a micro ring on the side of his navel... hot... he would look stupid with a nipple ring, which sucks, cos they are so sexy
  14. I would definitely class that as rape -hug- or some kind of sexual abuse.
  15. -hug- often its the people you least expect the two week mark after breaking up is the most dangerous time in this kind of thing apparently
  16. 2 points.. 1: they deliberatly WENT THROUGH YOUR PERSONAL CORRESPONDANCE!! 2: if they are the kind of friends you have to make up excuses to get out of dates with, you obviously dont care that much anyways
  17. as weird as this sounds... you can always take another kick... you just keep your head down, pick yourself up and dust yourself off. I find that cosing yourself off does nothing but push people away. Keeping yourself open, athough it makes you vunerable, is the only way to let people love you.
  18. At the moment... Yeah, I think so... I mean, Im by NO means perfect, but I TRY to be a good person. I do my damndest to be a good partner/daughter/sister/friend... I am there for those who need me and I TRY to look on both sides of situations... I can be a hypocrite, but I think that is mostly because I care about my friends so much more than I care about myself.
  19. EvaGina

    Itchy :(

    I wish it was that easy for me I have very thin skin, and no matter what wax they use (the wet stuff with cloth or the stuff that dries and they rip off without cloth) the skin comes off with the hair SO not worth it
  20. I know... shes one of the strongest people I know, and she is FAR too modest
  21. I am totally for legal prostitution, it takes a lot of the stigma off it, they can report crimes to the police, they get more medical help and there are organisations set up for people like your cousin, if they want to get out, these groups will provide support, help them find job training and jobs etc... They also form groups for people who have been shunned by thier families and churchs, they fight for prostitutes rights and the educate sex workers in safer sex and the like.
  22. -makes obvious comment about the californian economic system collapsing if it werent for the super-cheap illigal immigrant labour, which FAR outweighs the cost of keeping a handfull of them in jail-
  23. ^^^ good on ya kr356!! and hootz... do you ask her to return the favour? SO SO BAD FOR HER!!! thrush city!!! yeast feeds on sugar!!!
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