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Everything posted by EvaGina

  1. can you give it to a friend, or leave it at his parents house or somthing? thats the kind of thing you cant really trash without him throwing a tanty. You dont want to make a big deal about it.
  2. what kind of stuff of his have you got? it cant be anything dear to him if he wont get it. I would think a month after the break up is by FAR long enough. give it to the salvation army
  3. I had a friend like that, and I ended up kissing her bf (sounds worse than it was, its a LONG invloved story...) but she was totally abusive.. beat me up, made me her scape goat, rejected me, made fun of me etc etc... I stopped talking to her, she told her friends we were still hanging out (!!!) and when I started talking to her again she came onto my bf and when he didnt do anything about it she would abuse him. and then she involved herself in the life of my friend who is dating her ex, she tried to ruin their relationship. NOW I dont really talk to her, Ill send her the odd text if somthing big that concerens her crops up, she knows I dont hate her, but I dont want to associate with her in that kind of way anymore. Im polite, but not chummy
  4. I dont think so, she has already forwarded two... I think she is WELL within her rights to just send the next one back with no warning. I wouldnt email him either. Its not her place to warn him, and its not out of vindictive spite, but it will jsut spur him on, he'll harass her "why wont you just send them to me, your so selfish, blah blah blah"
  5. write "not at this address" in big letters and put in the post box. Hes a big boy, he can get his own mail re-directed. btw, he cant just SHOW you pic of his new women... you had to let him... just keep up NC and let him sort his own money out. Dont tell him, its not UP to you to sort out his finances.
  6. Hes not interested... he likes you but doesnt want to date you. Dont block him, he hasnt done anything wrong, he just doesnt know how to tell you. Just move on.
  7. dont hold your breath she wasnt the sweetest girl in the world either... she was a tart
  8. You do look healthy, but you shouldnt really exercise for more than an hour or an hour and a half (assuming its high intensity exercise) as Melrich says, the jogging can damage your joints and while a large amount of exercise is good for you, TOO MUCH, especially for women, can be terrible for your bones. there is a safe area, not enough is bed for bone density, too much is also bad for you. So keep your calcium intake high. rule of thumb: if you are standing with your feet togheter and your thighs dont touch, its not good, if you stand normally and your ribs are obviously showing, its not good, if you can see your ribs ABOVE your breasts, its not good. thin is fine, as long as there is a decent amount of muscle, remember, you need a certain amount of fat to hold your organs in place
  9. try somthing wiith less impact that works more muscles. Pilates or yoga is good, and they help you relax.
  10. I woudlnt bother, hes not even married... this is some sort of perverted, childish joke.
  11. Do you find you tend to indulge in obsessive behaviour? You body will NOT be hard unless your exercise.
  12. yes my lord, I cant believe they still give people that!! lol, mothers lil helper
  13. You would feel like that no matter what she looked like. I have to say, hes probably dating someone who looks like you becuase he likes how you look... your his type. I woudlnt read to much into it. edit: whats creepy is this family I know... the brother and sister only date people who look EXACTLY like their siblings... they are weirdly close for brother/sister.... I found this out when i was dating him and met his sister... ewwwwww
  14. Oh dear from what you have said she sounds totally dependant. I say just invite them out a lot... she probably hates anyone who takes his attention from her, but hopefully that will subside when she starts to trust his friends. THE WORST thing to do would be to try get in the middle of them
  15. oh man, your not in nz are you? yes, its unhealthy... I mean, they should be going and seeing his friends TOGETHER if she is complaining about not knowing anyone but him!!
  16. I dont see whats wrong with it!! just go for it! I would have no idea how to do it tho, sorry
  17. You miss your routine and the companionship. YOU CAN FIND THAT WITH SOMEONE BETTER!!! You know that song "I just dont know what to do with myself"... THATS what hurts... going to call at the same time, then remembering... its the upsetting of the norm that drives us so mad. block his emails... he made his bed, now he has to lie in it. I know it hurts sweetheart, but you have to fill your life with other things to take your mind of it
  18. Every relationship is different... dont sweat stuff like this, its all individual perception
  19. I was going to say that too, but I didnt know how to phrase it without sounding like a biggot (not that you sound like a biggot)
  20. There are definate, scientifically proven BIOLOGICAL differences that give us different strengths and weaknesses. I definatly believe that women are more emotional than men (generally) but its whether or not its a BAD thing that annoys me. we are emotional, evolutionary wise, to create stronger bonds between our children and families... which would help the "tribe" stay cohesive and co-operational in pre-historic times
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