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Posts posted by 77streaks

  1. Ultimately, if she doesn't want to deal with her addiction,you can't do anything about it. You've tried and its taken a toll.


    Does she live alone? If she has a family or other close friends, perhaps you could make contact with them to inform them about her condition and let them know that you guys have broken up and that you are NC with her, but want someone there for her.


    this sounds really difficult.

    If you cannot handle this situation, although you may feel badly about it, you have to take care of yourself first.


    good luck and god bless the both of you.

  2. hi there, i think it expresses your feelings very well, and in a way i can identify with the moments when i've felt that way, hopeful and yet sometimes the reality of it just seems jarring.


    sometimes i feel strange writing, poetry or other wise, but the emotions are so thick and its a relief to find the words. Thanks for sharing your poetry


    keep writing!

  3. it is very uncomfortable for me to be near him anymore. I wanted to be loved i guess, and this could well be a rebound, explaining the great intensity.


    at the beginning of the relationship, his presense helped me a great deal, as i was going through therapy, i was in an accident and suffered PTSD. I am a little depressive and being in a relationship with him allowed me to open up and cheered me up immensely.


    to be clear, he has not dated this good friend who is a girl, but he told another ex date that i was his friend. He tried to remedy it, but the truth i guess is that i really just can't feel emotionally safe with him.


    this is the first time i am posting on a forum about my emotions, and i am really glad to hear from you, and i feel very supported. thanks!

  4. thanks for your reply. yea, my friends find his intensity strange. i feel a strange sort of blank feeling, and not that great.


    i guess it is quite obvious. he keeps telling me that he is not what imagine him to be. doesn't feel good, but i'll survive.

  5. Hi there,

    i am very unhappy with this guy i've been together with for 4 mths.

    He was extremely intense, and we have met each others parents and he claimed that he wanted to marry me. I was unsure, the time seemed too short, and i am going abroad to study.


    despite his claims of love, and acts of sweetness, he has a best friend, a girl who models in various states of undress for men's magazines. He chats online with her and seems very secretive. She has introduced dates to him.

    One social occasion, he told this girl that i was his 'friend'. later i found out that he used to go out with her. I was really angry and wanted to call it off as i disliked his insincerity.


    He cried, begged and pleaded. I relented.


    We get along intellectually and creatively, yet i cannot trust him.


    I just found a card he made for his best girl friend, which he hid. It sounded very "romantic" in nature, proclaiminng the joy of have met her, and that their lives are "entwined". I found it suspicious that he hid the card. He claimed that he knew i disliked her and would react to the card.


    I left. Now, i am unhappy, and i wonder if i have issues trusting or if i made the right decision. I would appreciate some perspective...



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