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Everything posted by dazedandconfusedbydestiny

  1. all girls do not over react. But she does sound like shes over reacted.
  2. If you love someone let them know. If you don't love them, don't stay with them. If they hit you leave. Never marry on rebound. Never create lies that can forever haunt you. Never dangle a man in front of a old love in the hopes he will wake up. Never keep telling yourself that everything may change, for it may not. Don't make yourself miserable because you married someone you never truly loved. These are things that I have learned from my mistakes. But yet have corrected any of them.
  3. I would think from a c.n.as point of view, anal sex verses diarhea or runs. I do not believe the cum per say causes it. Suppositories are actually not a laxative but when inserted it causes the anal walls to contract hence causing no problem going to the bathroom. Maybe the penis does the same thing.
  4. I have to many to list, lol is it possible to have several favorite songs.
  5. Good to know we aren't alone huh. Its a nice little struggle that sticks its nose in on anything and everything in our lives.
  6. I personaly call mine the demon in side my mind or ms insecurity that likes to keep reminding me that everything wrong is all my fault. Yes I tried counceling tried medicine. But it didn't work. But does help to talk about it.
  7. I don't know if mine is as much depression. Could be can't count it out. I just feel as if sometimes everything I do is wrong. Other days the secure voice says sure your doing it right others are doing it wrong lol.
  8. I know I go through that so much. It is like a constant tug of war. Where one moment I am confident, the next moment I am not. I was abused growing up, I think that has alot to do with mine.
  9. Anyone ever feels like these 2 emotions are playing a tug of war over you. Some days I feel great and know I am in control of my life and what ever i do from this point on. Other days I feel like today, that no matter what I do I am useless and no one would want me or love me.
  10. hey I had 2 pill babies, so I have to say that 1 in 100 that can get pregnant is kind of off in my case lol
  11. Well depending on when you took the test, it may have been to early. With my oldest i took the test and it came out negative a week later the doctor told me i was pregnant.
  12. Most times people rebound because they are so use to being with someone. They feel like they are cut in half when they aren't. I know in my case I felt that way.
  13. Are your breast tender? Do they look bigger? Any nausea?
  14. Yes it can happen. Many women have a period the first month some continue to have them through out their pregnancy. Though they are lighter then originally.
  15. Dating multiple girls at the same time is to risky. Girls do not like to share what they have. Though there is some who continue it into their marriage and call it open marriages.
  16. I totally agree, i know myself when I was pregnant I was doctor Jeckyl and Mr hide. I remember one time throwing out a full pot of home made chicken and dumplings because my husband put crackers in his.
  17. Ty all it helps to talk about it. I really exploded yesterday when I heard the commotion and ran upstairs. Only to find my oldest holding patches in her hands and saying ok hes alive he will be ok. Fatal last words he only lasted maybe 15 minutes afterwards. I left for a good hour I just couldn't take it anymore. Any time I love something or come to get close to it. It dies or disappears. Or gets attached to another person in the house.
  18. Scout thanks for the advice. I know i'm going through alot. Just right now it seems to be accumilating and accumilating til I am ready to explode.
  19. One good thing I can say. After that poor dog was put to sleep. The family and everyone around the nation who heard. Wrote nasty letters to the humane society etc.. Because of it now they have a 24 hour waiting period before they can decide to put any animal to sleep, or give the family time to change their minds.
  20. True which helps. I thought she was going to die tuesday when I came home and found her laying on her side shivering. She seemed to have bounced back yesterday then come home today and she was gone.
  21. ty I know that the one guinea pig is now lonesome him and the other male always slept together. I have found them to be very gentle and loving animals. I am just having a hard time since both died in my arms.
  22. I don't know if I can get close to her. We have 2 other dogs, Who never tried to get a the guinea pigs. It must be the wolf in her. Natural predator verses natural herder not a good combination.
  23. My pet rat won't appear she died quietly in her sleep. I got her and her brother 4 yrs ago when they were 3 weeks old and weened from the momma rat. I had them both trained to beg at their cage door when they wanted to be picked up. They would turn over their feeding dish when they wanted food. Her brother died last year from heart failure. His name was chubby. She died sometime today while I was at work.
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