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all about us

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Posts posted by all about us

  1. Well, yesterday i woke up with a need to go shopping, so i called Alex to see if he wanted to go with me and he said yes.

    I picked him up at his house and we went to a shopping center that is about half an hour away from his house, so we had a lot of time for a one-on-one conversation. We hadn't seen each other in about a week, and even though we speak on the phone daily we prefer to have long conversations in person. So on our way to the mall we kept the conversation around his topics and what he had to tell me after a week he hadnt seen me. I felt a great vibe from him, like he was trying to set an atmosphere for me to tell him anything. As always, he kept smiling and joking. We spent about two hours walking and going through stores and then we went back to the car and started towards his house.

    When we reached the exit of the parking i said "I think is time for me to start telling you about me". He laughed and said "Go on, tell me. You've had me on pins and needles all month long. what is it u have to say?" At that moment I felt as if i was going to pass out. I was totally afraid of what i was going to say. I even forgot everything I had planned to tell him. So I started with "tell me what u know about it". He said "I know u met someone, I know u met in that club u belong to. I know u told our friend she didn't know him", then he glanced at me and quickly corrected "I meant her", but he kept his smile on his face that meant he said it on purpose.

    So I started saying almost everything, how we met, how we had seen each other in the past few weeks, how we had a great chemistry, how i had been trying to tell him since May. He was very glad about me finding someone who loved me and cared about me. He kept on reassuring I would always have him there for me. When we arrived at his house I said "thanks for being such a good friend, I appreciate eveything" and he gave me a hug. Then I said "u know I didn't told u everything, we need to have another conversation soon", and he said "don't u worry, I understood everyting u meant to say".


    now i'm totally happy. I feel so relieved!!!!!! this morning we talked on the phone and he said he had to spend a night at my house next week because of a party we r having. i think that is a great sign that he is not homophobic, since we will be alone at my house. It is also a great step.


    thatnks for ur time reading this. I felt I had to share my happiness with u

  2. Tell alex when you feel ready (weather that's today or in a month or even a year. it's important that you feel ready) and see if you can have her with you.

    thanks UT... i think i was ready to tell alex even before i was ready to tell this other friend who now knows.... and alex is a guy, here that name is used for guys lol


    i called him today and said i had to talk to him about something very important. he said he wanted to have that conversation as soon as possible. he also told me that he had spoken with my friend and she said that i needed to talk to him. this conversation will happen very soon.


    thanks everyone for ur good advice and posts. i just felt i needed to share my happiness with people who can understand how this feels

  3. today i wanted to go to the movies with my friends, but they were all busy. so i called my best friend and she was free so i went to her house to visit her. we were talkin and suddenly i said "u know somethin, i feel very happy right now, but i guess i'm not showing it because no one has said anything about it". so she started askin why i was happy and i gave her some clues that i was inlove. so she started askin who was that girl, but i kept speakin about the person that i like. so she kept askin and i said "u dont know him" she was ecstatic. she hugged me and said "im so happy u said that. thanks for sharing such an intimate thing with me". of course, i couldnt believe i had just told her i was gay in the most innocent manner!!!!! omg i feel so relieved right now . the other thing that makes me happy is that, when we were sayin our goodbyes, she came to me and said "u should tell alex, he will understand" (for those who dont remember my story, alex is my best friend, etc)

    so now i think i have the courage to tell him and find out what happens!!!!

    this feels good!!!!

  4. i passed a situation quite like yours. i met a guy and we were "instant best friends" (thats what i thought). i always had plans for the weekend and i was always willing and pushing to spend as much time as possible with kim. i became a staker, and i know it was wrong but i thought like u r thinking now and i got jealous of his other friends. i never thought i could survive without his friendship (i had issues with friends when i was little and had not recovered from that at that moment).


    the end of my story was that his parents (who are old and closeminded) thought that his boy (we were 16 at the time, one year ago) should not be so close with me and they took him away (he changed school, changed phone number, they took his cell phone, they cancelled his internet contract). i was devastaded for the first month or so. then i started realizing i was recovering. and i'm glad i can say today that i have recovered from my "Toxic Friendship" (as people called it).


    however, the things i learned and the self confidence i gained during our friendship have helped me to start ather friendships that are more valuable and important now.


    i dont know what to say to you, but i hope my story gives u some advice for itself

  5. thanks for asking Tigris. i agree with kaila, i think thats good and it makes me feel like someone is caring about me


    let me tell you everything thats has happened. for those who dont know, i live in Puerto Rico in one of the biggest cities. i study in a near small town where evrybody knows everybody. and THAT is the problem. i'm a very active guy at school and i get involved in school and community activities. thats the reason why everybody in that town knows me. i'm the senior class president, student council vice president, etc. if u think i get attention, u r right.

    the problem is that when we finished school year (May) i started to work at a shopping center and my best friend (i will call him Alex) was working with me. people started to see us working together and going out and the majority of them thought it was normal. one day one of the girls that studies in our school came to where we work. and she started a rumor that we were a gay couple and said very bad things about us (example: we had sex in the school bathroom). the gossip spread all over the town and in less than a week people started to ask me if it was true. even people who are traveling in new york and miami know about it!!!!! one of my friends called Alex and told him it was surprising that we could hide our relationship for so long. another friend called him and said we should be ashamed of being "touchy-feely" and that the class president (thats me) had fooled everyone that voted for him.


    Alex was pissed off by those comments and he came to me and we had a conversation. he said "u know something, i hate when people say nasty things about you but no one has the courage to ask for the truth" we kept talking and he told me "now i know none of them was my true friend, you are my only friend". in that moment i wanted to tell him about me, tell him that i'm gay, but i just freaked out and couldnt say anything about it. i think he knows and i'm sure he doesn't care about it and he won't stop being my friend after i tell him.

    he is coming to my house tonight for a party we are having. i think he will sleep here too. if i find the courage and the right moment to speak, i will do it. i think tomorrow morning would be the best time since we will be alone at my house.

    thanks for caring about my story. feel free to give advice please!!!!

  6. i cannot remember a moment when i wasnt attracted to boys. when i was 4 years old i was in kindergarten and i kissed 3 boys, and our teachers saw us and freaked out. however, we still found moments to "make out". i think right now 3 of us r gay. then, in elementary school i had crushes with my friends. i overcame my denial stage very early in my life because of those "feelings" i had when i was a 4-year-old and didn't knew at the time the rejection society makes to gays. that made it easier for me to accept who i was.

  7. you know my story..... you can check it on the "another want-to-know-if-a-friend-is-gay" thread or on the "my parents, my best friend and me" thread...

    well... this last couple of weeks have been very intense when it comes to my emotions. the worse thing that happened is that a group of "friends" of my friend and me started a rumor about us being a couple. my ex-girlfriend heard the rumor and called me to ask if it was true; and a guy who is friend of my best friend called him and said he was worried about it.

    that all happened on friday. on sunday night i called him and we spoke for a little while but i didnt asked about what they were saying. this morning, i found the courage to call him again and tell him about it. he was acting like he didnt care about it, so neither do i.


    however, this thing about us has given me the energy to come out to my friend. when we spoke i told him "i have to talk to u in private about this stuff they r saying" and he said it was alright. now i hope i will see him tomorrow and finally be able to reveal my truth. i wont say i love him, not yet, until i find out if he is or isnt gay. im happy im getting a good vibe from him and i hope we will still be friends after this.


    i need advice on how to tell him im gay. anything i should do, and the things i should avoid. thanks.

  8. You may first test the grounds by coming out when you two are alone in an extremely relaxed but open area............................

    After the fact, even months after, that is when you get to see the real person come out on the coming out issue. It gives enough time for the thoughts to brew if they're going to have a further reaction to it.

    i decided that the next moment i have the chance to tell him about me, i will... i hope he keeps being my best friend, i dont want to lose him as a friend... i'm just looking for that moment when im sure we will both be comfortable, and then i'll come out...


    you gave me an excellent advice Jinx. thanks a lot!!! i'll keep u updated on my story

  9. i've posted here before talkin about my best friend and about me thinkin he is gay. i came to the conclusion that me might be, and i have been talkin with him about some stuff that people have been saying about me being gay (i am NOT out, but i dont know how they r sure about that, i act like a normal guy)... and he listened to me and gave me his support against those comments that people say that really hurt me....

    well.... we have been hanging out this summer almost everyday and i brought him to my house a couple of times.... my parents like him and my brother thinks he is the best guy to keep a conversation..... the thing is, my parents have been acting weird the last couple of weeks... they act like if they knew i'm in love with him and they dont want to accept it.... because of that, they keep callin me everytime im out with him and they ask every detail about us and where we r going and stuff.... my dad keeps telling me that he doesnt like me to be so close with a guy and he keeps trying to ruin our friendship..... i dont know what to do, it is very frustrating..... i DO love my friend, but im busy trying to find the right moment to come out to him and i dont want to have to care about my parents bringing down what i have built.... i think theres a great possibility that my friend is gay..... i just need some time to find out.... what should i do to keep my parents feeling ok about our friendship?? if they like him, what difference makes if he is or isnt gay?? would they hate him and think that he was responsible for me to realize im gay??


    thanks for your advice

  10. heres my update.... well since last time i wrote we have spent almost everyday together.... and yesterday we were at a friend's store and one of the girls who works there came to us and started askin questions.... and all of a sudden she comes to us and asks "do any of u have a girlfriend?".... we both said no... and she said "i knew it, you are a couple... oh such beautiful darlings are away of any girl's fantasy"... i was shocked by those comments, but he just looked at me and laughed. then we went to eat and he was sitting in front of me and looking directly to my told me "u know something, maybe one day we should go to a restaurant... if that girl saw us she would confirm we r gay"..... now im wondering if he said that like a joke or if he said it and he wants it to happen.... of course i think this is a great step to hopefully confirm his sexuality

  11. any other opinion on the situation??...... i have to add that he gave me a CD and told me to hear a specific song. theres a part of the song that says "i never thought i could want someone so much, forgive my indecision i am only a man"..... i told my bi cousin about the song and she was supporting the idea of me coming out to him.


    sharing another part of my story: he was the reason i came out to the only person who knows im dealin with a confusion, because i dont know if im gay or bi. the person who knows my situation is my bi cousin. the day i came out i was in a concert and my cousin was there and i was with my friend. she looked at us and told me 'hey, that guy likes u... i know he looks at you in a special form'... then she asked what would i do if he kissed me and i said 'it would be ok'..... to me this was a total surprise because i always thought that coming out would be very difficult, and im happy it was a step i took... i must say i knew that she was bi so it made it easier, but it was my first conversation with her that took this direction. she says her "gaydar" tells her my friend is gay...

    just wanted to share this


    any other comments please post your opinions about my story


  12. thanks for that Ballys. well, his perception of gays and lesbians is open minded. we r on a catholic school and once we were divided in groups of 2 or 3 persons and we had to do an essay on legal gay matrimony and adoption. he was the other person in my group, and i was surprised that he was in favor of both causes. during our presentation we were asked about our opinions and we kept our position even going "against christian morality".

    and about talkin about girls... he just talks about this girl he asked out, and another girl wo was his gf like 3 years ago for 3 months. other than that, there r no other girls mentioned in our conversations or in his conversations with other guys, because i use to hear my friends conversations with him and they talk about the other guy's girlfriend, not about the girls he likes.


    thanks again

  13. hi.... im 17 and my best friend is also 17.... we study in the same school. before he was my friend, he was the best friend of my cousin, and he was always tellin my cousin "i love u" or "i miss you, my love". we always thought he was joking and i couldnt say anything contrary because i was not his best friend at that time. he acts straight.

    this year, as i said, he has become my best friend.. we r always talking and we spend all our time together. he has confided a lot of secrets to me. when he talks to me, he looks into my eyes in a way that no one does. when he sits by my side, he usually puts his leg touching mine, and i (sometimes) respond puting my hand around his neck. i've also noticed sometimes he gets a little "wild" with me and touches me, but he makes it look like a joke. he also jokes that we will go on a trip and he will be my slave and i will be his servant, which was something all the girls laughed at. our friends say we will end up as a couple and he laughs at those comments. yeasterday, he invited me to his house and we were like sitting together talkin and he realized he hadnt seen his cell phone in a while, so he asked me to use my cell and call his to hear where it was... to my surprise, when his cell rang, the ringtone he has for my calls is a spanish love song i know he likes (and he knows i like it too).... at first it was fun, but then i realized it was strange. i didnt asked him about the song, but his eyes were tryin to say "hear that song its for u"...

    i have a bi cousin and she says he wants somethin with me...

    on the other hand, theres a girl who is flirting with him, she loves him. but when he asks her to go on dates and she says yes, he comes to me and ask me to go with them. i think he does that to make me see he doesnt even kiss her. i think shes jealous of me. I LIKE HIM. i dont know what to do... ive been reading this forum and i think i will come out to him very soon...

    u r the experts.... from what ive told u... is he gay?

    thanks so much for your help. sorry if something is written incorrectly, english is not my language.

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