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  1. yea I am on a few free personals sites and that is all. I figured out which paid sites are a scam and which ones are good. Been getting enough replies on free ones so no reason to go on a paid one at this time. thanks for letting me know its a scam. Josh
  2. well I had signed up for a few before (local one and great expectations) and had no luck at all. I thought it was good, but after hearing what you guys said and my own experiences I dont think I will try it, too risky. Just had to get your guys opinions to make sure. On the other hand online is working good for me now. So I will stay with that. And I dont have to pay every month, so its good. Thanks for the help!
  3. Live, Laugh, and Love with The K.I.S.S. Agency! Frequently Asked Questions What does K.I.S.S. stand for? "Konnecting Independent & Sharp Singles" Do you perform background checks? Yes, we perform criminal background checks. Age group? 21 - 65 years. What does the client fee include? I will be your personal K.I.S.S. Agent, which includes: Profile Review Initial and Post Date Interviews Personal Preference Profile Review Pre-screening and Interviewing Potential Introductions Option of Face-to-Face or "Slow Walk" Introduction Background Checks Dating Tips/Pointers Do you accept "database only" members? Yes. Our database members are potential introductions for TKA clients. Database members are not guaranteed any introductions, but will be contacted if their profile matches the preferences of a TKA client. Database members can upgrade their membership to Client Status at any time. Database membership can range from $0 - $79 for 6 months. Please contact the K.I.S.S. Agency for more details. What are your fees? Click here for our Introductory Offer "I'll be your K.I.S.S. Agent for 6-months" - $650 "I'll be your K.I.S.S. Agent for 1-year" - $1250 Do you have a refund policy? Yes. If your introduction doesn't have at least a 70% match to your Preference Profile, please send TKA a Bad Date Statement. Our goal is to introduce you to singles within your preferences; thereforeeee we will work toward this never happening again. However, if your first 3 introductions result in a Bad Date Statement, we will refund you 50%. What is a Bad Date Statement? This is simply an email stating your introduction's name and detailed reasons why you didn't like the introduction. You must submit this statement via email within 48 hours of the introduction. I will contact you within 48 hours of receiving your Bad Date Statement to discuss ways to make sure this is not repeated. Do you offer online dating? No, our services are strictly by personalized introduction. Do you have pictures of TKA's members and clients? Yes, they will not be posted online, but will be shown to potential introductions. Is my information kept confidential? Yes, it will not be sold or used outside of introduction purposes. If I meet someone special or get too busy to date, can I put my membership on hold? Yes, simply call or email your request. How long before my first introduction? Typically within 2 weeks, unless you've taken advantage of our introductory offer. In this case, you will receive your first introduction within 30 days of your introductory offer agreement date. Do you have a K.I.S.S. Agent working on your behalf? You've hired an attorney to handle your legal affairs, a realtor for housing, and an accountant to handle your finances. You've decided not to leave such important matters to chance. Your soon-to-be spouse or love one shouldn't be either. The K.I.S.S. Agency's mission is to be your "love life agent" by personally screening, interviewing, and introducing you to independent and sharp singles within your preferences. If the clubs and online searches haven't given you that "long-term" feeling, you've come to the right place. Hello, my name is Christie Williams and I am the Founder and Senior K.I.S.S. Agent of The K.I.S.S. Agency. As the founder of the Charlotte, NC based service, Meant to Meet, I am excited to bring my love for matchmaking to The Metro Atlanta Area. I truly believe that every single being should experience the joy of a long-term relationship. Online dating is popular, but can take up to 20 hours a week to sift through hundreds of singles to come up with one descent date...that's a part-time job! Allow my personal approach, intuition, and experience to lead you in the right direction. The K.I.S.S. Agency is not a big corporate box that pumps out "just because" introductions. Your thoughts and preferences will be my guiding light to introducing you to Mr. or Ms. Right. Click here to contact a K.I.S.S. Agent. Client and Database Memberships are Available! PLEASE NOTE: TKA performs background checks on all clients and database members. here is the founders profile on link removed link removed The K.I.S.S. Process STEP 1 - Click here to send me a quick profile. STEP 2 - I will contact you within 48 hours to setup an interview. This interview is a question and answer session for both you and TKA. STEP 3 - If you are truly an independent and sharp single who has an interest in meeting someone special, your background check could be the last step to entering The K.I.S.S. Agency. *The K.I.S.S. Agency doesn't accept clients with unacceptable background checks. Any form of abusive behavior, fraud, or felonious acts within the past 10 years is unacceptable. INTRODUCING…Now that we've completed steps 1-3, it's time to for you to meet pre-screened singles appropriate to your preferences. As your Agent, not only will I introduce you to database members, but if I meet a great single gal/guy outside of TKA, I'll still pre-screen her/him and set up an introduction. After I've contacted both parties with your basic profile information and a photograph, the two of you can decide whether or not to accept my suggested introduction. If so, I will setup a place and time for you to meet. OR I can exchange email addresses for you. This is called the "Slow Walk". The "Slow Walk" is actually an awesome way to really get to know someone. You can learn a lot from email and telephone conversations. *You are free to decline any introduction that I propose. This will not count against your number of introductions. *The meeting and "Slow Walk" are both considered introductions. and they have meetups as well: link removed so should I go for it? Tired of the games and ready for a long term relationship. PS. Figure this is a good way to meet "the one"!!
  4. are you looking for something serious or just dating? link removed is working good for me now. get a few matches everyday and have sent out 10-12 emails now. I am also on eharmony but no matches lately. best ones are where you get matches.
  5. I have tried the free ones and some paid ones. Paid ones are better cause you know they are serious about meeting. Any jerk can put an ad on a freee one. That being said I have had great luck with perfectmatch so far. Get matches every day. Paid 40 bucks for it instead of 60 (some special offer). Been on there a week now and allready emailed 10-12 people. No replies back yet, problly cause of holidays! So basically the best ones are where you get matches instead of havig to go through millions of profiles and pay to only get 1-2 emails a month. Good luck!
  6. I was thinking about something. Are online dating sites and matchmaking services the best way to meet "the one" because you have the option of emailing anyone from all over the world and locally (lot more exposure)? I know joining clubs and stuff is good to meet people, and I have met some wonderful people this way, but still didnt have the exposure like online dating!
  7. yea. POF and the free ones are full of spam bots, game players, girls who have kids and want more (where is the former father?) Bunch of nuts. There are a FEW good people on them though. Always an exception to every rule!
  8. sorry for the late reply. Well your making a lot of friends, right? thats good. I dunno what else to tell you. Hopefully someone else here has some other ideas.
  9. Yes I do have quite a bit of hobbies and have met really nice people out there. Just wondering if matchmaking services were worth it. I am going to try it out. Thanks.
  10. Hey all. I Have been looking for a soulmate for a while now. First some background on where I have been looking: When I was in college (december 04-july 06) I met some wonderful girls Who I became friends with (nothing more). I had an interest in a few but they were taken. Lost touch with them after college. At my current job I have met a nice girl who I was very interested in, but found out she smokes so lost a lot of interest. So obviosly I have no problem meeting people and making friends. But looking for the "ONE" well still working on that. So I was thinking why not try a matchmaking service? Found a local one here in atlanta area- 175 I think for 6 months. Also I am on perfectmatch and plentyoffish. So should I try the matchmaking service? Is it worth it? Advantages/disadvatages? PS. Not into the club/bar scene or any of that kind of thing, so thats why I ask.
  11. wow, thanks for the help. Yea have been getting crazy replies on craigslist. ANd myspace- well chat with friends on there only. I am on link removed, seems good.
  12. have you tried a church group? or car club, computer club?
  13. Yea living here is better for everything (not just meeting people). Maybe you should consider moving to the south man. I too tried great expectations- lets just say when I called to ask a question lady on other end hung up on me, and she didnt know how much membership was. Plus no email address to email with questions- very unprofessional and unorganized. Dunno what else to tell you man. Try a club in school when you go back. Dont know what else to tell you.. Everything I have mentioned has worked for me (even in northern NY before I moved here) and very hard to meet people there. I have had great success living here in the atlanta area for being a northern transplant, lol. but yea might want to consider moving tot he south. Nice weather, very nice people, lots to see and do, and winter is only 3 months of yr (one ice storm and 1-2 light snows- inch or less, little more in mtns).
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