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Everything posted by EvaGina

  1. Im not saying that "making love" doesnt happen, I am saying that it isnt like the movies. Sex is amazingly powerfull, I agree, it can reduce you to tears when its that intense... Im just saying that peoples ideals are unrealistic
  2. Oh my yes... Im very glad my bf enjoys giving as well as reciving.
  3. They have found that prostitues in indonesia dont get pregnant NOR get AIDS (in those places where over 50% of the pop have HIV) and the only form of protection they use is cotton wadding soaked in lemon juice.... crazy
  4. My first lesbian xp was when I was little, with my neighbour. It was kinda scary, but she used to make me. Then when I was 13 I got drunk and had sex with my best friend... that was just a bit awkward the next day, but it was fine.
  5. Your still only 17, so your body is still settleing into its rythym. Yes, feelings cramps a week before is normal, and you might just get your period early. dont worry, even if you are normally regular, every now and then your body does odd things for no reason.
  6. whatever you want it to mean If you want to get married, and you know you will sometime int he future, then just be engaged. This is your life, to do what you want with, dont get held up on what it may look like from the outside.
  7. Then again, I have a friend (you know who you are) who stayed with a guy for ages who was treating her badly... she had all the same lines that everyone has "he said he would change" and all of that... ... But he has. Its taken a long time but he has put in a real effort and is treating her really well, they are totally happy
  8. awesome!! You wouldnt tell a 5'7" "I like your average height"...
  9. Nope, dont play games. Keep your self respect, just tell him how you feel, if he is going to cheat, he is going to cheat, there is no need to play games and be sneakey, just look after yoruself and deal with your problems when they arise, no need to try "teach him a lesson" when he hasnt actually done anything wrong.
  10. Im sorry. I know that you are upset about the lying and hiding things, not so much the acts themselves, but perhaps you need to comprimise? Change YOUR additude in return for him changing behaviour?
  11. I freak out for hte first wee while, he is lovely about it tho Its such a vunerable position to be in!
  12. I think there is a healthy balance. she probably shuts people out, which isnt good, but NEVER having any time to yourself is bad for you as well.
  13. I dont understand girls that dont put the condom on!! I mean... its mean to just lie there and wait for him, plus it ruins the mood.
  14. I dont think that "making love" (that phrase makes me cringe) has anything to do with how hard you may be going at it. My boyfriend and I have very intense sex... its pretty dirty, but we still bond during it, its still emotionally thrilling... then sometimes we have slow, sweet sex, but that intimacy isnt there... I think the whole thing is a bit unrealistic.... idealistic
  15. it can be VERY painfull, sorry to say. I have had a few now, and although its normally just a bit weird feeling for a second, my last one was REALLY sore and I bled she was a bit heavy handed, afterwards it felt like I had been kicked in the stomach. but thats a worse case senario, the others were fine good luck!!
  16. One of the guys we were hanging out with last night visits brothels all the time. He lives in Aussie and he said that in NZ out houses of illrepute are badly run comparativly, that you have to to PAY UPFRONT before meeting the girls, before they even let you in. Isnt that terrible? In Aussie he can go in, sit down with the girls and have a few drinks, see if he actually clicks with any of them. Which IMO is better for both girl and client.
  17. IF anything I woud be peeved about being left out... but I wouldnt feel uncomfortable about the strippers.
  18. I didnt say that it was emotionally healthy, but you are being rather judgmental... some people just like sex, and arent into relationships.
  19. Yep I know some very smart people who trained in HEALTH who worked as and now work with hookers its all just personal preference. OP, you COULD talk to her about it, but "confrontation" isnt the right way to think about it. You could tell her you know, that you dont judge her and that if she is ever in trouble she can come to you. DONT mention her lying to you or anything, she is probably feeling guilty enough for that as it is.
  20. Thats brilliant!! Its good that she apologised and didnt get all defensive!! She sounds like a keeper Really? I can tell straight away, they feel totally different!! but yeah, as said, its a personal choice thing, (although I do know people circumcised at birth who resent their parents for it, its not exaclty fair to go chopping at your childs genitals without their consent)
  21. eat a lot of tuna fish!!! (not on teh day, youll smell) and lemon... Im not joking, it really does work
  22. Good luck sweetheart!! Would she be selfish enough to deny you any access to her daughter? I feel for you, I know how attached step-parents can get
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