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  1. there's way more to life and relationships then sex, and this is coming from someone who is 16 years old! sure i had my great time bein a player (last summer n the summer before) but my current girlfriend managed to stop that, like something just clicked n i felt like this girl actually mattered, and she did, so don't think you can't have fun with your life without a girlfriend, trust me, you'll have a girl you just think is amazingly beautiful, but you'll always find someone better looking. That is, if that's what you're looking for.
  2. i do definitley have a lot of thinking to do, and we do talk about a lot of these things already, and it's been really boggling my mind about it, that's why I came here cuz we've been talking about this for the past 3-4 months now, cuz it'll be here sooner then expected, but thank you. and thank you, because i really do want her here, we've dealt with a lot different stuff in our fairly short time together, and i wanna be there for it all, simple and the struggle, but thank you so much!
  3. indeed i don't, so you're saying i'm wasting my time with this one girl?
  4. ok so I know this is very odd, we're both 16, but she's a year older ahead of me in high school, so she'll be graduating a year sooner. And by now you are all thinking, "Wow this kid is way too young to be worried about this stuff!" The truth is that I really do have her set on the rest of my life, I have met a lot of different people, gambled my chances with different girls, wasted time on different girls, and I'm sure this is the one I want to be with. If you're still thinking we're too young for this, college is only 2 and a half years away for me, n a year and a half for her. Her mom wants her to go to her alum near Chicago (a good 5 hours from here) or to a college in Sioux City (about 6 1/2 hours from here.) She has told me that she wants to go some place close, like one in Cedar Falls, which is an hour and a half from here. She currently lives a half an hour away, but college is a heck of a lot different then high school. I've told her I want her to go wherever she'll benefit most for her career, but the thing is she still doesn't know what she wants to do, but I would honestly rather her happy without me, and make a decent living, then be miserable with me. The thing that still gets me is that I've really invested a lot into our relationship and it does honestly worry me that she'll meet somebody knew, and with all that time and effort spent with her, will cease to be of any importance anymore. I guess I'm just really ranting, but any advice on how to cope and/or deal with this would be much appreciated!
  5. i play sports n i run for a couple hours every other day in the summer (can't run in the winter cuz of asthma) n the days i don't run i weight lift, but everything in moderation n you'll be fine
  6. as a very loosely based Buddhist, i consider life the greatest thing ever given to you and i also agree with HellFrost it's the cowards way out
  7. my best friend was run over and killed last spring, understand anything and everything i had to say R.I.P. RJ 03/27/06
  8. thank you very very much! you don't know how much this has really helped me tonight!
  9. lifestream has it! yes, me at 16 years old has hit the college scene (have made a few college visits n have some friends who have the fake ids
  10. well, when you're dead...you're dead, so i don't think it really matters, life is the most precious thing you could ever have, even at it's worst, it's better than anything you can get
  11. well no cuz he claims that he always has to solve my problem (like when i need to borrow the car and he has it at work (just an example)) or if he thinks i should be solving a problem that isn't bothering me in the least and he thinks he needs to get involved with my social life
  12. i really wish it was worth a shot...but no matter what i say or do, it doesn't mean a thing to him, he just doesn't see my point of view where i've been coming from, people don't even invite me to go out and bowl anymore, he doesn't even like when i go to the movies downtown i've tried showing him my side of things but it's no use (i am feeling waaaaaaaaay better than i was about 2 hours ago)
  13. just the usual, well you go to understand that he doesn't want you making the same mistakes he did, but as before she's gone on the weekends and has no say in anything anyway
  14. i've given up trying to reason with him about 8 months ago, and my mom really doesn't understand, she kinda takes both our sides (which i can see why) but she really can't do anything about it being that she's gone on the weekends, but in the summer when i'm not working, she let's me go out and about cuz she knows that i don't hang out with "that" crowd, and she knows that i'll make curfew if not 10 minutes earlier, i just wish my dad could be the same way
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