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Everything posted by EvaGina

  1. I eat well, I could do with more red meat, but in general Im good THE THING IS, dont starve yourself or go without treats... If I feel like it, I will eat a meat pie or an ice cream or a can of coke... but not as a regular thing. and on salads, instead of dressings, squeeze a lemon over it, lemon juice is really good for you, I forget why
  2. Soups... and things are good Today I have a pita pocket thing with mesculan, tomato, falafel and garlic hummus. they are very filling and cheap... it just takes a bit of planning and time.
  3. yep I find it rather insulting and barbaric that someone would violate somthing so cool ( I wouldnt let anyone near any of my feminine organs with sharp instruments unless it was for aesthetic adornments or medical reasons
  4. Not confronted him so much as just told him to watch it. say SOMTHING.. even if its a joke... "im sure you would understand, if anyone was willing to have sex with you" but yes, you did well for not flying off the handle
  5. I think that by purposly erasing the numbers he is admitting that there is somthing to be worried about. there is the number of a girl my bf hooked up with just before I moved here, sitting on his dresser. I asked who "" was and he told me and that was that... he hasnt discarded the number, its just mixed in with a whole bunch of other crap. I know its nothing to worry about becuase if it was, he would hide it, woudlnt he?
  6. ^^ You are only 19, I assume your gf is younger. Not to say us young'ns cant control our emotion or that older people dont have toruble with it...
  7. the same amount of smegma still forms and still needs to be washed off. it doesnt take much to clean... you dont see girls having their labia removed (well, okay, you do, but not outside 3rd world situations -shudder-) Imagine the uproar if men started stating that women with large labis should have them lopped off?!! the wisdom teeth this is often becuase of pain, its different. and the umbilical cord is designed to be discarded, it isnt really comparable.
  8. okay the only thing I can suggest is to clear your mind of all thoughts of orgasm when you are sleeping with her, if you think about it, it will happen to soon. Just focus on how beautifull she is and how good she feels, if you start to feel that you are coming, tell her and get her to stop (talk to her about it before hand)
  9. I dont think its the emotions that are a problem, but how A LOT of women learn to use emotions to manipulate men. "the manipulated man" by Esther Vilar is pretty good, very cynical, but is a point of view some might see parralells with. I have found that many men do the same thing, however
  10. ^^ The hygiene thing is absolute bull-paki that piece of skin exists for a reason!! I dont understand why people cut it off!!! would you tear off your fingernails? no... beucase they protect your fingers!!! sorry, personal rant here
  11. tell him what you told us. I know how you feel about not wanting to pressure him into anything, but you got married under the assumption you would start a family. If he was lying, he needs to tell you!
  12. sit him down and ask him... its the only thing you can do that wont push him away.
  13. Never too late... good post You have to realise you are good enough in yourself, not seek that confirmation from your bf. and take NTL's advice, show/tell your bf how much you appreciate his kindness, it will make a huge difference (positive reinforcment) (if I have been annoying and my bf has been fantastic about it, I bake or cook for him, to show him I can see how much he does for me)
  14. I get the three month itch I get three everything itch 3 days 3 weeks 3 months I havnt made it to 3 years yet... we shall see
  15. I know I have gotten to the 6 month mark and wondered where the time went. I couldnt believe I had already been here a month when the 10th of feb rolled round
  16. LOL someone who is insecure in herself as a person, so she uses her schooling to try and prove shes better than others. I wouldnt hate her for it, she was probably feeling a bit threatened or scared and just SERIOIUSLY put her foot in her mouth, she was probably trying to impress you.
  17. not true... I know from experience worst night ever...
  18. so they planned a 3some and didnt talk to you about it first, instead they just started and expected you to join in... thats what it looks like to me, anyway. ha, I was sitting on my ex's lap and he leant over and started making out with the girl next to him... I should have left then... and you should leave NOW Hes a complete drop-kick, I dont care how drunk he was.
  19. WHAT? why on EARTH would she ask that? I wouldnt worry about it, uncircumcised is by far preferable, imo... gotta keep it all natural!!
  20. Okay, his parents are either nasty or just really oblivious... I dont like thinking of my bf's exs either, but you have to make a conscious effort to relax about it. You almost have to chant a mantra. Tell him to change his facebook passwords, if you dont want to tell him you have been snooping (I know you know its terrible, so I wont lecture you) say that they are ebing hacked into or somthing...
  21. Im not sure, to me it feels like both we are comfortable with eachother and it feels like we have always been together, but then time is also flying...
  22. EvaGina

    Itchy :(

    really? lol, yes.. its HURTS...
  23. i have many and I want more its payday on friday... so who knows what will happen? oh, I do.. all my money is already tied up... dammit
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