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Everything posted by charley

  1. No one will give you money, but people do help in other ways when they can. For example, we are trying to give advice. So while the above post is correct in that no one will give you money, it is wrong about no one helping. We are trying to help right here in this thread. So don't get to cynical, yet be realistic. I have my cynical moments as everyone has seen, but only moments. I don't live that way and no one should. I'm a moody guy, but that's another way of saying that I'm only in a bad or cynical mood sometimes. Mostly I'm upbeat and you need to stay upbeat to keep your head up, but also be realistic as in post above that no one is going to hand you money. Maybe we can help you work out a plan. It's then up to you to implement the plan. So let's suck it up and work out a plan now. ============= I originally did not get more involved in this thread because I'm in the USA. You are in UK. So I figured my USA credit and financial knowledge would not apply in UK. However, I now realize most of it does. So let me make a better effort to help you. What USA citizens might not realize is that gasoline in Europe is GodAwful expensive way more than USA. Am I right? I think so. Hence your fuel concerns. OK, if I ask a question already answered, please excuse me, but answer it here anyway. ============= What year is your car? Model, make, mileage? Are you making a car payment? How far do you live from where you work? How much equity do you have in your home? What is value of your home? How long have you owned it? How is your credit at this time? What debts and expenses do you have? Amounts? What is your income? Can you take a Saturday job somewhere without your employer finding out? If your employer did find out, what would happen? Just a warning the first time probably? I'd take the chance. Please provide an organized list of answers. FYI - I'm taking your word that you aren't allowed to work another job. In USA they can't make that restriction (that I'm aware of). So screw their restriction. Let's work around that and get a Saturday job anyway. A real job with a paycheck. Not a scam job where you lose money and time like before.
  2. As for sarcastic retorts to cat calls, here is the meanest retort I ever heard (many years ago when I was young(er)): She said, "Go masturbate alone!. Maybe she said, "Go whack off!" I don't remember which. Then of course she included her fist bobbing up and down to complete the effect. I hadn't even made a cat call. I hadn't even said anything, though I had apparently looked to much or to long. Actually, I don't even think I'd looked at her much. I don't think it was my fault. Whatever.
  3. What if I just exclaimed, "Wow!" and smiled? That's OK, isn't it?
  4. I don't think that's even an age gap, really. However, you apparently think it is. Don't worry. Would he think it is? I don't know. Likely it's not a problem. I read somewhere that a 5 year age difference is the norm for married couples in the USA, and up to 10 years is common. So you are as statistically normal in age difference as it gets for. Relax. In other parts of world, more age-gap diff than USA is common. Relax. If you become friends with him first, or at least friendly acquaintances, he will think of you as the person you are, which is not defined by age. Age is a superficial way to judge someone. ============= Before anyone else gets the wrong idea, I'm referring to consenting adults here. These people are consenting adults.
  5. Thanks. It was just a funny thought. I wouldn't say that to a woman, unless we were already close and enjoyed that type humor. I wouldn't say it to a stranger. However, if you say to to a stranger woman, then please report the results - slaps and all.
  6. OK. Here's one I've been know to say when it popped out of my mouth before I could turn shy... i.e. - before I could think. I see beautiful woman in front of me... I exclaim, "Wow!" That's a shy guy having a freudian slip. Often followed by blushing and looking away.
  7. ^ Ya? Was it a wrong number? I've only been put through the intentionally wrong number routine once. Not funny ladies, but I know you're going to laugh anyway.
  8. Back to hair and topic. The reason variety of hair styles attracts me is this. If I have a GF who keeps alternating or changing styles, it shows me her many different looks, which is like having a bunch of GFs. I feel like I have a whole harem. Yet, I still recognize her as her since she isn't changing the color. i.e. - the feeling of emotional intimacy and visual recognition (men are visual) is still there with each style because she has same color and still looks like the woman I recognize as mine. However, if she changes the color, then she looks so different that it ruins that feeling of her being my woman. She then looks more like a stranger to me and the feeling of emotional intimacy is diminished. I've noticed this even with very close women friends. They change their hair color, and suddenly they look like a near stranger to me. I really find it really emotionally disconcerting when a woman I like dramatically changes her hair color, especially if she didn't warn me in advance. It's really a shock and I don't like it. Maybe some other guy might like that, but I don't. Not to say that a woman can't change her hair color. It's her business, but I'm just saying how it makes me feel as a man, whether she was my friend or GF. Either way, hair color changes freak me out for a few days to a week. That's how I feel about it.
  9. A derivation on Dako's last one. How about when meeting the first time, "Pleased to mount you."
  10. This was common when I was young, though I've never said this to a woman and wouldn't, unless she was a GF with a naughty sense of humor. Legs is the word of the day. Spread the word
  11. You are absolutely right and I wouldn't use any line to try to get a date. I don't think lines are about getting a date. Well, not for me anyway. They're only about entertainment. However, an entertaining guy is more likely to get a date than a boring guy. The problem with lines is that they can also be not funny or insulting and there is no predicting a stranger's sense of humor. Some of us guys are so full of ourselves that we make ourselves laugh and want to share that humor with the willing or unwilling woman of choice or opportunity. I wasn't trying to get a date in the pharmacy. I wasn't even attracted to her. I was just having fun being a smart @ss and I had no idea if she'd laugh or get mad, but at that moment I didn't care. By luck she found it hilarious and still does. If I'd been attracted to her, I wouldn't have dared, probably. Then again, I'm a moody guy and sometimes my mood is cocky. So I can't predict for sure what I might dare to do, or when I'll chicken out, or get conservative, or shy. My spontinaety is part of my charm, or the most aggravating thing on earth. It's for each woman to decide for herself. If I'm really attracted to a woman, then I'm likely going to be polite, respectful, discreetly complimentary, and so on. i.e. - on my best behavior, or I might just chicken out altogether and not try at all. Anyway, I only said that joking line to one woman. Other than that, I don't think I've ever laid any lines on anyone. Though I have a woman friend in mind for a humorous series of lines. Where each of her answers sets her up for the next line. I love the series ones and I make up my own, but they're for jokes, not getting a date. However, if a woman friend or friendly acquaintance finds me funny enough, well who knows? Some women do like lines. Why? Because if well done and funny, they can be entertaining.
  12. OK. Here's one I actually did say to a woman. I spontaneously made it up as she inspired me to. At my local pharmacy, where I'm a regular. Young babe who works there has some type of round wand in her hand that looks the size and shape of a rectal thermometer, but all stainless steel. It had a wire connected to a small box. I didn't know what it's for, but it sure looked interesting. So I ask her, "Who are you going to probe with that?" She had small laughing fit and then smiled and said, "Why, you volunteering?" I said, "No thanks, but what is that thing for?" She said, "It's a digital price scanner." Anyhow, we still joke about it. I call her "probe girl" and she asks, "Are you ready yet?" (to be probed)
  13. I like both. If I had to choose, then down is my favorite. However, variety what I like best. I like it when a woman wears up one time, down another, single pony or pig tail one time, twin pony or pig tails another time. Variety is my favorite thing. Also, braided tail one time, not braided another. Maybe up sometime, others down. Now some women take the variety thing to far and keep changing their hair color or getting cut and changes. That's not necessary. In fact, I find it highly disconcerting to get use to one hair color and then she up and changes it. I guess I like some consistency in the color. That's me. I don't know about other guy's preferences. However, if you practice variety like Annie and I both suggest, then one of your hair styles will appeal to each guy, I think. That should make you as universally attractive as possible to as many various men as possible. To me, I just love the variety and that's what attracts me the most. I practice the same variety principle in my dress: casual sports one time, casual GQ another, dressier and more formal another, and so on. The variety keeps me entertained, but I also know that some women might like me better in dress slacks and nice polo shirt or dress shirt, while other women might like me better in jeans and sweatshirt, or jeans and my letterman's jacket, or leather jacket. Sometimes even my business suit. I have a good collection since I can still wear things that fit when I was 25. You cannot go wrong with variety, IMO, and you'll never get bored with yourself and you're certain to attract a variety of the opposite sex.
  14. My fav women's T-shirt was the one worn by Eliza Dushku (oh baby) in the movie Bring it. It said, "Rub here!" on the chest part of shirt. My other fav women's T-Shirt says on chest, "Stop looking at my chest."
  15. That's line is older than my grandpa's buckskin condem. Well, not really, but I couldn't resist saying that old line about another old line. I think that "hold it against me" line is from the 70s. Am I right?
  16. Sorry that happened to you. He sounds gross. I think it'd be funnier to squeeze and twist until his nuts pop and his d!ck wilts and then make fun of him for not being able to keep it up. You would have been very young at the time to. I suppose this jerk was older to, huh? I'm conflicted between sorrow for you and anger for him. What he did was a form of sexual assault.
  17. I don't know what to say. Once again you've rendered me speechless, or nearly. You're the only one who does that and this is the second time. Take a bow. Who was this guy?
  18. That's not a pick-up line. It's a drop-off line.
  19. I wanna oil you up like a new baseball glove!
  20. I'll tell you in due course, but first you gotta play along. Wanna play pool? (if we're near a pool table) Wanna play checkers? (if we're near a checkers board) Wanna ________? Substitute the competetive activity of your choice. If you say "yes", then I say, "OK, but winner gets to be on top." =============== Now I've never said that to a woman, but I have a friend who did and she later married him. I'm saving it for a special occasion. Though I'm not sure it's really all that bad. Is it bad or good?
  21. I have cynical moments. I'm a moody guy. Right now I don't feel well, so maybe I'm a bit cranky too. Since I've been very sick 2 months (but getting better last 2 days thankfully). I've had no sex drive for 2 months, until some yesterday. So I've been experiencing that liberation I talked of. Sure I was suffering and miserable and not enjoying myself at all, but at least I didn't have to deal with any sexual frustrations and there was zero sense of sexual deprivation. I'm an optimist most of the time. My optimism is my normal state of being, but not always. Isn't there an element of truth to what I said about liberation? I found there is while experiencing it for 2 months. Something to look forward to as a permanent condition when I'm elderly. In the meanwhile, I'll do like everyone else and endeaver to get some when possible and appropriate and enjoy my current state (horny and getting moreso by the day as I recover). i.e. - we should try to make the best of whatever our situation because there's positives and negatives to either (sex drive or no sex drive), or so I've experienced. So while there is a cynical side to what I said, there's also a positive side to it. Life is a mixed bag no matter what.
  22. To whack, or not to whack, that is the question. The older you get, the less it'll be. If you're sick or tired, the less. If you're depressed or sick of women (X problems), the less it'll be. I'm looking forward to being a senior who doesn't have any interest in sex anymore. Can you imagine how liberating that would be? The older men get, the more gradually liberated we become. It's a countdown to zero. Congratulations, you're making progress. I'd be embarrassed to admit how often I used to do that when I was younger. A lot more than you said. My current policy is to hold out as long as I can, until I just can't stand it anymore and I'm ready to explode. At my current age, it's normally a struggle to hold out 7 days. However, I've had pneumonia for 2 months and I didn't do it once the entire time. A new record for me. Never even wanted to, until yesterday. Well, I am getting better now.
  23. If I don't see any stomach bulge or fast rolls, then she's not fat. Simple as that for me. However, I might still be attracted to her if she's a bit fat. As for liking her, well that has nothing to do with appearance. That's personality. Women are a lot more lenient with men. I'm slightly fat, about 10 to 15 pounds overweight, and women like me as good, or maybe better, than when I was in excellent physical condition years ago. Thank you ladies for being so lenient on us undeserving men. In regard to this subject, we don't deserve you. You're all so kind and tolerant of us slightly fat guys that we don't deserve you, and I know it. You're also very kind and tolerant of slightly ugly men, and even downright ugly men. I've observed the ugly guys can do very well with women if they know how to talk to them and how to treat them. I once heard a woman say a certain guy was so ugly that he was cute. In trying to understand her, I envisioned a Chineese Pug dog. Yep that's ugly cute. I see her point. She was a good looking woman and into this ugly guy, but he was nice, brave, tough, honest, and hard working too. So he had a lot of good qualities, but not looks.
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