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Everything posted by EvaGina

  1. no offence... I hate eyebrow and tongue piercings... but the thing about body mods is individulaism, right? anyways, I would MUCH prefer tatts.
  2. I know what you mean Im sure I drinve everyone nuts when Im pmsing, im grumpy, insecure and whiney... I feel for you... the last thing I would want ot do is sit an exam
  3. I know a lot of men get seriously insulted by this kind of thing. Macca doesnt know whats happened to me (He knows somthing has happened and I think he has guessed what, but he doesnt know the details) and I dont think he wants to because, like you, he would be full of undirected anger about it. I mean, the protectivness we normally feel when we hear what horrible ex's did to our partners or a-holes in the workplace... but to hear that someone violated the person you love and there is nothing you can do about it?.. it would be so much worse. I cant even think about what happened to my friend (the one who posts here) I just block it from my head... its too much
  4. I know... he just played around with the words, we were doing it all day I ment he made up the new lyrics... I dont even know what "sangria" is... or why you would drink it in a park
  5. I cant define what makes a relationship Its more than friendship Its more than friendship with sexual attraction You can be with someone, a friend who you find attractive, and be happy, but nothing compared to when you get slugged in the stomach with that oh-my-god feeling
  6. I think he should just shut her out until he calms down enough to deal with it. AND TELL HER the reasons why... not just stop talking to her out of the blue.
  7. Its unfair of him to yell at you when you are confused, for one thing. Wait till he gets home and talk to him about it. DONT let him yell at you, just tell him that you dont know how to act around your friends now.
  8. ^^Im sorry to hear you kept everything so bound for so long, but its great that you are dealing with it now That is awesome I know women who have done that to men as well tho.
  9. lol at the moment... I like it when he says "this is the girl I was telling you about" or when I walked into his work the first day I arrived here and they all said "oh, you must be eva, Maccas Girlfriend!!"
  10. You said exactly what I wanted to, but in a nice way I say just leave him to heal, enough damage has been done already
  11. dont get like that the internet has millions of DIFFERENT people on it... two guys turning you agains the millions out there? thats stupid
  12. the whole waiting-3-days thing is a hang-over from high school... man I hated that crap
  13. why not? he called and told you, and it was a legitimate reason...
  14. If I didnt get a text or somthing the next day I would assume he just didnt really care I wouldnt be ANGRY or anything. Then again, I would probably contact him if I had heaps of fun
  15. I know the feeling, and what I have been through is nothing compared to you. Hang in there, you know it will get better with time
  16. sorry, I didnt mean to sound mean I like "the better half" "the ball n chain"
  17. I dont like "partner" it always seems to be used by people who are living together and having spats about whether they will get engaged or not...
  18. "hi, thsi is my manfriend, " make a joke out of it and no, the song was what my bf made up (on the spot) and sang to me after an amazing day at this beach party, then (obviously) a bbq at his friends place thats all I can remember of it... it was a rather fuzzy day
  19. Im sorry for what you have been through hopefully the OP can learn from this
  20. HA This has gotten to the point where I am pretty sure we all just fell for a joke account. and "andy" she gave you a blow job but you dont think your cheating? would you consider it cheating if some guy went down on your wife?
  21. This is my rule too, and my bf knows it If i have to go to sleep mad at him, its over...
  22. apart from the time I was actually considering marrying the guy... I have been proposed to 3 times. Twice after about 6 months Once after a month
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